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Somalis and Medical conditions! please read!
« on: May 23, 2007, 05:21:50 PM »
Dear medical students of somalia.
There is a question that buzzled me alot.
It is simple but confusing. Our somali people have much information about medicine, disease and treatments, you can say that all somali people are semi-doctors by what they call "cilmi dhagood", and there are a lot of diseases and conditions known to somali people I didn't know how to make them match what we studied in medicine.
For example the very common disease, Peptic ulcer, you can hardly see a somalian family without this disease. But what is confusing is their eats and dont-eats in dealing with this disease and also the symptoms which they created many of them. So, the question here is what is true and what is not about peptic ulcer of somalis? is it peptic ulcer or gastritis or another thing? what is true about foods to take and food not to, regarding to somalis?
I hope if any one has information about this buzzling issue to let's know.
Thank you in advance.
Ciise Dheere.

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Re: somalis and Medical conditions! please read!
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2007, 01:00:47 PM »
Interesting Question?!?!
I think I have an answer for your question
I was the same like you thinking about that question, but when I visit somalia I got a hint.
If I talk about myself I did'nt experience any gastritis or semi-gastritis never but in the 3 months I have been there I acquired and started feeling the classical symptoms of deudenal ulcer and I started medication, Now I am improving (thanks GOD)
By the way I was eating spicy foods, fatty foods more before I come back to somalia and did'nt get peptic ulcer!
So you will ask me what do you think the cause is?
I don't know but I can tell you something:
NO-1 Cause of peptic ulcer in somalia is STRESS and ANXIETY.
because some fellows told me the number of cases increased 3-fold after civil war happen and each day we have new cases which most of them are complicated and perforated!!
So STRESS and STRESS is what triggers this situation! and as you said dr.ciise dheere at least one member should have this disease in each family
NO-2 the other option we may think is prevalence of H-Pylori in somalia which we don't know about it.
because there are alot of ppl who completely ttt-ed with H-Pylori eradication regimen!
NO-3 Medications come in the 3rd position because every one knows we are on asprin dependant community + other NSAID we use for variouse illnesses.
So I think my cause was: Stress, here is the approve
when I come back to Somalia, I was in hargeisa (was well that time) then landed to mogadishu, the ethopian troops was bombing heavily at that time, alot of people was killed, alot fled their homes, we our selves was stucked in the airport alot of rockets hit the airport itself!!!
at that time i started to feel epigastric pain, regurgitation, abdominal flatulance and continue the list........... within weeks
Also I know alot of ppl when they traveled abroad they left their gastritis behind them!!!

If you are outside somalia, and you never thought of peptic ulcer I am afraid you will have one when you come back!
don't ask me the same question again because simply I don't know!!
we are poor country, we don't do statistics, don't investigate PUDs always, and we lost past records for comparison
so if you have good reason, and would like to take part of this discussion welcome and say what you think.

What is PUD?

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Re: somalis and Medical conditions! please read!
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 04:19:19 AM »
hI GUYS,well this CILIM DHaGOOD thing is true about somalis but i did realize sometime back that most of the things they believe in about that specific ailments like, as u said peptic ulcer, does not turn out to be scientifically correct! a layman wont be that accurate! the common way of getting this myths is by seeing or talking to someone who suffered the disease or had episodes of any kind of GIT malfunctions.. this is a problem that needs to be addressed among somali laymen!...just dont predict science! go with the facts!  in this part of the world where i m studying medicine..i.e Pakistan people tend to consume alot of spicy foods in almost everything that goes into their throat! u might even see some of them take certain `masala` in their drinks!!!!! i swear that is true!...and few of them develop ulcers!! lets just say that Somalis have a wrong combination of food that might exacerbate any peptic condition!.... i once invited a fellow Yemeni to have 0ne of my bananas when we were eating together at the hostel mess,i knew only Somalis eat them with their food but just as a sign of respect and generosity i offered him one!...he politely refused it and said when he took it last time,during a meal with other Somalis, he had developed some painful GIT problems that he decided not to do it again!!! so may be the secret lies in there...!! lets stop eating bananas WITH our food!! and see the wisdom it can bring to us having an answer to your question!!!

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Re: somalis and Medical conditions! please read!
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 09:40:37 AM »
Welcome brother Moha, & Eid wanagsan.

Feeling GIT problems by your Yemeni friend not necessarily mean that banana made him sick.
it's something usual to feel such symptoms if u eat unusual mixed food like he did.
Let me tell you this fact, do you know that banana is the best fruit treating heartburn and preventing PUD?!
Bananas are a natural antacid, says Dr. P. Bradley Carey. They neutralize an acid stomach. In most cases, they will give Heartburn relief in minutes.
For a soothing, natural antacid, eat a banana for heartburn relief instead of an OTC antacid tablet!!!. Read The Article
That's a point but if you mean eating banana with other foods like we do "Banana with bariis and suugo", also it's a logic that banana should reduce the effect of those spicy foods unless someone say: "there will be food interaction and banana will loose it's efficacy"!!! like drug interaction

To be proud of our "Moos" Click here to read it's great benefits.

Who Said Bananas Are Not Good For You? - Read it
Why Bananas Are the Number One Fruit? - Read it

Also such articles  will show you how our "Moos" worth to be respected & Saluted!!! 8)

Let us think into another direction "Do our people have genetic susceptibility to PUD?!!" ??? ::)

"A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Moha

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Re: somalis and Medical conditions! please read!
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2007, 02:27:50 PM »
Hi,yep u r spot on...bananas do relieve heartburn ..but the thing i was trying to figure out was the fact that eating banana with every dish might interfere with the physiological metabolism of certain foods as banana are rich in potassium and vitamin C.and in that sense,u might be able to sound a bit of carefulness in combining certain chemicals??..
   well,i m not sure wether we Somalis are genetically exposed to PUD as surveys are not conducted  in Somalia but rought estimate is that there is a high chance of it running in certain families esp those from well-off and economically privilaged....
     keep up the good work guys


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