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Offline Countess_Vampira

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Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« on: September 12, 2008, 10:31:57 PM »
Should Creationism be taught in schools? (Science in particular)

I have my own ideas on the subject but what is it that you personally believe?

For those of you who are unawares as to what Creationism is or entails here is a brief description.

Creationism is the religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity (often the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or deities, whose existence is presupposed. In relation to the creation-evolution controversy the term creationism (or strict creationism) is commonly used to refer to religiously-motivated rejection of evolution.

Such beliefs include young Earth creationism, proponents of which believe that the days in Genesis Chapter 1 are 24 hours in length, while Old Earth creationism accepts geological findings and other methods of dating the earth and believes that these findings do not contradict the Genesis account, but reject evolution. The term theistic evolution has been coined to refer to beliefs in creation which are more compatible with the scientific view of evolution and the age of the Earth. Alternately, there are other religious people who support creation, but in terms of allegorical interpretations of Genesis.

(Countess_Vampira's thoughts)

Islamically we believe that Allah has created every aspect of human/non human existence but where I personally differ from other traditionalists like my grandmother and indeed some aunts and uncles is that I don't take the Quranic verses of the universe/worlds creation literally but symbolically. Why? Because being scientifically minded the idea of creating humans from clay/earth is hard to get my head around. Thats not to suggest that Allah cannot create humans in such a manner or indeed (has not created them as such) for I have no quarrel with Allah's ability in producing anything. Its just that being human I have a deficiency in understanding things which are greater than my cerebral capabilities and thus it is a great possibility that Allah has merely expressed to us the idea of creation in the simplest of terms. This therefore paves the way for self discovery and science. We are born to question and thus search for the truth in greatest possible methods...thats why I am open to the idea of all forms of creation, from the big bang, to creationism (hard as it is to believe that the world is a couple of thousand years old and that we lived among the dinosaurs. Then again whose to that humans were not around in the prehistoric era? hard as it is to believe there may exist a human fossil some where beneath our very feet which pre-dates even the earliest human fossil recording we have today. Shes called lucy and was found in ethipia by the way for those of you who are interesting in that little tibid (- though in truth she was not as evolved as us modern humans-which is another issue in and of it self)...but what I'm trying to say without much luck is because there is no definitive answer to the beginning of creation? I am as a result keeping an open mind and looking out for evidence.

I don't wish to merely believe in pixies I wish to at least know they are tangible. As a result, creationism should be introduced to children in science lessons as one avenue of the many theories that exist for creation, but we should teach kids that empirical evidence and logic should be placed higher than that of non tangible belief. Therefore placing all theory's, like the big bang, evolution and the Adam and Eve infastruction in a strict, logically fair context.

Hence the sole idea that should prevail in science is one which emphasizes the rightful accumulation of more empirical evidence (close to at least) and not simply heart felt belief. Now thats me finished.

What do you personally think?

Offline PrincessMuni

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 02:19:30 AM »
Should Creationism be taught in schools? (Science in particular)

I have my own ideas on the subject but what is it that you personally believe?

(Countess_Vampira's thoughts)

Islamically we believe that Allah has created every aspect of human/non human existence but where I personally differ from other traditionalists like my grandmother and indeed some aunts and uncles is that I don't take the Quranic verses of the universe/worlds creation literally but symbolically. Why? Because being scientifically minded the idea of creating humans from clay/earth is hard to get my head around.
What do you personally think?

what do you mean by I don't take quranic verses literally? Allah subhanah wa Tala said in the Quran:"أنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء" meaning the most ppl who understand and fear Allah subhanah wa Tala are the scientist! because they have proof and they know everything so therefor no need to say I don't take Quran literally, thats just wrong!

I don't wish to merely believe in pixies I wish to at least know they are tangible

Pixies are mentioned in the Quran so you have to believe that they exist and they don't have 2 be tangible?
for example: there is Air, you feel the breeze, you need air to breath
but do you see it? yet you believe that there is air and without air you wouldn't sit here wondering right?
excuse me if I didn't understand the goal of your post and my advice to you
is to leave science if its gonna make you wonder like this and work in anyother place!

