Author Topic: BIG BANG EXPERIMENT READY TO GO TODAY!!  (Read 13834 times)

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Offline Geeljire

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« on: September 10, 2008, 01:14:54 AM »
What do you think, are they going too far with this kind of experiment, there were alot of protests about the nature of this experiment, but the European court approved the experiment which is supported by more than 50 countries and thousands of scientists are taking part and putting data together.


Scientists hope for surprises in Big Bang experiment

GENEVA (Reuters) - Scientists involved in a historic "Big Bang" experiment to begin this week hope it will turn up many surprises about the universe and its origins -- but reject suggestions it will bring the end of the world.

And Robert Aymar, the French physicist who heads the CERN research centre, predicted that discoveries to emerge from his organization's 6.4 billion euro ($9.2 billion) project would spark major advances for human society.

"If some of what we expect to find does not turn up, and things we did not foresee do, that will be even more stimulating because it means that we understand less than we thought about nature," said British physicist Brian Cox.

"What I would like to see is the unexpected," said Gerardus t'Hooft of the University of Michigan. Perhaps, he suggested, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine at the heart of the experiment "will show us things we didn't know existed."

Once it starts up on Wednesday, scientists plan to smash particle beams together at close to the speed of light inside CERN's tightly-sealed Large Hadron Collider to create multiple mini-versions of the primeval Big Bang.

Cosmologists say that that explosion of an object the size of a small coin occurred about 13.7 billion years ago and led to formation of stars, planets -- and eventually to life on earth.

A key aim of the CERN experiment is to find the "Higgs boson," named after Scottish physicist Peter Higgs who in 1964 pointed to such a particle as the force that gave mass to matter and made the universe possible.

But other mysteries of physics and cosmology -- supersymmetry, dark matter and dark energy among them -- are at the focus of experiments in the 27-km (17-mile) circular tunnel deep underneath the Swiss-French border.

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Atom-smashing experiment ready to go

Scientists will launch an experiment in a tunnel deep beneath the French-Swiss border Wednesday, hoping to find evidence of extra dimensions, invisible "dark matter," and an elusive particle called the "Higgs boson."

And although leading physicists such as Stephen Hawking say the atom-smashing experiment will be absolutely safe, some skeptics fear the proton collisions could unleash microscopic black holes that would eventually doom the Earth.

The most powerful atom-smasher ever built will produce collisions of protons travelling at nearly the speed of light in the circular tunnel, giving off showers of particles that will provide more clues about how everything in the universe is made.

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Big Bang 2: The milestone CERN experiment, step by step

The most important scientific experiment in recent history starts officially on Wednesday morning when the biggest particle accelerator ever built becomes operational. Its purpose is to recreate what happened imediately after the Big Bang and thus help scientists to better understand universal processes. But the events involving the huge LHC particle accelerator today are just the start of a long period of collosal scientific efforts due to continue for years to come.

What happens today:

  • In the morning, at 9.00 Geneva time, a quick planning session takes place at the European center for nuclear research (CERN), to be followed half an hour later by the injection of a first particle beam into the LHC accelerator. The event can be followed live at

  • Scientists, engineers and even Nobel laureates are expected to make regular briefings and hold Q&A sessions throughout the day

  • The purpose of the first day of the experiment is that the first particle beam fully circles the accelerator. Armies of experts will try to make sure everything goes fine as malfunctions can occur, given the complexity of the system.

What will come next:

  • After a first evaluation of this phase, another beam will be injected in reverse direction into the accelerator. This may happen in a few days time
    CERN representatives say the first collission of beams from opposite directions to take place no earlier than in six to eight months.

  • The first collissions will have a low intensity which will increase gradually to reach a peak when hundreds of millions of collissions take place every second - the most important phase of the experiment, which has sparked speculations (strongly denied by scientists) about a so-called "end of the world"

  • The LHC accelerator is due to be shut down for the winter period in mid-November and is expected to be restarted at full capacity next year

  • The petabytes of data to be collected will be analyzed by some 5,000 scientists through a major computer grid for years to come.

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Fi Amanallah,
Geeljire ~

Offline Dr.Farabadan

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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 01:27:54 PM »
  It won't be hope for surprise but hope for disester and distruction of the Globe. I believe what we will find out may be unexpected!!!!!!!!!. The thing is, who knows what we'll come out, its 50/50 chance.

          There have been claims that it will create "black holes" of intensive gravity sucking in CERN, Europe and perhaps the whole planet, or that it will open the way for beings from another universe to invade through a "worm hole" in peace-time. But a safety review by  some scientists at CERN,issued at the weekend, rejected the prospect of such outcomes.

    I'm not saying it we'll definitely negative outcome, but  for the safety of this experiment it's unreliable
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Offline Geeljire

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« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 09:50:25 PM »
We can also look on the bright side!

If were not going to be destroyed we are going to learn so much more.
May be the secret the secret of gravity and the dark matter!

If we as humans want to evolve then this station has to be passed.
If UFO's or aliens visit us they also had a time in theire development
where they did these experiment.

If they don't exist than that could be because they stopped existing because of these experiments! ;D

Nice twist to the story don't you think!

CERN admits it could create micro black holes but they believe they will decay/dissolve based on the Hawkins Radiation But what if Hawkins is wrong he already changed his views on black holes ones!

Fi Amanallah,
Geeljire ~

Offline Geeljire

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« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2008, 10:29:51 PM »

So far the collider successfully completed its first major test by firing a beam of protons all the way around a 17-mile tunnel.

That test was done using the clockwise direction, so the next step is the counterclockwise, two beams of oppossite direction will be fired, this is where the atention will be.

Fi Amanallah,
Geeljire ~

Offline Dr.keyf

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« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2008, 12:58:22 PM »
salaamz,first off its good geeljire tht ure trying to liven up somalidoc website wid ur only problem is a thread like this is one tht cant last for long coz many ppl dono abt the bing bang theory or experiment for tht matter.and even if they do,there isnt much tht can be said abt it. ???.luckily i know abit abt it and even though as usual the white folks are trying to make the world a better place,ahem,(or maintain the white supremacy in other words),and im all for any positive findings the experiment might hv but deep down i know of a single truth tht cannot be denied.
tht is the whole aim of this experiment which they donot want to verbalise is they are trying to prove God doesnt exist.the big bang theory is a theory which states tht particles after colliding in space ended up in the formation of the earth and its contents such as all types of i really don get how dumb intelligent ppl like them can be.its so easy to see Allah in everything on this earth frm the seen to the unseen.almost everything in our life is a cycle,and there is no process tht can continue in such a cycle without stopping or dying i don get why they r so bent on disprovin God.they created names like karma n mother nature etc inorder to eluded mentioning God.
so as i said b4,am all for the positive outcome of tht experiment bt i don think they will ever learn the secret of life and how it came abt.the things tht Allah has made unseen will remain unseen.period.and tht my dear friend ,is my opinion abt the big bang theory n experiment!

Offline Dr.Farabadan

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« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2008, 01:13:48 PM »
that's right dr. keyf.  they r  trying to prove thad god doesn't exist but they also want to mislead the world, I think They r wasting all that six billion for nothing.

  But positive outcome is questioned and Im worrying that they w'll cose big problem to this Universe
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