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what is it like to have your brain split in half???


Here's a fascinating video featuring split-brain researcher Michael Gazzaniga. The patient had his corpus callosum severed as a treatment for severe epilepsy. The treatment terminated nearly all communication between his brain's right and left hemispheres.
Since language is primarily processed in the left hemisphere, the patient can't name items on the left side of his field of vision (remember, the brain is "flipped" relative to the body parts it senses and controls). But he can draw pictures of them, and then he can look at the pictures and name them.
check it out..



Salaama Caleikum

Woow, mankay that was very interesting  :o. I would like to know  more about this. where can i find it?

wcsalam sumaia

walal yeah its really amazing .. n here the full article if you wanna read more about and u'll find related articles that have been discussed in the same might help too.

plus here is an even better video. Same man, Gazzaniga is in it, and it is hosted by Alan Alda. It is a segment from Scientific American Frontiers. The segment is titled, The Man with Two Brains (3rd from the top). and the proff showed this to his General Psychology class when they talk about the brain. They typically find it to be "pretty cool" and also confusing,



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