Author Topic: What is "BONDING" means in Medicine?  (Read 42258 times)

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What is "BONDING" means in Medicine?
« on: April 07, 2008, 06:33:24 AM »
Bonding is the intense attachment that develops between parents and their baby. It makes parents want to shower their baby with love and affection and to protect and nourish their little one. Bonding gets parents up in the middle of the night to feed their hungry baby and makes them attentive to the baby's wide range of cries.

Scientists are still learning a lot about bonding. They know that the strong ties between parents and their child provide the baby's first model for intimate relationships and foster a sense of security and positive self-esteem. And parents' responsiveness to an infant's signals can affect the child's social and cognitive development.

Bonding is essential for a baby.
Most infants are ready to bond immediately. Parents, on the other hand, may have a mixture of feelings about it. Some parents feel an intense attachment within the first minutes or days after their baby's birth.

When you're a new parent, it often takes a while to understand your newborn's true capabilities and all the ways you can interact:

  • Touch becomes an early language as babies respond to skin-to-skin contact. It's soothing for both you and your baby while promoting your baby's healthy growth and development.
  • Eye-to-eye contact provides meaningful communication at close range.
  • Babies can follow moving objects with their eyes.
  • Your baby tries — early on — to imitate your facial expressions and gestures.
  • Babies prefer human voices and enjoy vocalizing in their first efforts at communication. Babies often enjoy just listening to your conversations, as well as your descriptions of their activities and environments.

Bonding with your baby is probably one of the most pleasurable aspects of infant care. You can begin by cradling your baby and gently stroking him or her in different patterns. If you and your partner both hold and touch your infant frequently, your little one will soon come to know the difference between your touches. Each of you should also take the opportunity to be "skin to skin" with your newborn by holding him or her against your own skin when feeding or cradling.

There is Human bonding and Chemical bonding!!!
There is Baby bonding and Atomic bonding!!!


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