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Offline Hanna

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Medicine as a career
« on: May 04, 2007, 06:49:11 PM »
Hi everyone  ;D

I have a question for those of you that are in med-school:

Why did you choose medicine as your (future) profession?

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2007, 10:38:55 AM »
That is a simple question dear Hanna, but only for those who had really thought of it before they made the choice.
Many somali students, let's say 90% of them, only think of Medicine as a specialty after graduation from high school. Engineering is the second choice for these students incase they dont get medicine. This is an example for the great misfortune we have as somalians.
It can be ok that the perfect students think of these two different specialities because of their ability, but not all somali people. even parents can not understand if the students says that he doesn't want medicine or engineering, they think that these are the only specialites available.
There are two things that are very essential to consider before applicating to medicine or any faculty else. Vision is number 1, you have to see clearly your path from this moment to the end of your way, it doesn't need further explanation. Mission is number 2, you have to have a clear humanitarian or other wise understandable purpose for being a doctor, like to help the sick and poor, or to be a highly respected member of your community and so on.

For me, I had the vision and the mission too, thank Allah. And the aportunity came to me from no where, and then I embraced it and we will see the rest.
Thank you for the perfect question Hanna.
Ciise Dheere.
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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2007, 05:22:12 AM »
To be honest, i had many routes i could take towards my ultimate goal.

I chose Medicine as my 'profession' rather than engineering/sciences/law because
it would nurture my curiousity and my fascination for the human body.

Also it would allow me to help our people back in Somalia, who's first and foremost
need (after peace and stability) is humanitarian and medical aid.

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2007, 07:41:02 PM »
For me, I studied medicine for the following reasons:
1- Our home badly needs doctors
2- Helping others make me happy all the time
3- To show our community what a real doc is? not the fake doctors we have!!
4- To be a respectful person ( as Dr.Ciise Dheere said)
"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Dr.Noora

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2007, 02:54:35 AM »
I chose medicine because I loved science. Even when I was very young, I was completely enamored with doctors--how they cared about other people, especially people who were sick and hurting. Medical has allowed me to combine my interests and continues to keep me challenged.

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2007, 08:27:09 PM »
well when i think abt it now,i guess its da fact dat i was a big fan of ER the television show thts still on.i wasnt much turned on by the numerous numbers of sick ppl or the blood but rather wat appealed to me was the end result and how those doctors didnt rest a moment until they made sure tht the patient was alright.ive this need to help ppl,not just the sick but anyone who needs my help,so i guess by becoming a doctor am killing two birds wid one stone,thts am getting to fulfil my need to help n getting da big bucks(inshallah.n plus it helped to hv a doctor in my family who fueled my growing admiration for basically thts wat brought me to this field. :)

Offline Barwaaqoo

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2007, 03:02:29 AM » all... good question and like most people I didn't know I wanted to become a doctor at a young age.....I was actually interested in History as a child....that grew into AID work for refugees worldwide.....which grew into a love of medicine and it's utter importence in giving back to the community at a Muslimah/Somali/Female.....I did not know how much of an affect I would have on Aid agencies( i.e UNHCR)....therefore I would like to use medicine as a platform to make a difference.....inshallah the rest should fall into place as they say...

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2007, 01:07:21 AM »
For me being a doctor has always been the number one target from a young age. I have always loved helping people and its also a respectful job that allows individuals to give back to the community at large, and furthermore the absolute necessity of doctors back in somalia made me realize that this was my only career.
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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2007, 05:37:59 PM »
For me, though it is stupid reason, I chose medicine because i somewhat like to see blood. but the other things motivated me include my love to biology and human diseases, also during my secondary school I had a great Grades in biology and chemistry. so being a doctor is a legal aspect to make people bleed.

for somalia, at the current time, I think that Engineering is much more important than medicine. because our country is totally 99% destroyed and torn by our meaningless civil wars. And in some places in somalia, peace is going to grow like a seedling, for example in Somaliland and puntland, those peaceful areas do need engineers to rebuild their lands and the funny thing is if they wanna build a small industry they have to bring chinese engineers to work for them and no somali can know how to help them sometimes.
though medicine in our country as general is not vanished like engineering but it must be devlped also
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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2007, 05:53:01 PM »
I don't agree with the part you said our country needs engineers more than doctors.
it's logic that you should save people before buildings. (Read this topic for more information)
then it's time will come when killing and injuring innocent people stops.
but we need more engineers in the peaceful ares you mentioned above.
thanks for your reply.

