Author Topic: How do I clean a wound?  (Read 5468 times)

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How do I clean a wound?
« on: April 16, 2008, 10:09:17 PM »
A break in the skin is known as a wound. Usually, a plaster, or larger dressing is all that is needed to stop a wound bleeding.

However, you might need to apply pressure to the area and, if an arm or leg is affected, you should raise it above heart level.

Before putting on a plaster, or other dressing, you will need to clean the wound. To ensure that it does not become infected, you should follow the steps below:

• Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
• If treating someone else, tell them what you are doing.
•Make sure that the person is sitting or lying down.
• Clean the wound under running tap water or you can use an alcohol-free wipe, but you should not use antiseptic because it may damage the skin.
• Gently dry the area using a clean towel.
• Apply a sterile dressing, such as a bandage or plaster.
If you are unsure how serious your injury is, it is best to get a healthcare professional to check it. If you have a large wound, or a deep cut, they will need to examine it carefully to assess how serious it is. They will also be able to clean the wound thoroughly before stitching it up.

You should get medical advice if:

• the injury does not stop bleeding,
• the injury is very large or very deep,
• the injury was caused by a bite (all animal and human bites need medical attention),
• there is something embedded (stuck) in the cut or graze,
• the injury is to an artery or on a joint crease,
• the injury is red, sore and painful, or has pus coming out (it may be infected), or
• the injury is an old wound that looks like it might be infected.

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