Author Topic: Study Medicine in Somalia  (Read 61969 times)

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Study Medicine in Somalia
« on: September 07, 2007, 09:26:18 PM »
Members studying or working in Somalia are requested to give any useful information to our members whom are willing to join them.
Any information you give here, will be helpful to your brother.

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Dr.abu_mucaad

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Re: Study Medicine in Somalia
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 09:23:17 AM »
Salaam to all brothers and sisters.
intaas ka dib waxaad mahadleh alle kaas oo noo suurta galiye in ay dhaqatiirata somaliyeed website kaan ku xiriiraan.
hadii aan u gudo galo aniga waxaan MB BS ka soo dhigtay muddo gareyso 2 sano jamacada benadir university oo kutaala Mogadisho waana ka soo tagay waayo dalkii oo amni daro ba'an ka taagan owgiisa waxaan jamacada dhigan jiray arday gareysay ilaa iyo 300 ugu badnaan,,,,, sidoo kale waxaa jirto jamacada camuud oo kutaala carisgaas wuqooyiga soomaalia amaba loo yaqaan waxeyna ku taalaa magaalada Borama, ardayda dhiganta waxaa lagu qiyasaa ilaa iyo 450 oo somaliyeed ka kala timid dalka gudihiisa.
intaas waxa aan ka aqaano jamacada medical ka ah ee dalka ku yaalo weeye
ku dadaalla cibbadda alle iyo ikhlaaska

Offline Dr.abu_mucaad

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ku dadaalla cibbadda alle iyo ikhlaaska

Offline Moha

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Re: Study Medicine in Somalia
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 04:54:32 AM »
well i dont think there are any qualified doctors to be able to train young Somalis to pursue medical career... i m from Xamar and go back there every year...the doctors are not up to date and most of them graduated with only the depth is not there...and when u cant cover all that its not good to tell young people they gonna become doctors under the guidance of unprofessionals!...  no textbooks,lack of manpower,economic hardships, utter lack of medical facilities and equipments all make these medical universities just one of those NGOs where few people make a living from the hard earned money of innocent Somalis!!!

Offline Jalaaludiin

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Re: Study Medicine in Somalia
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2007, 08:15:17 PM »
Assalaamu calaykum waraxmatullaahi
waxaan ahay arday kamid ah ardayda kulliyada caafimaadka ee jaamacadda benaadir dufcadda 3aad sanadka 4aad
waxaa laasaasay jaamacadda benaadir gaar ahaan kulliyadda caafimaadka sanadkii 2002 waxaana aasaasay ururka dhaqaatiirta somaaliyeed itixaadkooda iyo hay'ada somaliya aad looga yaqaanoo oo ku caanbaxaya horomarinta waxbarashada iyo iska xilsaarka waxbarasho marxaladda adag ee dalku maraayay xilligaas
waxaa lagu billaabaya jaamacadaa kulliyadda caafimaadka waxay qaadataya ardaydii caafimaad ee ugu horraysay ee somaliya loo qaato kadib burburkii dalka uu galay
ururka dhaqaatiirta oo u badana barayaashii jaamacadda umadda somaliyeed  waxay ka dhigeen hormuudka kulliyada caafimaadka hormuudkii kulliyadda caafimaacadda ee jamacadii umaddana (somali national university)
dr salad farax guutaallee oo somali ama bahda caafimaad aad u wada yaqaannaan
waxaa barayaal ka ah jaamacadaa benaadir barayaashii kulliyadda caafimaadka ee jamacadii umadda iyo dhaqaatiirkale oo gaaraya ilaa 40 dhaqtar
waxaa kale oo jaamacadda imaada barayaal ka yimaada dalalka dibaddiisa sida sucuudiga canada  sweden finland iyo uk waxay ka dhigaan jaamacadda madooyin muhiim ah   sidoo kale farsamayaqaanno iyo dhaqtiir ajnabi ah ayaa wax ka baro jaamacadda benaadir sida dr  sayed mudasir axmed iyo dr nashad alam oo pakistaani ah iyo dr m/alxusayni oo misri ah iyo kuwa kale oo iyagana duruufta adag oo jirta dalka imaaday waxna ka dhiga jaamacada
waxaa kulliyadda caafimaadka arday ka ah ku dhwaad 250 qofood inkasto 5%in lagu qiyaasay ay isaga tageen ka dib dagaaladii foosha xumaa ee dhawaanahaan ka dhacay magaalada muqdisho
waxay ardayda kulliyadaas howl qabadyo iyo gaargiridda bulshada ay ku dhex noolyihiin kana  fuliyaan magaalada muqdisho oo ay cid walba dareemeeyso baahida caafimaad ee bulsha noocaas ah u baahntahay
waxay ardaydu wax ka qabtaan markay dillaacana cudurrada safmarka iyo dagaalada marka ay dhacaan     
waxy jaamacadda leedahaya teaching hospital oo ah xayat hospitaliyadoo dhamaan hospitaalada waaween ee muqdisho ardaydu tagaan galaana shiftiyada maadama ay barayaashooda joogaan hospitaalalda sida hospitaalka hoyada iyo dhallan sos, benaadir ,kaysaneey iyo madiina hospital waxay kaloo ardada bixiyaan community help oo ay aadaan gobollada ku hareerasan caasimadda muqdisho
waxaana jaamacadduu ay tahaya jaamacadda kaliya ee leh kulliyadaha caafimaadka iyo engneerinka ee koonfurta somaliya
ugu danbayn waxaa habbonn waxbarashada baaxada leh ee ka jirta somaliya gaar ahaan muqadisho in ay ka wirbixiyaan xeeldheerayaasha oo dhabar adeegay xaaladaha adag ee nafwalba aanay awoodin inay u adkeesato cadaaladna maaha ku tilmaamidda waxbarashadaas NGO