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Offline Yaxya

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 06:47:46 AM »
I don't take the Quranic verses of the universe/worlds creation literally but symbolically. Why? Because being scientifically minded the idea of creating humans from clay/earth is hard to get my head around
first of all never say this statement agian because it is kufur.
The Qur'anic account of creation is in line with modern scientific thought about the development of the universe and life on earth. Muslims acknowledge that life developed over a long period of time, but see Allah's power behind it all. Descriptions of creation in the Qur'an are set in context to remind the readers of Allah's majesty and wisdom.

"What is the matter with you, that you are not conscious of Allah's majesty, seeing that it is He Who has created you in diverse stages? See you not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another, and made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (glorious) lamp? And Allah has produced you from the earth, growing (gradually)" (71:13-17).

Life Came From Water

The Qur'an describes that Allah "made from water every living thing" (21:30). Another verse describes how "Allah has created every animal from water. Of them are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills, for truly Allah has power over all things" (24:45). These verses support the scientific theory that life began in the Earth's oceans.

Creation of Adam & Eve

While Islam recognizes the general idea of the development of life in stages, over a period of time, human beings are considered as a special act of creation. Islam teaches that human beings are a unique life form that was created by Allah in a special way, with unique gifts and abilities unlike any other: a soul and conscience, knowledge, and free will. In short, Muslims do not believe that human beings randomly evolved from apes. The life of human beings began with the creation of two people, a male and a female named Adam and Hawwa (Eve).

The Qur'an describes how Allah created Adam: "We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape..." (15:26). And, "He began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from a quintessence of fluid" (32:7-8). Thus, human beings have a fundamental attachment to the earth.

While the creation of Eve is not described in detail, the Qur'an does make it clear that a "mate" was created with Adam, from the same nature and soul. "It is He Who created you from a single person, and made his mate of like nature, in order that he might dwell with her in love" (7:189). She is not mentioned by name in the Qur'an, but in Islamic tradition she is known as "Hawwa" (Eve).

From these two individuals, generations of human beings have inhabited the earth. "Oh humankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured among you in the sight of Allah is the who is the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)" (49:13).

finally,There is more science in the Quran than most people know. Unless you actually study it you will not understand it.

The is how the building blocks of all living beings is water and clay. Modern science just found that DNA is made of clay. There is also science of how weather is produced, water is separated, mountains are formed, and the Universe itself. Modern science is just now catching up and proving the Quran right.
for further details see ATLAS OF CREATION by Dr.Harun Yahya
we never underwent evoultion,we were created
thanx 2 u princess_muni 4 ur post
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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 01:42:08 PM »
Astaghfurullah!!!some things are just a sin thinking them coz it leads u to say them.these questions u have ,hv absolutely no goal bt rather to challenge the very existence of doesnt matter whether or not man was created frm clay,Allah just told us tht for knowledge bt the very essence of being a muslim is belief in the unseen.if u challenge tht by ur questions u shake the roots of ur being a muslim n therefore are in grave danger of deviating frm islam.we hv never seen Allah n his prophet(SAW) yet we believe in them and wat they tell is Allah who has mentioned tht we r frm clay,so for u to hv doubts is an indication dont ive any heat to Allahs words.
so dear sister ,i would advice u to refrain frm this dangerous a translated quran and read the text,u will better understand,if u hv questions,ask those knowledgeable ppl around be careful,some questions are equal to shirk therefore refrain.there are some things tht Allah has hidden frm us and its a sin to guess or talk heresay,for example we know tht God is neither male nor female.our human brain would be curious as to wat Allah is bt we are asked to refrain frm tht because questions like tht are pointless and are a favorite topic of the devil.once u put ur mind to findin such things out(which u cant),the devil fuels ur curiosity until u reach a point of commiting once again sister be careful where u tread.

