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Happy Eid - كل عام وأنتم بخير - Ciid Wanaagsan

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Ciidaan Ciideeda Kale Ilaahay Hanagu Gaarsiiyo Bashbash, Barwaaqo iyo Wadankii oo Nabad Ah

Happy Eid - كل عام وأنتم بخير - Ciid Wanaagsan

s/c , ciid wanaagsan meelkasta oo aad joogtaan , waxaa ilaaah inooga rajayn inuu ciidan ciddeda kale ina ku gaarsiiiyo barwaqo , caafimaad , wadankina ilaah nabad iyo dawlad inoga dhaliyo , ,  dadka dirasada wadana ilaah u fudodeeyo , inta dhamaysana  ilaaah ka dhigo kuwii dalkoodii iyo dadkoodii anfaca, sanadka soo socda inaaan meel kuwada cidno ban inoo rajayn ,  ,

Asalaamu Alikum Dear Brothers and Sisters

It’s the time of year we say EID MUBARAK is upon us once again.
Doors open to everyone while perfume fills the air
A time to see the ones we have not seen for a while
With tables that have a space for all
Love, hopes and dreams are shared
Being thankful for all that exists in our lives.
Being generous to the ones that need it
Having patience to withstand what life brings

I  Say Happy EID” or as we say Eid  Mubarak” to everyone without exception. May we be able to open our hearts and minds to different people and cultures around us.

A specil EID Mubarak to all Somali’s living and studying abroad who cannot be home for Eid;
Let’s pry for those who can’t have the happens we have,
Waa maalin kheer badan, EE AAN UDOCEYNO WADANKEENA,
YAA RAB wadankeena amaan nooga dheg,
YAA RAB  umada Somaaliyeed  Dhipaatada ka korqaad meel walebo oo ay joogaan, qassatan ku somaliya ku dhipaateesan.
YAA RAB nagadhig kuwa next year ku Ciido wadankooda, Aamiin Ila dheha. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMIINNNN
our beloved countery,  we all  miss you, sending you wishes, and Eid mubarak  across sea's   
             عيدمبارك      كل عام وأنتم بخير       

Ciid Wanaagsan


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