Offline Abdukadir

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Study Medicine in Amoud University
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2008, 08:55:28 PM »
salaan sare dhamaan bahda caafimaadka somaliyeed.
salaan kadib:
aniga oo ah arday dhigta Amoud university oo ku taala Borama  Somaliland kana mid ah bahda ku xiran oo member ka ah.
jamacadan oo ah jamacad fields dhawar ah ay ka furanyihiin oo ay ka mitahay field aan  ku bahawnay oo ah Medicine,
jamacada qaybta medicine ka waxay ka dhex furantahay meel Hospital ah oo dadka u baahan in wax looga qabto dhinaca ENT ga, waxaana haysta Doctor ku takhasusay dhinaca ENT ga qaliinkooda, isaga ayaana qaybta medicine kana dean ka ah waxaana la yirahdaa Dr: Walhad, marka meeshan meelo badan oo somalia ah waxay ku dhaantaa labo waxyaalood oo kala ah leedahay jamacadu Hospital, iyo in ay yaalaan jamacada books aad u qiimo badan, inkastoo ay haysanin facilities badan oo loogaga baahan yahay in jamacad medicine ah ay yeelato,
marka waxaa oran lahaa jamcadaha wadanka waxyaalo badan xooga way saareen wayna ku mahadsanyihiin, lakin waxaa ka maqan waxyaalo badan oo aduunka kale la tix galiyo oo fududaynaya in la barto field gan, field gan waa uu ka duwan yahay fields ka kale oo waxa uu u baahanyahay in la helo maalgalin balaadhan oo dhakhaatiir badan loo keeno iyo qalab badan sidoo kale, marka jamacadaheenu waxay u baahan yihiin dib u habayn balaadhan si ay ula tartamaan kuwa aduunka kajira.
marla waad mahadsantihiin   

Offline Dr.Barkhadle

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Re: Study Medicine in Somalia
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 11:38:55 AM »
Lasanod, Sool

The University of Nugaal in Lasanod is a comprehensive institution of higher education within the Sool, Cayn and Sanaag. We aim to make sure that our students have the best possible chance of learning and success. We run higher education, short vocational training and adult education. We’ve got a really good learning centre in Lasanod with all the latest equipment, computers, presentation equipment, conducive classrooms, books and all the learning materials. So you can do a lot of different kinds of learning here at Nugaal University. We would happily affiliate all social organisations with primarily social objectives and whose services are principally invested for that purpose in the community. We consider education, training, social and environmental impact as core objectives of affiliation.