Offline Dr.Farabadan

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2008, 07:35:59 PM »
Dear Countess_Vampira.
I don't  Know what  uyou believe, but you got wrong idea about  this topic.

 in the fifth paragraph you said "islamically we believe that allah created every aspects of Human/non Human.

so, If you are real muslim, why don't you believe allah's words

allah told how every thing in this universe was created, so, you don't need to believe evolution theory.

If you are Muslim as you said, Ask allah forgiveness and read the Holly Koran then you will find the truth
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Offline Countess_Vampira

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2008, 07:52:55 PM »
Good evening My fellow forum-er’s I’d like to firstly thank you all for your contribution very interesting ideas indeed and I’d like if I may to take the time to address a few replies

Princess Muni: “what do you mean by I don't take quranic verses literally?”

By that I mean, I don’t take the descriptions of human and the how the earth was created in the quran literally, meaning….I cannot see how humans were produced directly from clay. Again…Like I’ve said before people, its not that I believe that Allah cannot accomplish such a feat nor do I insinuate they we were not created exactly as was described to us by the Rahim it just means that I wish to know exactly how the universe, us and thus all of creation has come to be precisely.

Therfore we cannot use the Quran as a kind of substitute for a scientific journal, the Quran is a guideline, a poetically produced piece of perfection indeed but its by no means detailed. There are other areas in the quran which describes human creation in the form of a water/liquid based organism- first clay then water? Can you people not see for yourself the great areas of differences there are? The large areas of translation? Does that mean we come from water? Or directly from clay? ...if so what was in this clay for it to create life?

See? There are too many blank questions and pages that the Quran cannot file, that’s why we have science that’s why Allah gave us minds to question and so we can seek further knowledge.

There is a difference in having faith and then trying to provide evidence for the idea of faith, that’s why I believe that those children should be aware of the different ideas of creation we should all be sensible and look towards the one idea that can provide evidence placing it all into content. My proposition is simple and I’m not sure as to why it would be a difficult concept to comprehend.

People how is it haram to say I take things symbolically? The world was created in six days or periods….do I take that literally? Or symbolically? Does Allah require the sun to keep time like we do? Obviously no as he is the creator of time itself. See? Questions after questions after questions

There is nothing blasphemous about what I’ve said and I think that people are being selective.

Did you all not read this part?

I personally differ from other traditionalists like my grandmother and indeed some aunts and uncles is that I don't take the Quranic verses of the universe/worlds creation literally but symbolically. Why? Because being scientifically minded the idea of creating humans from clay/earth is hard to get my head around. That’s not to suggest that Allah cannot create humans in such a manner or indeed (has not created them as such) for I have no quarrel with Allah's ability in producing anything. Its just that being human I have a deficiency in understanding things which are greater than my cerebral capabilities and thus it is a great possibility that Allah has merely expressed to us the idea of creation in the simplest of terms.

^- Please try to at least take my view point into consideration before you start waving the Kufar flag, now that would be unislamic.

To Dr Farabeen-
I never said I DON’T BELIEVE! I said I find it difficult to understand HOW it is done, can you not see the clear difference? Can you say to me that you understand and know precisely how humans were created? That you can describe to me in detail how we were formed? What type of clay was used? What was in the clay? What entities were used to produce us? Biologically/chemically speaking? No…you merely have a symbolic description given to you which has been simplified for your simple human mind (like my simple human mind)

Therefore I want to know exactly how we came to be and question and seek truth and knowledge. Human beings are inquisitive creators Allah understands our thirst for knowledge and thus it is not HARAM to question or to try to figure out the mysteries of the world.

You can’t get as clear as that.


