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Offline Dr.keyf

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Require feedback,thanx
« on: August 30, 2008, 01:50:46 PM »
hi everybody,hope ure all well.Ramadhan Kareem to u all!

i would like some feedback on some questions if anyone has some knowledge pertaining to tht.

1.first of all i want to if u want to work for an aid organization like WHO then is it possible to get a job as a volunteer if u have no work experience?

2.second,how does one get a job in an aid organization,i mean is there a standard protocol for tht?

3.third if possible i would like to knw wat organizations are faster in recruiting members and dont have to put u through a 6month etc waitin period?

if anyone has some useful information,i would be very thankful.thanx again

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Re: Require feedback,thanx
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2008, 10:27:35 AM »
dr.keyf, ramadan kareem too

You should know when humanitarian aid organizations request work experience, or when put you thru waiting period, they are not seeking for a doctor recently or they don't need you so badly.

Also the location you would like to work plays a major role for you to get a job, for example in Somalia, some aid organizations use nurse consultants as medical doctors, they are allowed to see patients, take history, do examinations, send investigations, and give treatments without supervision.

I know doctors who recently graduated & working in Somalia without work experience...

So I say work experience is no longer obstacle if you want to work in certain places like Somalia.

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Geeljire

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Re: Require feedback,thanx
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2008, 02:15:06 AM »

I was talking to someone I know and they said a family member of there's works as the current president of one of the UN aid organizations in Nairobi, where I think you live now. I think I can help you. But I'm pressed for time, will send you pm later or tomorrow.

Good luck and Happy Ramadan.
Fi Amanallah,
Geeljire ~

Offline Dr.keyf

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Re: Require feedback,thanx
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2008, 02:06:42 PM »
salaam ,thanx dr.mahdi n geelijire for this information.have a good day...... :)

Offline Geeljire

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Re: Require feedback,thanx
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2008, 01:35:27 AM »
Dear Dr.Keyf, you seem to be doing the right things there. Some of the suggestion Dr.Mahdi gave are useful too. But your real downfall seems to be the lack of experience in the job market!

In finding a job, the very first thing you need to do is know what it is that you want to do. In other words what kind of a job do you want.

Your first step should be to approach an employment agency (don’t know if you have any of these where you live).

You’re likely to land a few temporary jobs here and there which you can add to your CV (resume). This will hopefully increase your confidence when you go to interviews for “proper” jobs.

The best way to find a job in aid organization is through networking. Envolve everyone you know (and don’t know) that you’re looking for a job. Someone somewhere will pass you information of a sure thing. 80% of jobs are found this way. You can even cold-call aid organizations you are interested in and ask them if they are hiring. 

3.third if possible i would like to knw wat organizations are faster in recruiting members and dont have to put u through a 6month etc waitin period?

^^For this Q, here are many UN and NGO positions which are posted at this link :

Just look under vacancies.

Ps.I've given your PM a lot of thought, and in the context of this thread, I think there would be something for you and I would be willing to help you out, I'A.

Good luck & Fi Amanallah,
Geeljire ~

Offline Dr.keyf

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Re: Require feedback,thanx
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2008, 01:41:34 PM »
salaam geeljire,thanx for watever help uve already offered.ive found someone who works wid them n hes looking for a vacancy for need to go to any more trouble.thanx again

Offline Geeljire

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Re: Require feedback,thanx
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2008, 01:26:44 AM »
^Salam & Hambalyo, Dr.Keyf. You did it. All SD members are proud of you. How many dhuubo dhex yar can pull this off...not that many I tell ya.

Now I don't know which organization you gotta work for but if you will UN one and Retail is a hard one to crack, it’s all about selling something if not yourself, I personally think you should set your eyes on something more rewarding. Voluntary work always pays off walaal, stick by it. Just make sure you network whilst in there and build connections with other organisations and before you know it (believe it or not) jobs will be looking for you!

Every job is different and you need to design your resume accordingly. For many jobs for example, you’ll need to emphasise your problem solving abilities, your team working skills and your natural talent for grasping difficult concepts. Some jobs require specific abilities and if you believe you have those abilities then you really need to highlight them in your resume.

Don't get discouraged if you don't secure employment right away. Most new graduates have the same experience. Don't sit around until you get a position in your field. Again congrats.

And your major ahem what can I is added value in so many departments if you know what I mean.

You didn't ask my Geeljirely advice I know but hey I can't help. Being Geeljire that I am, this sort of unsolicited exhortation is expected of me.

Good luck & Fi Amanallah,
Geeljire ~