Allied Health Professions > Pre-Pharmacy and Pharmacy

What is the difference?!!


Waa su'aal jawaab u baahan badanaa anga hadii aan nahay soomaali maba siino ahmiyad dhinaca farmashiyaha.
Su'aasha waxa ay tahay farmashiyaha iyo dukaanka maxaa farqi ah oo u dhaxeeya?!
badanaa qof kast ayaa farmashiyaha fariisan kara oo aqoon u laheen "Usually not qualified as Pharmacist" daawadane sida alaabta kale loo dalbado ayaa loo dalbadaa.
meelaha qaarkoodne daawooyinka dukaamada caadiga cuntada ayaa lagu gadaa!!
Why is that?!
Please say something about this tragedy?

Salam :)

In my opinion  there is difference between them because most of the medicines  you can't get it without prescription and I also think the reason some the medicine you get from the pharmacy counter rather than the grocery shop is that you need the pharmacist to go over what the benefits of taking this medicine and what kind symptoms you might get and the other reason you my need refill.

Good question Dr. ;) .........very interesting Topic.

well as we kno Pharmacists are the experts in drug discovery, development, preparation and usage of medicines. They are both professional scientists and qualified health care practitioners. Pharmacists work in hospitals, in the community and in the pharmaceutical industry. They promote the safe and effective use of medicines and ensure quality patient care. Often, pharmacists are the first point of information on medicines for the public and other health care professionals,  so hadaan ku laabto su,aasha qeebteedi kale ninka dukaanla eh, he has nothing to do with this, coz U cant just give or sale medicine..U have to kno why.

in Somalia waxaa arkaysaa dad ku iibinaya daawoyin very strong ah (i mean not just painkiller) u kno.. oo la fadhiyaan meel  qorax ah ama farmashi,dukaan etc. coz  waxay ka fekerayanoo kaliya the way ay ku ganacsan lahaayeen, siday iila muuqato run ahaantii waa arin dhibaato badan leh.

by Ebyan


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