Offline PrincessMuni

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2008, 09:40:19 PM »
Istaqfur Allah

To Dr Farabeen- I never said I DON’T BELIEVE! I said I find it difficult to understand HOW it is done, can you not see the clear difference? Can you say to me that you understand and know precisely how humans were created? That you can describe to me in detail how we were formed?

why its difficult to understand, as a matter of fact you don't have to
as they mentioned earlier go back to Quran and try to read and understand
there is also translation to everything in Quran, you don't need to wonder!
this is crazy.
all these ppl agree that what you're saying is wrong, does that mean that you're the only person who is right?
I see this conversation is going no where so therefore i quit!
good luck with finding the answers and be careful, dont commit suicide
if you don't get all the answers and wonders you want to know ok?
This is DRAMA, our sister is seeking for attention!!!

don't take my words literally but symbolically OK?!  ??? :-X :-\ ???
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Offline Countess_Vampira

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2008, 10:03:10 PM »
^- Now I’m attention seeking? For simply raising a question and expressing my opinions and ideas?

I can see this is going into semantics and if your last reply is an indication of your mood your going to become juvenile, so before it gets out of hand I'd say that if you’ve nothing else but invectives to contribute I’d like to respectfully ask that you remain silent and agree to disagree. If we cannot speak like adults I’d rather not bicker, I do believe that I’ve made myself clear.

Ps Well of course I have to wonder and NEED to understand, how on earth can we develop as a species and increase our knowledge through the passion of discovery? Do we stop asking questions about history, science, astronomy? No…thinking and asking questions goes hand in hand with humanity and Allah himself mentions the importance of Climi within the quran so I fail to see where your coming from.

Offline Dr.Farabadan

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2008, 12:14:04 AM »
 Dear Countess_Vampira.

If you are attention seeker, you will find avery thing you need from the Korran. all the science that they said they have invented was discovered before them in the Holly Korran. and the alot of western scientists who read Korran and compared what they descoverd and what they saw in a korran , accepted Islam.

You said "I find it difficult to understand"  so I say to you Koran is not difficult to understand. Allah said about the creation of the haven and the earth

And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it." (The Qur'an, 51:47)

you hear expansion of the universe allah said talking about that.

"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it." (The Qur'an, 51:47)
Allah also said about the creation of the Universe.
"It is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They swim along, each in an orbit. " (The Qur'an, 21:33)

allah also said about the days and nights.

He has created the Heavens and the Earth for Truth. He wraps the night up in the day, and wraps the day up in the night." (The Qur'an, 39:5)

My dear Countess_Vampira.

Allah made simple for truth-seeker. so, it is not far from you,  you will find the truth keep seeking it, but seek from the book of allah not anly shaydan books.

Go to this Link, I think It will help you.

never give up learning

Offline PrincessMuni

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2008, 01:24:20 AM »
^- Now I'm attention seeking? For simply raising a question and expressing my opinions and ideas?

I can see this is going into semantics and if your last reply is an indication of your mood your going to become juvenile, so before it gets out of hand I'd say that if you've nothing else but invectives to contribute I'd like to respectfully ask that you remain silent and agree to disagree. If we cannot speak like adults I'd rather not bicker, I do believe that I've made myself clear.

PS Well of course I have to wonder and NEED to understand, how on earth can we develop as a species and increase our knowledge through the passion of discovery? Do we stop asking questions about history, science, astronomy? No…thinking and asking questions goes hand in hand with humanity and Allah himself mentions the importance of Climi within the quran so I fail to see where your coming from.

I see you took my words literally not symbolically,
I just wanted to show you that what you're saying is wrong because when you said I don't take quran literally but symbolically, EVERYONE TOOK YOUR WORDS LITERALLY
I wrote that sentence to see your reaction, you seem to disagree with your own Idea!
AND I rather stay silent and leave the page than reading your drama
and one more thing, my mood is Excellent , my mood never change for such drama
and am not bickering + I am sure that I am adult, I think like adult
but do you?
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Offline Countess_Vampira

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2008, 09:58:00 PM »
^- Very mature indeed(Sarcasm/off), but if you actually take the time to step back and take a dead unemotional breath you'd see that I wasn't trying to stir up any "controversy" as such but merely wished to see the views of others. Also do excuse me and please don't take this personally but you've shown me nothing new or anything of real significance apart from tell me that I'm wrong, incidentally I believe otherwise. Furthermore I fail to see the relevance of your taking my words "literally"/"Symoblically" thing - if that was by any chance you trying to be humorous- it was utterly lost on me mademoiselle. But in any case Like I've said I haven't said anything blasphemous and I believe I've made my point though you've failed perhaps to comprehend it, which is fair enough.

