Author Topic: Health Benefits of Marriage  (Read 8297 times)

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Health Benefits of Marriage
« on: February 16, 2008, 09:52:28 AM »
Believe it or not, when you choose to marry someone, not only are you choosing how you are going to live your future, who you might have children with, who you will share your values with, and who will be your complete companion, you are choosing someone that can directly affect your mental and physical health.

The Benefits of "In Sickness and in Health":
"The benefits are better physical health, more resistance to infection, fewer infections, and a reduced likelihood of dying from cancer, from heart disease, from all major killers," said psychologist and author John Gottman, PhD. "The other health benefit is longevity: People live longer if they are in marital relationships, particularly if they are in good, satisfying relationships." Gottman, considered by many to be a pioneer in the field of marriage research, is the James Mifflin Professor in the department of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle. "There are physical benefits and mental health benefits," says Gottman. "You have less depression, less anxiety disorders, less psychosis, less posttraumatic stress disorders, fewer phobias. You also have fewer injuries due to accidents."

Physical Health Benefits of Marriage:
What are some of the physical health benefits of marriage?

Married people across cultures have better health than unmarried people
Married individuals have lower rates of alcoholism than their unmarried counterparts because they tend to offer encouragement, support, and protection from daily problems that could otherwise lead them to using alcohol and other drugs
Married men and women have lower suicide rates than unmarried ones because married people have meaningful social networks of friends and relatives. Meaningful relationships give people a sense of personal value and a feeling of responsibility to others
Married individuals have less illness, accidents, and murder; they are less likely to die from all causes, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, car accidents, and murder
Married individuals spend less time in hospitals and have higher recovery rates
Married individuals tend to have stronger immune systems, making them less likely to catch colds and develop other illnesses than unmarried ones

Emotional Benefits of Marriage
What are some of the emotional benefits of marriage?

Married individuals have the lowest rates of depressions and schizophrenias compared to the unmarried
They tend to handle stress and anxiety better than their unmarried counterparts.
Marriage tends to make individuals to be more motivated to do well at work and to persevere through stressful situations
Married persons are less likely to be lonely because they always have someone to share their thoughts, feelings, and lives with
Married persons are more likely to report feeling hopeful, happy, and good about themselves
Married couples have sex more often and enjoy it more physically and emotionally than their unmarried counterparts

As studies and research have shown, there are many health benefits of marriage. As a couple, you still have to work at enduring good health in your relationship. Marriage is a continual learning process throughout a couple's lifetime. There will be many joys and pains, but through the love of your marriage, hopefully your health with continue to benefit.

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Re: Health Benefits of Marriage
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2008, 05:45:40 PM »
Very interesting post.......

Marriage and health often go hand in hand.

Married people are healthier than those who are divorced, widowed, never-married, or live with a partner, says the CDC.

Research conducted that the University of Massachusetts concludes, "one of the most consistent observations in health research is that the married enjoy better health than those of other....

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