Medical Student Forums > I want to Study Medicine

Why Medicine?!

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Studying medicine requires a serious commitment. Few people stumble across the idea of pursuing the subject late in life. It is very likely that you have always wanted to work in primary care, and that's not a fact that you should hide. When thinking about the reasons of studying medicine it is important that you do not fall into the following traps:

1. Avoid using cliched, prefabricated sentaces, such as, " I have always wanted to study medicine because.." or "medicine is my calling". It is recommended that you point to experiences that have led you to your interest in medicine.

2. Be as clear as possible on why you have chosen medicine, use real life experiences and take the opportunity to point out any circumstances that may have affected your academic results.

3. Outline any work experiences in the medical field. Remember that experience is very important, even voluntery work. The admissions officers will be seeking proof and evidence that you have carefully thought through your decision.

Medicine runs in the family
Many reasons for pursing medicine is that the immediate family work in the medical field. This is a valied reason, but, it is important that you do not sound adolescent. Remember that you need unique reasons of why you have chosen to study your course.

The patient's perspective
This is the most powerful reason for studying medicine. Many doctors, nurses and dentists work in areas that need regeneration and with people from all walks of life. That is why admissions officers like to read personal statements that focus on the patient. A unique patient experience will bring life to your personal statement.

Next: Learn what admissions officers are looking for.

Note: This guide is not intended to replace the advice of tutors, admissions officers, or teachers; Get Into Uni simply provides advice and exercises to help you write a compelling personal statement.

Its simple - Money.

And im not even lying!

I'm always worried when I hear people say they're in the field of medicine for the money. I swear there are a lot of other things that you can be doing if you're only interested in the money.

yaa ilaahi ! I don't think is abt money at all , it is too precious saving some ones life or treating their disease or even encouraging them they will get better tomorrow. Money doesn't cost none of that. PLUS YA ALL SHOULD BE LUCKY ENOUGH BEEN IN THAT FIELD AND APPROTIATE U YOU ALLAH , is been my dream since I was a kid unfortunately couldn't make it and ended up with boring Biomedicine $ sitting on the boring microscope long hours. after all happy n smiling  ;D

Bent Seren:
no not 4 money

about me i was interested in policy & still

but 4 many reasons the end result was studying medicine

i think doctor must be unusual person*i am trying*
in our job we should be friendly &helpful as much we can


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