Author Topic: UNICEF Somalia Consultant - Developing an IYCF Strategy Action Plan for Somalia  (Read 14529 times)

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UNICEF Somalia Consultant - Developing an IYCF Strategy Action Plan for Somalia

UNICEF Somalia

Terms of Reference

Vacancy Ref No. UNSOM/2011/017

Functional Title: Consultant - Developing an IYCF Strategy Action Plan for Somalia

Duty Station: USSC Nairobi

Duration: Three Months

Closing date: 01 May 2011

Purpose of Assignment

Infant and young child feeding behaviours in Somalia are sub-optimal and a major contributor to morbidity and mortality. While there are several initiatives ongoing to address this, there is need for an integrated comprehensive framework to guide all the activities towards defined goals and objectives.

In 2003 UNICEF and WHO developed a Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding to support and guide national programming. It builds on past achievements such as The Code and the Innocenti Declaration and goes further to emphasize the need for national policies, plans, and actions that protect and promote optimal IYCF across different sectors and levels.

The strategy reinforces the need for nations to adopt their own strategy in order to ensure stakeholder, political, and financial commitment.

The Global Strategy has been used as the back bone for national strategies throughout the world. It emphasizes the need for suitable goals and objectives, a realistic timeline for their achievement, and measurable process and output indicators. Therefore, it is vital that built into the strategy is a feasible and practical plan of action. Development of an IYCF Strategy and Action Plan for Somalia will ensure that all actors are committed to, and contributing towards, a common goal. The strategy, developed through a consultative process, will also help ensure the necessary stakeholder commitment that will ensure the realization of its objectives.

Objective of Consultancy

The purpose the consultancy is to lead a consultative process to develop an IYCF Strategy and Action Place for Somalia.

Specific objectives are:

# To assist stakeholders in defining the goals and specific objectives that will promote and protect optimal infant and young child feeding
# To ensure an IYCF Strategy and Action Plan for Somalia is developed in an inclusive and consultative manner
# To ensure that the objectives, activities, and indicators in the Strategy and Action Plan are relevant, practical, measurable and achievable
Methodology and Technical Approach

The strategy and action plan will be based on the Global IYCF Strategy and be developed in a consultative manner with the various stakeholders (government ministries, UN agencies, local and international NGOs, professional bodies, training institutions, and CBOs).


Deliverables are:

# Lead consultative workshops in the zones to define the Strategy and Action Plan - one month from start
# Draft Strategy and Action Plan ? 6 weeks from start
# Final Strategy and Action Plan (written Word document and powerpoint summary) - end of consultancy
Management, Organization and Timeframe

The consultant will report directly to UNICEF Nutrition Specialist of IYCF. Duty station will be in Nairobi (70%) and the zonal offices (30%). DSA at UN rates will be provided for travel to Somalia. In the case of an international consultant, DSA for Nairobi will be negotiated

The consultancy will last 65 working days.


A 30% payment can be made in advance, another 30% on completion of the draft Strategy and Action Plan and the remaining 40% given on completion of deliverables. Targets and delivery will be reviewed by the UNICEF Somalia Nutrition team in liaison with the consultancy supervisor.

Qualifications and Specialised Knowledge


# Advanced university degree in Nutrition, Public Health or related technical field.
# At least 8-10 years of relevant professional work experience, with specialization on infant and young child feeding programs.
# Technical knowledge and understanding of IYCF programming including experience of community-based programming in resource poor settings, and in settings of high levels of acute malnutrition. Experience with Somali populations is desirable.
# Previous experience in developing national strategies and action plans required
# Strong communication and facilitation skills.
# Ability to work independently with minimum supervision.
# Knowledge of Somalia operational context and readiness to travel to Somalia
# Fluency in English, with excellent writing skills required.
Conditions of Work

The consultants will be provided with office space in the zonal offices and USSC as well as other administrative and logistical support. However, they will ensure that they come equipped with their own computer.

A working week is defined as 5 working days and fees are prorated accordingly. They will not be paid for weekends or public holidays

They will be required to sign the Health Statement for consultants/individual contractors prior to the assignment, and to document that they have the appropriate health insurance

Exit and penalty provision:

The consultant and UNICEF may agree to reschedule deadlines if unforeseen circumstances arise. In the event that such rescheduling has not been agreed in advance by exchange of letters, and submission of scheduled drafts should not occur within the deadlines indicated within these ToR and the implementation framework, a fine may be deducted.

In the event UNICEF is unhappy with the work produced by the consultant, they may opt to terminate the contract or
mutually agreeable terms. Likewise, if the consultant is unhappy with new conditions given by its client it may opt to withdraw on mutually agreeable terms.

Email to:

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted

Qualified female candidates are especially encouraged to apply

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