Allied Health Professions > Pre-Dental and Dental

Where're our dentists?

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Welcome our dentist Dr Mohamed to the somaliDoc forums, We are looking for active somali dentists in this forum for long time
& finally we got some
I hope you will enlighten us with your useful posts

hello everyone! i am a dental student in uganda, in my third year currently and i got a friend somali who just finished,now in his sure we got a lot more somali dentists arround the world and it is very nice to get this kinda forum to bring them together. thank you.

Assalamu alikum.

Wali in badan ayaan ka war hayn website-kaan maadaama uu cusub yahay relatively. Salaan iga guddooma dhamaan Dr Durmaan, Dr Mohamed, Dr Smile.

Dr mohamed iiga waran Pakistan, isii update ka inta Dentist ee ka qalin jabisay since 2000. Waxaan ka soo tagay waqtigaas ayadoo ilaa 6 arday dhiganayasay ilaa 10 dentistana ay dhamaysay.

Macluumaad qofkii uga baahan USA waan ka caawinaayaa insha allaah.


Dr Fiqi
BDS  Pakistan


salam to all,

i,m nurse worked as dental assisting for 2 years realy its lovely  job i like it  more  than nursing ..

Asalamu Alaykum Wr Wb
Here's one more.
I am a dental student in Australia.
ManshaAllah - well done to you guys for setting this up - but it is not for lack of interest that people are not joining, I think it may be that people just don't know - I certainly didn't till a few days ago.
Anyhow, it's nice to know that there are so many other Somalians out there doing Dentistry :)
Nice meeting you all and
Wasalamu Alykum Wr Wb


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