Dr Farabeen- I'd like to ask that you keep your patronising tone on the low down and thank you for the link, However you've failed to show me anything that I don't know already. seems that either your being purposely obtuse or you enjoy stating the obvious. This topic was in discussion of Creationism being taught in science. I fear that it may have diverted into a "convert" the new heathen topic...which by the way I most certainly am not.

Now, in order to progress from here I'd like to welcome anything new that you all may like to discuss in relation to the topic at hand. Anymore sermons for moi alone would be a waste. We're all Muslims here and Somali so it would be best that we waste our energy on more productive avenues of thought. Thank you all and good night. 

Offline PrincessMuni

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2008, 02:02:18 AM »
we all seem to fail to show you the truth, am not trying 2 be funny at all
its my fault that am reading such topic so good luck with finding ur answers
am out!
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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2008, 05:59:14 PM »
Assalam to all of you,
These statements are made by Countess
1.   I  don’t take the Quranic verse of the creation literally but symbolically and . You claim to be “scientifically minded’
2.   there is no definitive answer to the beginning of creation? I am as a result keeping an open mind and looking out for evidence.
3.   we should teach kids that empirical evidence and logic should be placed higher than that of non tangible belief.

I will tackle your statements and REFUTE them within the light of Quranic verses and its compatibility with science.

I will discuss with you based on  the Quranic verses: Invite to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue [jadilhum] with them in a way that is better.” [an-Nahl: 125]  Also,
“Say, 'Produce your proof if you are truthful.'" [al-Baqarah: 111]

Answering your  1st  and 2nd  statements:

I will outline here the creation of human kind and embryology based on Quranic evidences.

"0' mankind! Surely We created you from dust." (30:20)
The gradual process of man's physical development has been referred to in the following Verses of the Holy Qur'an:

"He began the creation of man from dust.  Then He made his progeny of an extract of water held in light esteem.  Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit and made for you ears and eyes and heart."  (32: 7-9)

According to the latest scientific researches the man has been created from clay with all its element and their inherent properties.  It is discovered by a chemical analysis of the human body that a defect occurs in its normal functioning when the quantity of any of these element gets diminished.  In such case vitamins are used to supplement the deficiency and restore normal health.
Qur'an speaks in so many verses about the creation of man. In one verse, we are told that man is created from dust. Allah says:
"O mankind! if ye are in doubt concerning the Resurrection, then lo! We have created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a little lump of flesh shapely and shapeless, that We may make (it) clean for you. And We cause what We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed time, and afterward We bring you forth as infants, then (give you growth) that ye attain your full strength. And among you there is he who dieth (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the most abject time of life, so that, after knowledge, he knoweth naught." (Al-Hajj: 5)
This is one stage of the creation in fact.

The Qur'an refers to another stage in the verse:
"Verily We created man from a product of wet earth. Then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; Then fashioned We the drop a clot, then fashioned We the clot a little lump, then fashioned We the little lump bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!"(Al-Mu'minun: 12-14)

"If we take dust and add water to it, it will be mud. If it is left for some time, it will turn into clay. These are simply the stages of the creation of man. Man thus comes from dust, turned into clay after the addition of water. If we scrutinize this issue, we will find out that man, in his daily life, needs earth and depends on it in so many aspects. It is this earthy soil where we grow the plants upon which we live. Thus, preserving the materials of man depends on the source from which these materials are created. Scientists have analyzed the human body and found that it is composed of 16 substances including oxygen and manganese. These elements are no more than the elements of the earth’s crust. This experiment was not meant for proving the credibility of the Qur'an; rather, it was solely for scientific research purposes.
In addition, death itself serves as a proof of creation. When we try to demolish a building, we follow the reverse order of building it; we start with the last floor. By the same token, since we have not eye-witnessed the creation of man, then we shall see how death occurs. Actually, we witness several deaths everyday. When man dies, his soul leaves his body, then the decline starts; his body becomes dry (which is similar to the stage of clay) and then decays and turns finally into dust which was his original substance. Life is given to man through the soul that is blown into his body. When the soul departs, man dies and starts his way back to his original form going through the stages of his first creation. Thus, death stands as a living proof for creation."  By Sheikh Mohammed Mutawalli Al Sha’raawi.

