Author Topic: KENYA SOMALIA- Emergency food security advisor (Solidarites)  (Read 7727 times)

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KENYA SOMALIA- Emergency food security advisor (Solidarites)
« on: September 17, 2011, 03:31:11 PM »

The Kenya / Somalia mission was established in 2007. At present, Solidarités International is implementing two projects in Kenya: one in North Horr, with an emphasis on WASH interventions targeting pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, and another in Nairobi’s slums, providing assistance to the urban poor. An additional 3-year Water Facility project is scheduled to start in North Horr. The main donors for Kenya are: the EC, AFD (French Development Agency) and DFID. In Somalia, Solidarités’ interventions are focused in South and Central Somalia. Currently a one-year WASH and food security project funded by ECHO and an 8-month food security project funded by CIAA (French Cooperation) are underway in Gedo, South Somalia. An additional emergency response project funded by OCHA is scheduled to start in Central Somalia. Additional fundraising efforts include a 6-month IDP protection proposal for Lower Juba, funded by UNHCR, and an emergency response project for Lower Juba funded by the French Government. The main donors for Somalia are: ECHO, DFID, UNHCR, and the UN.

EMERGENCY ACTION: SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL is stepping up its action to meet the basic needs of populations in Kenya and Somalia where the crisis caused by the combined effects of the drought, inflation and armed conflict has already killed thousands of people. SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL is increasing its activities and has sent technical experts and managers to reinforce the teams in the field. In arid areas of northern Kenya and southern Somalia, we are providing aid for around 100,000 people to help them to withstand water and food shortages: emergency distributions of water and food, construction and rehabilitation of drinking water facilities (wells, boreholes, water collection systems, underground reservoirs, dikes, dams)… In response to recurrent periods of drought, our teams help pastoral communities to improve their methods of adaptation and their resistance to future climate crises by protecting their livestock (fodder, concentrated food, veterinary care). The animals are then able to move between water points and pastures, which are now much further apart due to the disappearance of around one hundred water points (10 to 12 days walk, compared to 4 or 5 days walk a few months ago).


Strategic orientation • Propose and develop a sector-based strategy in accordance with SI’s policies and priorities for the intervention country • Propose and organize diagnostic missions in the field of food security • Support the Coordination in the monitoring and analysis of the food security sector and the analysis of donors’ strategies for wash activities • Be the driving force for putting new activities into place • Participate actively in programming work
Relevance and quality of projects • Confirm the relevance of any assessments carried out • Propose and organize evaluation missions • Support the program supervisor/s in setting up a technical approach and assessing the financial, human, and logistical elements of programs to be implemented. • Ensure the relevance and consistency of the programs vis-à-vis the needs of the local populations. • Ensure that the programs under his/her supervision achieve the required results • Ensure that work meets sustainability requirements and that established norms and standards are respected • Develop the wash team capacities with techniques and new methodologies
Coordination, technical support and operational monitoring • Ensure that resources from the Tool Box are used correctly in the management of the project cycle. • Ensure that the planning and monitoring timetable is consolidated / validated • Approve the quality criteria and performance indicators of the food security programs proposed by the program managers. • Ensure that monitoring indicators are in place and relevant • With the coordination team, take part in the monthly review of programs (budgetary, operational, logistical…) • Provide support and advice to the logistical service for the purchase of specific materials for the food security activity • Provide a technical and methodological support to program managers for the planning and implementation of the activities • Anticipate difficulties and facilitate the resolution of problems linked to the programs • Propose the reorientation of activities according to changing context and indicators
Capitalization • Ensure that Solidarités International’s capitalization tools are correctly used and disseminated throughout HQ (technical unit and desks) • Propose improvements to existing tools • In coordination with the technical unit, capitalize on the intervention methods and techniques, and on the experiences acquired by Solidarités International and others actors in this activity field
Reporting / representation • Ensure that all reports are delivered on time and in the correct format • Validate technical expertise reports • Represent the organization when asked and/or delegated to do so
PROFILE Education: Degree in agriculture / agronomy or farm management Experience: Minimum 1 similar mission in humanitarian context, experience in food security project management including design and planning, budget control, evaluation and reporting, experience in team management Technical skills and knowledge: Strong knowledge of food security sector in emergency humanitarian situations Transferable skills: Efficiency, rigorous, organized, strong communication skills, diplomacy, autonomy Language: English

DURATION 2 months

STATUS Salaried position

DOCUMENTS Thanks for sending your CV and covering letter to the following link:

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