The University of Nugaal at Lasanod in Somalia received its Official Constitution in 2004. The University of Nugaal has been at the forefront of learning and innovation since its foundation 5 years ago. It is currently ranked first in Somaliland for education and learning excellence.

Today’s world is faced with increasingly complex problems that demand evermore sophisticated solutions, often dependent on the bringing together of a range of learning skills and disciplines. With this mind, the University of Nugaal has defined a learning strategy that encourages interdisciplinary research, taking advantages of the knowledge and facilities available across campus, concentrating our limited resources to greater effect.

Nugaal University’s Charter describes the mission of the organisation and the standards of the service that students, employees and local communities can expect from us. The Nugaal University, we aim to make sure that every student has the best possible chance of success. We put students’ learning first, in all we do, and the Charter is a declaration of that commitment.

It is a two way commitment lasting throughout your time at the University and will help us to help you get the most out of your stay with us. Each year we monitor how the Charter is put into practice so that we make sure that we deliver the Charter commitments.

Name of the Organisation
The name of the organisation is the Nugaal University, to be known as NU. Nugaal University is a comprehensive institution of higher education within the Sool, Cayn and Sanaag Higher Education. The Constitution of NU has been developed in order to insure shared participation and responsibility for governance at Nugaal University.

Mission Statement
The activity of our organisation is learning. By providing high quality and accessible learning opportunities, we will promote independence, responsibility and professionalism. To remain responsive to student attitudes and interests; to provide educational, social, and recreational, and cultural programs which complement, reflect, and respond to those interests; to continue to facilitate the social and intellectual development of the student and to provide a large quantity of quality and diversified programming at little or no cost to participants, with priority given to local community.

·         To represent the concerns, promote and defend the interests of academic in higher education in Somalia

·         To provide a forum for professional and scholarly debate for higher education teachings

·         To liaise with other bodies, councils, institutions, groups, and governmental departments and offices, on matters relevant to the education

·         To unite all University students interested in learning

·         To provide awareness on the teachings of the society’s values and promote our society’s interests.

·         To promote and facilitate the academic, social and professional development of our students

·         To establish projects to beneficially promote the human value, culture and history

·         To cooperate and associate itself with other organisations that operate with the same aims objectives

·         To collect and exchange information, knowledge and encourage friendship amongst our members and the wider world communities.

·         To develop close ties with and support mechanisms for the larger Somali community and Diaspora

·         To promote the use of the  English language

By:Abdinuur AHmed Barkhadle

Offline Fido

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Re: Study Medicine in Somalia
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2010, 03:12:50 PM »
There are 2 medical colleges in somaliland which have already graduated more than 4 batches of doctors under the tutership of the Kings College University Hospital,London where i am one of these tutors,i cannot see why is not possible to start similar programs in other parts of Somalia including Mogadishu now that the security situation has improved.Any Ideas?
Professor of psychiatry

Offline Maahir

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Re: Study Medicine in Somalia
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2011, 08:18:01 PM »
SWW aad baad walaal ugu mahadsantahay macluumaadka

Offline Mohan045

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Re: Study Medicine in Somalia
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2014, 07:15:46 PM »
well i dont think there are any qualified doctors to be able to train young Somalis to pursue medical career... i m from Xamar and go back there every year...the doctors are not up to date and most of them graduated with only the depth is not there...and when u cant cover all that its not good to tell young people they gonna become doctors under the guidance of unprofessionals!...  no textbooks,lack of manpower,economic hardships, utter lack of medical facilities and equipments all make these medical universities just one of those NGOs where few people make a living from the hard earned money of innocent Somalis!!!
I want to say what you said is true however i study in china and my cousin studies in benadir university and her classnotes and clinicals are perfect as its all in english and she understands the mother tongue of the lecturers which are particularly important for clinicals. i'd like to add 70%+ fail the PLAB but there are other options most of all my classmates in china want to study in 3rd world countries... which can be very lucrative.. more population, 100$ registration and on top of that medication and diagnosis can be a goldmine, look into USMLE rather than PLAB. any more info please PM me


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