Now let us come to embryology:

A.“Now let man but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted – Proceeding from between the back bone and the ribs.” [Al-Qur’an 86:5-7]
Drop emitted (Nutfah)
The Glorious Qur’an mentions no less than eleven times that the human being is created from nutfah, which means a minute quantity of liquid or a trickle of liquid that remains after emptying a cup. This is mentioned in several verses of the Qur’an including 22:5 and 23:13.1
Science has confirmed in recent times that only one out of an average of three million sperms is required for fertilising the ovum. 

 B. “And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised.”

Quintessence of liquid ( sulalah)

The Arabic word sulaalah means quintessence or the best part of a whole. We have come to know now that only one single spermatozoon that penetrates the ovum is required for fertilization, out of the several million produced by man. That one spermatozoon out
of several million, is referred to in the Qur’an as sulaalah. We have also come to know now that only one ovum is fertilized out of the tens of thousand produced by the female. That one ovum out of tens of thousand is also refered to in the Qur'an as Sulaalah. This word also means gentle extraction from a fluid. The fluid refers to both male and female germinal fluids containing gametes. Both ovum and sperm are gently extracted from their environments in the process of fertilization.

C. “Verily We created man from a drop of mingled sperm.”
Mingleliquids (nutfatus amshaaj)

The Arabic word nutfatin amshaajin means mingledliquids. According to some commentators of the Qur’an, mingled liquids refers to the male or female agents or liquids. After mixture of male and female gamete, the zygote still remains nutfah. Mingled liquids can also refer to spermatic fluid that is formed of various secretions that come from various glands. Therefore, nutfatin amshaaj, i.e. a minute quantity of mingled fluids refers to the male and female gametes (germinal fluids or cells) and part of the surrounding fluids.


D. “Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay); then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed; then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature. so blessed be Allah, the Best to create!” [Al-Qur’ an 23:12-14]

In this verse Allah states that man is created from a small quantity of liquid which is placed in a place of rest, firmly fixed (well established or lodged) for which the Arabic word qaraarin makeen is used. The uterus is well protected from the posterior by the spinal column supported firmly by the back muscles. The embryo is further protected by the amniotic sac containing the amniotic fluid. Thus the foetus has a well protected dwelling place. This small quantity of fluid is made into alaqah, meaning something which clings. It also means a leech-like substance. Both descriptions are scientifically acceptable as in the very early stages the foetus clings to the wall and also appears to resemble the leech in shape. It also behaves like a leech (blood sucker) and acquires its blood supply from the mother through the placenta. The third meaning of the word alaqah is a blood clot. During this alaqah stage, which spans the third and fourth week of pregnancy, the blood clots within closed vessels. Hence the embryo acquires the appearance of a blood clot in addition to acquiring the appearance of a leech. Compare the readily available Qur'anic knowledge with Man's struggle with scientific findings: In 1677, Hamm and eeuwenhoek were the first scientists to observe human sperm cells (spermatozoa) through a microscope. They thought that a sperm cell contained a miniature human being which grew in the uterus to form a newborn. This was known as the perforation theory. When scientists discovered that the ovum as bigger than the sperm, it was thought by scientists like De Graf and others that the foetus existed in a miniature form in the ovum. Later, in the 18th century, Maupertuis propagated the theory of biparental inheritance. The alaqah is transformed into mudghah which means something that is chewed (having teeth marks)’ and also something that is tacky and small which can be put in the mouth like gum. Both these explanations are scientifically correct.
Prof. Keith Moore took a piece of plaster seal and made it into the size and shape of the early stage of foetus and chewed it between the teeth to make it into a mudghah. He compared this with the photographs of the early stage of foetus. The teeth marks resembled the ‘somites’ which is the early formation of the spinal column.
This mudghah is transformed into bones (izâm). The bones are clothed with intact flesh or  uscles (lahm). Then Allah makes it into another creature.

