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Study Medicine in Egypt

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Members studying or working in Egypt are requested to give any useful information to our members whom are willing to join them.
Any information you give here, will be helpful to your brother.

Anigu waxaan ahay ardayad caafimaad oo joogta wadanka masar arday aad ubadan baa dhigta laakiin anigu waxaan dhigtaa jaamicatul azhar waxaana ahay ardayada kaliya oo dhigata caafimaadka azhar waayo loomaogola qof aanan masri eheen ilaa  hadii oo daragad aad u saraysa oga baxo iskoolada azhar oo safaaridiiso rashaxdo waxaan dareema kalinimo laakiin arday aad u badan baa dhigata jaamacada qaahira iyo cayn shams oo ah jaamacado lacaglaan oo minxa lagu galo  iyo jaamacada 6th octoobar oo lacag ah labada jaamacadood qaahira iyo cayn shams waxay aqbashaa sanad kasta arday aad u badan  waxaana laga xareeyaa safaarada soomalida  minxana iyagaa bixiya shahaadadaha somaliya laga qaatana way aqbalaan
laakiin azhar ma ogola taas there is no other somali in alazhar medicine.

Bent Seren:
I am Azhar student

Studying medicine in Egypt recuires 7years

the last one is 4 training

what else u want to know???

Im currently a first year studying in a private university just outside Cairo called "6th October University" having completed A-levels from England.

The way the system generally works in Egypt is:

You study for 6 years at your choice of a university - mind you, foreigners hardly get admitted to Al-Azhar University.

You are required to complete a one year clinical setting (training) at hospital - This can be carried out ANYWHERE in the world and not only in Egypt. I think the completion of this "housemanship" gives you registration with the Egyptian Medical Board as you are given your degree MBBS upon completion of the 6 years.

* Years 1-2 are as usual "Basic Sciences" - Physiology, Histology, Biochemistry, Psychology etc. You also have small clinical sessions with doctors once a week for 3 months.
* Year 3 is what we call "Pre-Clinical" - (Pathology and Pharmacology etc)
* Year 4-6 is all "Clinical" - The juicy stuff like Surgery, Opthalmology, Community medicine etc.
The good thing about Egypt is that most (im not sure if all) are WHO accredited meaning you are eligible to do the PLAB exam upon completion. If you are a Norwegian citizen the PLAB is NOT required and you may apply for registration (to work in the UK). I think this goes for anyone with EEA/EU citizenship wanting to work in the United Kingdom. Im sure the same applies for other European countries.

Oh, forgot to say- The course goes out in English along with the book/materials and exams, however, you may find some professors are not so keen on their English leve, talking a bit too much in Arabic but its good enough. You could always take private tuition which is inexpensive, especially around the Cairo area.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any more information regarding university/study in egypt.

Hope this helps.

Xaasid, actually the PLAB is required for all graduates from Non-EEA universities. So if you're going to be practising in the UK unfortunately you will have to sit the PLAB and join the groups of many unemployed doctors from the indian subcontinent. UK is not great for NON-EEA trained doctors thesedays. Each country has different system and I'm writing about the General Medical Council of UK requirements. Norway may be completely different case though!


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