General Discussions > New Members



Student of Knowledge:
Assalaamu calaykum,

Would like to introduce myself briefly. Not a Doctr yet, still a long way to go Inshaa'a-Raxmaan  :(..
Final yr Biomedical sciences stud, (Pre-med school), 4rm UK.

Brillliant website, would like to thank the admins n say BaarakAllaahu fiikum wa Juziitum khayran. Allah ha idinku anfaco Ummadda Islaameed and all of Humanity. Rabbi waxaan ka baryaya to make this website a Good example to all our somali youth and encourage all our brothers n sisters not to give up when facing ups and downs of life.

InshAllaah waan isku dayeya in aan ka jawaabo the case studies... erm.. but if i get them all messy will I get a minus credit ? ;D


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