According to Dr. Keith Moore, the modern classification of embryonic development stages which is adopted throughout the world, is not easily comprehensible, since it identifies stages on a numerical basis i.e. stage 1, stage 2, etc. On the other hand, the divisions revealed in the Qur’an are based on distinct and easily identifiable forms or shapes, which the embryo passes through.

I can go on with other Quranic verses in this issue but I am afraid it might go above your knowledge. I only urge you to read carefully and sink the abovementioned verses with their meanings in the light that the Quran is in perfect conformity with ESTABLISHED SCIENCE .
The Qur'anic precedence with such precise and comprehensive knowledge points to only one facet of the multifarious, miraculous nature of this Glorious Book, being the last Divine message, and the only one that has been kept intact with exactly the same language of revelation word for word and letter for letter for more than 14 centuries

Your 3rd statement
I do welcome your idea to teach children established science. You used “empirical evidence” which is compatible with the Quran.  But I totally disagree using logic theories since we all know that many a times Science takes a ‘U-turn’.  There I have to disappoint you that hypothesis and theories based on mere assumptions and not backed by proofs should be thrown in the middle of the see or in the bin or discarded. Hence we cannot introduce to children.

In conclusion:
the Qur'anic verses are not meant to be pieces of scientific information, but as scientific knowledge that has been left for man to gain over a long span of time. This is simply due to the limitations of the human senses and the cumulative nature of the scientific knowledge. The illustrious Qur'an, being the word of the Creator is, hence, the absolute truth, therefore Qur'anic verses with cosmic reflections must convey a number of absolute facts about the universe.
The Qur'anic precedence with such precise and comprehensive knowledge points to only one facet of the multifarious, miraculous nature of this Glorious Book, The Quran is not SCIENCE BUT SIGNS, being the last Divine message, and the only one that has been kept intact with exactly the same language of revelation word for word and letter for letter for more than 14 centuries.
Regretfully, you are not scientifically minded. If you have done your homework ,you would not have come up with using logic arguments. You reckon that you have come up with a difficult subject but scientists have preceded you.
Sadly, I  see that your ideas are merely based on doubts rather than scientifically motivated.
If you have ANY other issues regarding Quran and science, I urge you to feel free and post what you have in mind. 

Thank you dr. Yahya as well  as the other participants for their great arguments which in fact helped me to use them  in my reply to Countess-vampire.

Wa salam warahamah

Offline Dr.Farabadan

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2008, 01:15:24 PM »
 Well said indeed Mustafa, I think  countress  is confused  with alot of thigs but found some answers for some questions. and we have to show countress the truth wirhout cursing.

never give up learning

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Re: Should Creationism be taught in Schools? (Science in particular)
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2008, 06:46:30 PM »
lol princess muni......i see countess tht uve not read my i told u there are some things tht Allah did not specify for us,perhaps a human as curious as u wasnt created during the time of the prophet,otherwise they wudve asked wat type of clay?u see there are some hidden things tht only Allah knws to the exact detail,and searching for tht is a complete waste of ur time and its all in vain coz no one here can answer ur theres no need of fightin,ppl are shocked by ur brazen questions,bt we do understand tht u r humsn n therefore u are at the wrong place,u see in somalidoc website only humans reside,so we dono how to answer wat we hvnt been shown,perhaps i shud get u the fone number of an angel and they will deliver ur anwers as a wahyi,loool.i see no other choice,just kiddin,angels don use fones.ahahahaha


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