The Aim of MedicineThe aim of modern medicine should be the “good life" as the Greeks understood the term. The fit body and the fit mind must go together. and to achieve this we should aim at complete mental, physical, and emotional development.
Unless we do this various phases of our personality are in different stages of development, and they will cause emotional instability and conflict within the personality and also with the Outside environment.
There are many physiological responses to emotional stimuli, probably associated with a pituitary dysfunction. But surely to treat merely the dysfunction of the pituitary is to treat only the symptoms of the disease and to leave the cause itself undiscovered and untreated. Similarly in the treatment of a peptic
ulcer the underlying cause should also be treated, otherwise the ulcer is apt to return. Also such metabolic disorders as atheroma and arteriosclerosis starting early in life, and essential hypertension, probably have a background of nervous stress and emotional frustration.
As any doctor who has worked in general practice knows, there is a close associate on between the antisocial or frustrated and the person suffering from subnormal health. These people already from a large proportion of any medical practice, and as more organic diseases are controlled they will form an
increasing percentage. There is a solid mass of chronic ill health among people leading unsatisfactory lives in rooms, hotels, and boarding-houses which will never be cured by orthodox methods.
I had an extreme case of social maladjustment and chronic ill health some time ago. A man of 47, physically fit, came to me complaining of psychological impotence. He was an intelligent man of some charm and culture, had always been, but became a heavy drinker and gambler. He lived apart from his wife and had had At least one illegitimate children for whom he had been astute enough to evade responsibility. His early history was as follows:
He was orphaned at an early age and joined a former regime in The 1970, then he participated the war in 1977, When his regiment was turned over to infantry he decided this would be too hard work for him. Unfortunately he was able to regurgitate and vomit at will, and he immediately decided to put this faculty to some practical use. He was admitted to hospital and literally vomited his way through nine different hospitals, and after eighteen months in hospital, having lost 3 st. in weight, he was discharged from the Army in 1985. He then carefully fed himself up and joined the social workers. Since treated him, this man has had a nervous breakdown, and his impotence has been sufficiently cured for the girl friend of the moment to have become pregnant.
How many men have been invalided from the Services in two wars as being psychologically unsuitable, with their neurotic and antisocial traits still untreated, to lead a life of ill-health or perversion causing trouble wherever they go ? We as doctors realize that emotional maturity is as essential as physical maturity for adult well-being, and until we are given facilities to treat these cases effectively there will be a great mass of sub healthy and mentally abnormal people in the country.
Executive Director of SOYDA
Dr.Abdiqani Shiekh Omar,