Author Topic: Aloe (Dacarta)  (Read 7585 times)

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Aloe (Dacarta)
« on: July 27, 2008, 08:15:01 AM »
NB:Aloe is called DACAR in Somali language, it is very abundant in the Somali countryside, also it is one of the most common Somali Traditional healing herbs.
The cactus-like aloe is a favorite houseplant and home remedy for burns, scrapes, cuts, and scratches. It has been used for millennia to treat skin problems. Alexander the Great is said to have sent his army from Greece to an island off the coast of Somalia just to obtain its crop of aloe.
Aloe-emodin, arginine, magnesium, salicylates, serine, vitamin C, and complex polysaccharides including acemannan.
Parts Used
The inner fillet of the leaf either freeze dried or spray dried into a powder.
Typical Preparations
The clear, slightly slimy gel collected from the fleshy part of the leaf is taken internally for its antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and immunostimulant effects, or applied directly to the skin to soothe inflammation and accelerate healing. Aloe gel is used fresh or stabilized.
The Aloe powder or "Bitter Aloe" is a dried latex taken from the "peel" of the leaves, more precisely the double wall of the leafs water sacs. When bitter aloe is first extracted from the leaf, it is yellow, but it turns brown as it dries.
Acemannan is a complex carbohydrate chemically extracted from the gel. It is used in experimental pharmaceutical preparations as a treatment for viral infections and cancer. Acemannan is not a whole herb product..

Aloe is used to treat eczema (atopic dermatitis), frostbite, psoriasis, and wounds from cosmetic dermabrasion and dental procedures involving the gums. Generally, best results are obtained when the wound only involves the upper layers of the skin. Aloe is not recommended for deeper wounds because it causes the skin to tighten too soon, hindering the recovery of the deeper layers.
The herb contains at least seven antioxidant compounds that prevent the production of leukotrienes, chemical agents of inflammation released by mast (white blood) cells. Aloe gel releases natural salicylates, compounds related to aspirin, and relieves pain as it encourages healing.
Aloe gel is also useful for treating genital herpes. One study found that using an aloe cream reduced the average time for healing from 12 days to 5, and that herpes lesions were 10 times more likely to be completely healed within 10 days with aloe treatment, compared to a placebo.
Aloe is also useful for treating seborrhea, a condition of red, scaly, oil eruptions on the eyelids, eyebrows, nose, ear, upper lip, chin, chest, and groin. Aloe creams usually relieve symptoms of seborrhea in 4 to 8 weeks.
Aloe "juice" lowers blood sugars of diabetics and helps relieve ulcerative colitis.

Aloe gel is an extraordinarily safe herb. There are no contraindications for its use on the skin, although diabetics who drink aloe juice should monitor their blood sugars to make sure the combination of aloe and medications is not excessively effective.
Internally it is not recommended while nursing or pregnant and it is a bulk forming laxative and adequate fluids must be taken. Not recommended for long term use.

This information is copied from Mountain Rose Herbs. ;)

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