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Study medicine in India
« on: September 07, 2007, 09:20:07 PM »
Members studying or working in India are requested to give any useful information to our members whom are willing to join them.
Any information you give here, will be helpful to your brother.

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Abdicade

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Re: Study Medicine in India
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2007, 01:29:38 PM »

 Asalama calaymkum all my dear frnds name is abdifatah pharmacy student @ india, coimbatore....and really its and  immensive pleasure for me to hear about ur website and all of u
iam very happy so give u any information regarding india.......and feel free and don't hesitate to contuct any time.

India has alot of univesities but let me tell u the most places that somalian students prefer to study

    let me tell u that most of somalian students are in hyderabad ,hyderabad city has alot of universities like :-

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU)
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad
Osmania University (OU)
University of Hyderabad (UoH)
Dr B R Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU)

After all this ,let me tell u that all somalian students are studing osmania university ,even thought hyderabad university is so great  for the following reasons:-

osmania university has already  became much familiar with somalian students ,and also somali students being students in this university for the past several years.
while hyderabad city is famous about computer knowledge and it is so called IT CITY( information technology city)...most of somali students study computer, bussines ,MBA,MCA, microbiology ,biotechnology,biochemistry and all other arts .
there is also some students studing enggineering courses.
other cities that somalian students studing are chennai,coimbatore ,mysore,pune ,aurangabad,new delhi and banglore

to find medical course in india is really very very hard with the following reasons:-

the cost of the coarse is hight
somalian certificates are not elegible to study medicine course.
and somali students are not prefering studing medicince in india .

u can find few students studing like radiology ,lab technician ,nursing .

so for those students willing to come india ,they should either take visa from indian embassy @ nairobi kenya with somalian passaport or they should take ethiopian passaport .

i hope this information gonna be useful  tanks..........

Offline Sumayya

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Re: Study Medicine in India
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 01:29:32 PM »


Welcome brother to the website  :). Hope you have a good and beneficial stay Inshallah!. It is good to know that our ppl live/study too India. Can you tell us little more about India for example is it expensive to live there and do you recommend others to come there and study?.  By the way are there sisters who study there too?.

Offline Abdicade

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Re: Study Medicine in India
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2007, 07:42:47 PM »

                welcome my sister ,its so great to hear about u
really studies in India is not too much expensive compare to other European countries but for some fields ,suppose if u want to study computer or other arts and science with the exception of medicine u can study India other than europe.
first India is not too expensive ,second i recommend for our people those are not getting chance to study in Europe countries either cost of the course or some other reason , my recommendation is India is really developing allot and its the most famous countries about  pharmaceutical ,information technology ,and also biotechnology.

my recommendation is to u people if Ur willing to come India we are here and saying welcome with open hands with all about my Somali sisters and brothers.

In addition to that there are allot of our  Somali girls who are studding here with different courses like computer and few of them lab technician.

if u need further recommendation plz tell me the subject of Ur interest and i will give u further details .

tanks all of u hope will hear u soon in insha Allah salaam.


Offline Toldo

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Medical lab technology in india
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 09:22:05 AM »
 salamu calaykum

salaan ka dib waxan jecalahay inan information fican ka bixiyo maadadan  Bachelor of science , medical lab technology in  india .

Duration of course = 3 years
Medium = English medium
Subjects of study:-

   First year
 1. English
 4.Hospital practice and patient care.

  Second Year
 1.Patology -I
 2.Microbiology -I
 3.Biochemistry -I

  Third year
  2.Microbiology - II
  3.Biochemistry - II

Examinationka waa annually every December to december , and classes ka waxay bilowdaan from october or september .

Jamcadaha bixiyo waxa ka mid ah  :-

 1.Dr. NTR University Of health Sciences
 2.Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
 3.Sikkim Manipal University
 4.Punjab technical University

Iyo jamacado kale o badan .

          FEE :-
 jmacada aan ka bartay maadadan waa NTR university , waxa wax ka dhigana wa colleges affiliated to the university, lakin jamacada iyada wa maamul oo kaliya collegeyada tabacsan baan wax ka dhigana jamacada imtixanada uun bay so dirtaa ,,,,   lacagtu sanadkiiba waa  2050$
_ MAHE jamacada la dhaho waa 3500$ sanadkii waana jamacada ugu tayada fican tayo ahaan...
- Sikkim jamacada la dhaho iyo Punjab waa 1600$ sanadkii

 qofka xaraysanaya maadadan waa inuu secondary certificate wato , jamacadaha india na waxa lkagu xadhaystaa shahaadadii dawladii adan cade oo halkan HYdearbad lagu sameeyo iyadoo pug ah ,jamacadan oo dhan way aqbalan marka laga reebo MAHE oo ah jamacad sare aqbashana  shahaado muctaraf ah , sidaan ognahayna shahadooyinka somalia laga soo qaato dhamntood kama aha muctaraf dalka india....

