Author Topic: Training on Acute Watery Diarrheal Preparedness and Response (Oxfam-GB)  (Read 24459 times)

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    • Somali Medical Association
Somalia is prone sporadic cholera/ AWD outbreak and lately, polio has been declared a health risk, with over 180 cases were confirmed last year. Globally, diarrhea, pneumonia and birth complications are the top three killers of children under age 5 worldwide. Each year, diarrhea alone causes the death of 760,000 children under 5 (11 percent of all child mortality). Diarrhea is also a leading cause of under nutrition in this age group and one-third to one-half of all child mortality cases are linked to under nutrition. UNICEF estimates that more than 90 percent of deaths from diarrheal illnesses in young children can be attributed to unsafe or inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices. If mothers and other caregivers used basic hygiene practices and had better access to safe water and adequate sanitation this could greatly reduce Under 5 deaths death.

Oxfam believes that WASH interventions are maximised if strategies to are put to empower community have an increased knowledge on causes, means to prevent and respond to diarrhoea diseases at community level through a well articulated, planned and executed process that complements on the erection appropriate WASH facilities. Oxfam is currently implementing WASH project in Kismayu which is aimed to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene promotion for IDPs and host communities while at the same time building community resilience against cyclic outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhea that has chronically affected vulnerable populations in Kismayu urban. This project aims at empowering women, men and children who are at risk to participate and contribute to decision making in selection, operation and management of WASH facilities and hygiene promotion work.

Please see attached terms of reference for more details.

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If you are interested, please use this link to apply:
Application deadline: 7th January 2015

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