Author Topic: The arrival of a Blood Sucker.  (Read 10482 times)

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Offline Countess_Vampira

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The arrival of a Blood Sucker.
« on: September 12, 2008, 09:19:00 PM »
Good evening folks. I just heard of this sumptuously interesting place teeming with intellectual professionals (or would be professionals) and thought I might as well sign up. Granted I'm not a Doctor or a Medical student (heaven for bid) but I do have a Bsc in a science degree (working on either a PHD or Ms haven't decided yet) either way I'll probably end up on the government/NHS or if I'm really lucky the private sector's payroll. My philosophy is simple, where theres money? Theres me....

So you can imagine the irony when I haven't turned out to be as rich as I'd like to have been. But I'm still fresh, young and tight breasted enough to go after those cahoona's (money) so theres time for great improvement. Though to be honest with you all I should have been a Historian or an Anthropologist if not an Archeologist's or more likely a Paleontologist, or an evolutionary scientist. Heck throw in a planet hunting Astronomer with that and we're set to go. Now thats what you call exciting. Okay so I'm rambling do ignore me.

So thats the "down low" on me (thats what you kids say right? "Down low") *Chuckles heartily* God I'm cool -No one had better be sniggering under their breath at that little epithet. Any how, with out further a do I present to you...Countess Vimpira aka moi- Aptly named so because I'll end up specializing in hematology's or haemoglobinopathy. Again, haven't quite worked out the logistics thus far so bare with me.

In any case, I'd like to greet everyone member in this forum and look froward to meeting your acquaintances, I'm sure your all a bunch of delightful people. Hopefully, I'll be able contribute to any interesting threads as well.

Yours sincerely

Countess Vampira.

Offline ForcefulDrive

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Re: The arrival of a Blood Sucker.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2009, 06:33:26 AM »

I like your message. 

It tickled my funny bone.

Not literally, it would be bad if anything was tickling any of my bones.

Well - good to have you along.  Hope your decisions on MS and PhD programs go well and you end up happy doing whatever you love doing, that is, making large amounts of money.

Offline Mandeq

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Re: The arrival of a Blood Sucker.
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2009, 07:21:31 PM »
wlc vampire, at the beginning i thought u will come up like u phlebotomist or something like that , but as i go through you have a sense of humour , mostly doctors and the scientists don't give no jokes , bloody too serious aren't they .. well is good to have a laugh .,, smile doesn't cost nothing


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