   Tayada maadada :-
Maadada shaybaarka waa mado aad u fican qofka xiisaynayana ay cajab galinayso , waa 3 sano lakin u bahan in loo xirto dhexda , jamacada NTR mathalan rule ka u yalo waxa waye hadii qofka First yearka uu ku dhaco 1 maado , waxuu dib u dhacaya 6 bilood ilaa intuu ka kicinayo madadas hadii uu kiciyana ardaydisa mar walba wu ka hadhayaa , wana rule adag , lakiun juhdi looga bixi karo .

India jamacadeheeda waxay ku liidata practical ka , lakin qofka wuxu awood u leyahay inuu xaadiro Qaybta labka ah ee hospitalka ku dhex yalo , college kasta oo  bixiya madadanna waxa uu leyahay hospital marka qofka ayay ku xidhantahay siduu u xoogsado iinu practical badan helo oo uu kasbado shaqalaha hindida ah ee labka joga.

 Imtixanada waxa loo qaado theory iyo practical sanadkasta labadana waa inuu ardayga ku baasa mid walba haduu mid ku dhacana , madadaas wuu ku dhacay...

I think information badan iyo hadal badan baan ka bixiya topican sorry to take ur time aad bana idin salamaya

Offline Toldo

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laboratory medicine in india
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 02:19:39 PM »

  waxaan ka tagay second yearka iyo final yearka  maadooyinka sey usii kala baxayaan

  First yearka   Madooyinka Anatomy , Physiology waxay isku syllubs yihin ardayda medicineta badanaa anatomy iyo physiology first yearka intay ku qaatan waana deeeeeeeeeeeeply enough of them....
 Second yearka iyo thir yearkana :-
          Microbiology I ( second year ) :-   General microbiology , Immunology , Parasitology & Hospital acquired infections

          Microbiology II ( third year ) :-   Bacteriology  , Virology and Mycology..

Pathologyga isagana wuxuu kala noqonaya :-
      Pathology I (second year ) :-  Histopathology , Cytology , Clinical Pathology , Heamatology & Instrumentation
      Pathalogy II ( third year ) :-  Flow cytometry , Tissue culture , Cytogenetics , Immunohistochemistry , Immunocytochemestiry , Special stains  , Cryostat and frozen cutting sections , Bleeding disoreders tests , Blood transfusion and immuno hematology ....

Biochemistry I ( second year ):-   syllubskiisa isaga waa    Basic chemistry , carbohydrates, lipids , proteins, Nucleic acids ,Non protein Nitrogenous substances (urea , creatinine and uric acid )  , GTT , instrumentation ,

Biochemistry II (third year ) :-     waa    Enzymes , vitamins , plasma proteins , protiens , chromotography , Electrophoresis , Inorganic Ions , Lipoproteins , Liver function tests , Lipid Profile , Automation , Quality control , calculi formation , Blood gases , iyo qaar kale oon hada xasuusneeyn ...

 qofkii su'aal ka qaba ku sabsan madadan iyo madooyinka kale ee paramedical ka ah sida 

  -  Medical imagin technology (X-ray )
  - Physiotherapyga 

  - Laboratory ga    , please dont hesitate to pass ur question waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana mahadsantihin dhamaantiin....   

Offline Sumayya

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Re: Study or work in India
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2008, 03:36:43 PM »
Thankx for the info Toldo, your study program covers alot of fields. Work opprtunities very good

Offline Toldo

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Re: Study or work in India
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2008, 09:52:41 PM »

 you are welcome sumayya for ur thankfulness , and i hope it has a wide rage of oppurtunities ..

Offline Theeducationworld

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Re: Study medicine in India
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2008, 11:46:25 AM »
Dear Candidate,

We THE EDUCATION WORLD are a company involved in counseling & guidance for
admissions in colleges in India & abroad. We have been providing perfect
guidance at competitive fees. We give guidance for graduate & post graduate
courses viz MBA, MCA, MBBS, BDS, BIO-TECH, B.E, M.E etc. in today’s fast &
competitive world you need to be at par with the world & for this you need
strong educational background. So that you are armed to fight the toughest &
achieve your aim. Which means education to the best & for this you need us, A
lot of candidates have been benefited cause of our experience and are leading
good corporate lives.
            So in case if you need any kind of guidance related to
educations please feel free to contact us on 09371004185,

If you are interested in having admission in any of colleges of Maharashtra &
Karnataka (except the govt colleges), do get in touch with us admissions done
under NRI/MGMT quota.

Offline Abdicade

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Re: Study medicine in India
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2008, 09:06:47 PM »
welcom toldo bro it is nice to hear about u ........tanx 4ur kind information

Offline Abdicade

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Re: Study medicine in India
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2008, 07:45:51 PM »

 hi guys hru doing hop u all fine ....wish u happy new year and  i just wana say that all my friends from india cum and join with us and lets share our views and ideas so that we can cum close and get solution for our problems ...........specially our fellows who dont have idea about this useful website just pass to everyone so that they can get the benefit ......tanx for our DR MAHDi and all my dear friends lets put our hand together and wish all of u have anice new and prosperious year tanx all take care...............and pray 4somalia

Offline Bashir22

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Re: Study medicine in India
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2009, 12:32:17 AM »
Hey I am a student in the US and i heard that in order to get into a good medical school in India u have to pay "donations' is that true? And if its not whats the admission process for someone from the US?


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