Author Topic: Anaesthetic Practice Question  (Read 10236 times)

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Offline Layla121

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Anaesthetic Practice Question
« on: April 18, 2008, 09:41:15 PM »
Tom is an 81 years old very anxious pensioner, who suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) he has a BMI of 41 and is a regular smoker of 15-20 cigarettes per day. His blood pressure is 170/90 and his heart is 78, respiratory rate is 24, temperature is normal, weight 125kg. He is scheduled for an inguinal hernia operation as an in patient under a general anaesthetic.

(1)   Explain some of the key features within the field of anaesthesia to ensure that an accurate account of an anaesthetic event is produced. Describe the airway maintenance protocol and how it ensures patient safety.

(2)  Identify a range of drugs used in anaesthesia. Explain the behaviour and indicative dosages of druge in anaesthetic practice.

(3)  Explain why patient are monitored during anaesthesia and identify the indicative range of monitoring with regard to the AAGBI guidelines

(4)  Explain the checking of anaesthetic equipment with regard to the AAGBI guideline

(5)  Reflect upon a chosen case

(6) Describe some of the storage implication of medical gases and a range of drugs used in anaesthesia

Offline Diagnostic

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Re: Anaesthetic Practice Question
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2008, 05:59:56 PM »
Hey Layla, I have a few questions:

1- What is AAGBI stands for?
2- Explain question 5?
3- Is this a case you need an answer for it or just the practice questions for anesthesia?

In diagnosis think of the easy first.
Martin H. Fischer


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