Author Topic: UK - Biological Sciences starting 2009 then switching to Medicine starting 2010  (Read 46221 times)

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Offline Jonno

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I applied for Medicine in the UK starting September 2009 but didn’t get a place even though my predicted grades at A level are AAAA.

I have a conditional firm offer of BC to study French in the UK starting September 2009 but want to keep trying for Medicine.

Someone suggested to me that I should aim to get a place through UCAS Extra or Adjustment for a Medicine-related course such as Biomedical Sciences starting September 2009 and then apply again for Medicine starting September 2010. 

Has anyone done this or does anyone know someone who has done this?

Any chance of an email address or phone number as I am really keen to find out more!

I am not keen on taking a gap year.


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Martin H. Fischer

Offline Cali

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Dear Jono

What i can see from you expectation of the A level resuls show how talented you are, you decision to study a Medice is a very good one I  may bwe wrong but i would't like advise you to consider Biomedical science or french at all. why don't you phone UCAS and try to change the your choices to far away Universities such as St andrews  and Aberdeen University bearing in mind London iis overcrowded city with huge combition (I assumed that you are in London).

I am not Medice related Provission I am An Engineer, and I know 2 somali Medical Students studing Aberdeen University ( one from London and other from Manchester).

Good Luch wa salaamu calaykum

Offline Dr. Lulu

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Dear Joono,

I dont know if this is too late now, knowing Alevel results were out last month. Either way, inshaAllah if you are keen on medicine only, then there are two possibilities.

1. If you already got your 'A' grades, then UCAS application is open now for 2010 entry and you can try re-applying inshallah this month. Enhance your personal statement with work experience, and get your favourite tutor to write you a good reference. InshaAllah dont give up, and in the mean time you can work and gain plenty experience.

2. But if you did not meet the entry requirements, don't worry yet because you can try three other options:
A) You can apply for biomedical sciences or biological sciences degree through clearing now to any university, and then re-apply for medicine after you complete that degree (which is 3 years). So practically, you apply for medicine as a graduate after COMPLETING the biomed degree and getting a minimum degree class of 2.1. Most medical schools accept this. Which is actually not as bad as it sounds because you get immense laboratory experience which will help you alot at medical school. It also makes you stand out when you are applying for your F1 (junior doc) trainning post after completing medicine.

B) You can apply for biomedical science at Newcastle university. If you do well in your first year i.e. get a first class, you can transfer to medicine at the same uni. So here you dont need to finish the biomed degree, you just have to do the first year.
This link shows you the transfer from biomed to medicine.

C) You can apply for a 1 year Access to medicine course at certain colleges, and after you get good marks you can re-apply to medicine. Disadvantage is not all uni's accept this, but some like UEA and KingsCollege accept this.

If there's anymore i can help with you can pm me inshalah.
All the best.


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