Author Topic: Perinatal Educator - Somali Speaking Job Nurse (MN - Rochester) - USA  (Read 8998 times)

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Perinatal Educator - Somali Speaking Job 
Description :  Job Posting Number: 2467BR
Job Posting Title: Perinatal Educator- Somali Speaking
Job Posting Category: Nursing
Work Site: MN - Rochester
Building Mary Brigh Building
Department: Nursing

Job Description:
The Somali Perinatal educator RN facilitates weight and blood pressure taking, assists in medication reconciliation and documents as appropriate in the electronic medical record. The RN will coordinate and Co-facilitate the educational and support session that follows midwifery / prenatal assessments. This includes planning for and preparing educational supplies for each group session. The Perinatal educator will actively participate in the learning activities planned, using a facilitative style for education. The Perinatal Educator works collaboratively with prenatal clinic staff and the perinatal education program. The Perinatal educator would not be responsible to interpret for prenatal assessments or the group meeting, but would speak with the women in English or Somali as is preferred by each patient. Somali interpreters from the language department will interpret for the prenatal assessment with midwife and for the group session as needed. The Perinatal Educator assists in keeping accurate records of contacts and sessions and participates in quality improvement activities.

Somali speaking Perinatal Educator to work with the SomaliCARES Program. (CARES stands for Culturally Appropriate and Respectful Education and Support.) SomaliCARES program will be organized through CenteringPregnancy(R)program as an option for Somali women who wish to receive their prenatal care in this model with other Somali women. The SomaliCARES group will be open to all Somali women at any point in their pregnancy, though women would be encouraged to join early in their pregnancy. SomaliCARES sessions will meet once a month, for approximately two hours each session. The Somali Perinatal educator will also assist our non ? Somali healthcare team to understand Somali cultural beliefs and practices. In addition, the Somali Perinatal Educator will make brief phone calls to each participant prior to each session to welcome them and answer any questions about the program.

Basic Qualifications:
Graduate of accredited school of nursing. Speak and understand Somali Language. Maintains Basic Life Support (BLS) competency
Works a minimum of 120 clinical hours a year on the mother/baby unit (patient care unit 3-2), OR Has a minimum of 2 years clinical work experience in maternal child nursing and/or education.

Other Qualifications:
BSN degree preferred. Perinatal nursing experience preferred. Childbirth Educator certification or completion of a certification course sponsored by an approved childbirth education organization within two years of hire. Experience and demonstrated skill in structured and unstructured education preferre
Role :  Perinatal Educator - Somali Speaking
Type :  Permanent Jobs
Location :  Rochester (Minnesota, United States)
Salary :  Competitive
Main Industry :  Search Secretarial, Office & Administration Jobs
Other Industries and Skills :  Education & Training, Health, Nursing, Social Services

Apply here:

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."


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