Author Topic: Portrait Of A Newborn.  (Read 7719 times)

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Offline CilmiSabca

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Portrait Of A Newborn.
« on: February 12, 2012, 04:26:41 PM »
Most first-time parents are unprepared for the appearance of the bundle of joy that is handed them at delivery. Despite the oohs and aahs from excited friends and families, most newborns are not cute. The typical new arrival has a head that looks too large for it's body (it's about one quarter of the total length), skinny "chicken" legs, and often, unless delivery by cesarean, a bettered countenance.
Newborn hair may be sparse or full, it may lay flat or stand up straight in what looks like the lastest punk style. When hair is thin, blood vessels in the scalp may appear very prominent and the pulse may be visible at the soft spot, or fontanel on the top of the head.
A newborn's eyes may appear squinty because of the folds at the inner corners and because of swelling from delivery and infection-protecting eye drops. They may also be blood-shot from the pressures of labor. The nose may be flattened and the chin unsymmetrical or pushed in from being squeezed through the pelvis, the may have molded to a point, looking as though baby were wearing a dunce cap.
And/or a bruise, or cephalohematoma, may have raised on the scalp. (Most of these effects of labor will diminish in a few days, or at most a few weeks.)
Because a newborn's skin is thin, it usually has a pale pinkish caste (even in black babies) from the blood vessels just beneath it. The skin is most often covered with the remains of the vernix caseosa (a cheesy coating) that protects the fetal skin during the time spent soaking in the amniotic fluid, though the later a baby arrives, the less of this coating there is. Many babies, particularly those born early, are also covered with lanugo, a downy prenatal fuzz, usually on the shoulders, back, forehead, and cheeks, that will disappear within the first weeks of life. Because of an infusion of female hormones from the placenta just before birth, many babies, both boys and girls, have swollen breasts and/or genitals. There may even be discharge from the breasts and, in girls, a vaginal discharge (sometimes bloody).
There newborn features will begin to disappear in the weeks to come. And pretty soon, your baby will be picture pretty.

Talo SAARO Allaah

Offline PrincessMuni

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Re: Portrait Of A Newborn.
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 09:18:56 PM »
They are a gift indeed.
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Offline Dr.Adnan

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Re: Portrait Of A Newborn.
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 06:23:20 AM »
I don't know weather it is the human instinct or I am just getting older, But I started to like kids...Few years back, I hated being left with a child or being around them (Rag la iskuma sii daayee Waa hadalkii cigaal shiilaad),
Now things have changed, Despite their constant "Dhareer" and "Oohin" , but the idea of fathering a child (My chromosomes) just gets me excited...May be it is another feeling of lust, Who am I to Judge???Ilaahay baa og halkii khayr ku jiro..
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