Medical Student Forums > Problem-Based Learning Center

Case (9)


Fatima, 8-month-old child brought to the Hospital with fever, cough, running nose and red injected conjuctiva for the last 3 ays, Fatima vaccination card was up to dale.
She was febrile 38.5ْC, RR 50/min. pulse 110/min, Looks miserable, her occipital and cervical lymphnodes were enlarged.
1. What is the most likely diagnosis?
2. What other helpful clinical sign that you expect?
Next day her mother reported that she had one attack of generalized convulsion
3. Mention two probable causes for this ?
4. Mention 4 complications of the diagnosis?
5. What preventive measure we take to modify these complications ?
If you would like to keep your answer secret, send it through personal message.
I will inform the admins about who provide the best answer to give him 15 points

Fatima, 8-month-old child brought to the Hospital with fever, cough, running nose and red injected conjunctiva for the last 3 days, Fatima vaccination card was up to ......

the differential diagnosis for this case is
*upper respiratory tract infection(rhinovirus -parainfluenza virus)
*infectious mononucleosis
i think measles is the most likely diagnosis .
2-the very caracteristic spots in mouth (kopliks spots)
3 -fever can cause febrile convulsion also encephalitis can cause it
4- complication of measels are
*bacterial infection(otitis media- pneumonia)
*acute thrombocytopenic purpura
5- provide immediately  measles vaccine  prevent infection if given within 3 days of exposure).
Persons with measles should not be exposed to strep infections (infections with streptococcal bacteria).
Conversely, people who have measles should limit their contact with others and have as little contact with others as possible.
Bacterial complications of measles such as pneumonia and ear infections are treated with antibiotics.
Humidity: For the cough, humidify the air with a cool mist vaporizer or with pans of water set in the room.
The mist from a shower also helps.
fluids: Increase fluids to 12-16 glasses of liquid (8 ounces or 250 ml per glass) a day during the fever. You should drink enough fluids to cause urination every 2 hours.
Bed rest: Stay in bed during the fever.
Balanced diet
Avoid aspirin: Avoid aspirin and all aspirin products.
i hope it is the correct answer

The 15 points of this case goes to Muna1


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