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2007, 07:26:59 PM »
That is a simple question dear Hanna, but only for those who had really thought of it before they made the choice.
Many somali students, let's say 90% of them, only think of Medicine as a specialty after graduation from high school. Engineering is the second choice for these students incase they dont get medicine. This is an example for the great misfortune we have as somalians.
It can be ok that the perfect students think of these two different specialities because of their ability, but not all somali people. even parents can not understand if the students says that he doesn't want medicine or engineering, they think that these are the only specialites available.
There are two things that are very essential to consider before applicating to medicine or any faculty else. Vision is number 1, you have to see clearly your path from this moment to the end of your way, it doesn't need further explanation. Mission is number 2, you have to have a clear humanitarian or other wise understandable purpose for being a doctor, like to help the sick and poor, or to be a highly respected member of your community and so on.

For me, I had the vision and the mission too, thank Allah. And the aportunity came to me from no where, and then I embraced it and we will see the rest.
Thank you for the perfect question Hanna.
Ciise Dheere.

More than 90% opt for pharmacy if they don't get into medicine rather than engineering.

Offline Mohamed

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2008, 12:20:21 PM »
My only passion in life is being a doctor and helping people with health difficulties. I have been interested in medicine since childhood. This curiosity began, when at the age of five I accompanied my mum to the hospital for a blood test. I was mesmerized by this miracle of life and by the thought of being involved in something as wonderful throughout my life. We walked through rows and rows of patients suffering from different illness. I have always felt a particular satisfaction when it comes to helping people.

I enjoy studying science because it is a subject that encompasses so much of life's issues and practicalities, and a subject that can be applied and made useful to everyday life. Medicine is a global profession where there should be no boundaries for delivering such help. It is a career of ongoing professional development and I am determined and motivated to be a part of this 'global' profession.


Offline Mapoc

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2009, 11:03:58 AM »
Well i had seen my grand pa who was in this field from chilhood so i
always wanted to be like him helping people so i took medicine.

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2009, 02:37:58 PM »
it fully depends upon the interest area of a person...i liked this field so i am here....

Offline Williamparkar

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Re: Medicine as a career
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2010, 01:40:53 PM »
The main reason I went into medicine is because I was fascinated with science and life. The human body is one of the most complex machines in existence. I have always been in awe of how so many different parts can work together synergistically to sustain life. Think of a car or any type of machine. They have far less working parts than the human body, and still they can only last for so long before the engine goes out, or the transmission fails, etc. Then think of a human, and look at the average life expectancy and think of how miraculously incredible it is that something so intricate can last for so long.

As a kid I was always collecting bugs and lizards and looking at things under the microscope kit that my Dad got me. I was always the one who would help doctor up my friends when they got hurt or cut.

Then as I got older I was lucky to make some friends in a medical school near me (Wake Forest/Bowman Gray School of Medicine) and because of that got to go into the gross anatomy lab and learn on real cadavors while the med students were on break and that sealed it.

Since then I have never regretted anything. My only problem was trying to choose what to focus on and specialize in, because I honestly found it all so fascinating, but in the end I went with toxicology and have been happy with my choice ever since. I do still remain updated on other areas of medicine and will routinley do C&E to keep up with other specialities.

And in unison with Pangolin, I am a Board Certified Toxicologist and I frequent this forum a lot when I am on call and have to stay awake and have finished all of my paperwork! There are also several retired MDs and other medical professionals that frequent this forum as well!


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