Author Topic: Irbadda Dadka Nolosha Ka Tuurta  (Read 15265 times)

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Offline Kalkaaliye_Bsc

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Irbadda Dadka Nolosha Ka Tuurta
« on: July 12, 2008, 01:05:14 AM »
Suaashaydu waxay kusaabsan tahay dhanka maskaxda. baryahan dambe wadamadan yurubta waxaa kusoo badanaya dad somali ah oo ayagoo caadi inta ay isbitaal tagaan lagu dhufto irbad ka dhigta qofka wax dansan oo iska socda, qofkiiba aan sidii hore ahayn, badanaa dadkaas waxaa laga yaabaa inay isbitaalka markay tagayeen wax weyn aysan qabin/ dadka qaarna waxay irbadaas ku aamusiyaan marka ay dadkale ladagaalamaan (aggressive) marka suaashaydu waxa weeye:

-magaceed dawadaas
-waqti intee le eg bay qofka badanaa kujirtaa
-side looga saari karaa qofkii lagu duray
-muxuu yahay cudurka intabadan dawadan loogutalagalay.

thanks brothers & sisters

Offline SomaliDoc

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Re: Irbadda Dadka Nolosha Ka Tuurta
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 11:47:42 AM »
Walaal kalkaaliye, su'aashaada waa mid muhiim ah lakin maadaama aan warbixin aan ka heynin, aqoon dheeraadne aan u heyn cirbaddaas, waxaan jeclahay in su'aashaada aan ku wareejiyo dhakhaatiirta ka howlgasha isbitaaladaas khaas ahaan dhakhaatiirta ka shaqeysa isbitaalada wadamada iskandaneefiyaanka sida dr.mustafa. ee fadlan su'aashaada english u badal adigoo mahadsan.

Abdullahi M. Mahdi waa dhakhtar soomaaliyeed oo ku takhasusay Cudurada Guud (Internal Medicine) Cudurada Faafa (Infectiouse Diseases) iyo Cudurada Dhulalka Kuleylaha (Tropical Medicine), Sidoo kale waa Qoraa si joogto ah bulshada uga wacyi galiyo bogga "" oo uu aasaasay bilawgii sanadka 2007.

Igala Soco:

Offline Mustafa

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Re: Irbadda Dadka Nolosha Ka Tuurta
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2008, 07:37:41 PM »
Salam  questioner,

There are indeed some factors which may lead to prescribing wrong medication. For instance,  it depends on how the immigrant/asylum seeker/refugee expresses himself, language barrier beween the patient and the healthcarer,  a different conception of the health system in the country where the patient is residing and so on.
for the sake of your argument in the scenario you presented : "patient is admitted on ward, and behaves just aggressively." There are ofcourse measures or protocols to be followed. So it is unrealistic to me to give a medication out of the blue without taking history and doing pyhsical examination.
There are situations the patient is given sedating drugs in cases  of delirium or acute psyschosis.

Nevertheless I haven't come across such a condition like this, therefore I cannot confirm neither refute it.

I hope that this explanation helps.

wa salam


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Re: Irbadda Dadka Nolosha Ka Tuurta
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2008, 01:49:14 PM »
Is this part of conspiracy theory?!! :D
Pharmacist is highly-trained and skilled healthcare professional who perform various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for his patients.



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