Allied Health Professions > Pre-Pharmacy and Pharmacy

Is it possible to get part of pharmacy in the minester of health in Somalia??

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--- Quote from: Gambool on March 20, 2011, 11:17:49 PM ---  thank u mr pharmacist................ if i am elected to be the minister of health or even site lower then  this, i would like to establish that part ,which is responsible for drugs .... and my agenda will be as follows.
  first i would forbiden any drug that enters the counrty with out throug the part of quality control of drugs in minister of health ,and with out permision of the minister of health...
  second i would make forbiden  pharmacy with out pharacist... and i will force those who have expersiace more then five or ten years of pharmacy but not studed pharmacology to enter the colleges and universities of pharmacy ,,that is when we establish colleges of pharmacy .since they are not deserved to be neglected .becouse  experiance is better then theory today.. all of this is when i get people who are working and uderstanding some thing like me ...since it was said before (many hands make light work) and i would like you, to be one of them ..........

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Mr Gambool, Good plan but before that you need to have strong government enough to give orders!
Your plan is not applicable on the ground now!


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