Author Topic: Discussion: Does Teething Cause Diarrhea?  (Read 17593 times)

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Discussion: Does Teething Cause Diarrhea?
« on: December 12, 2008, 01:28:34 PM »
Who is right, who is wrong, parents or doctors?
Why children got diarrhea during teething?
Do you belive that teething causes diarrhea?
Why doctors igonre the relation b/w teething and diarrhea?!
Does excess salivation during teething is responsible for the loose stools?
Does introduction of solid foods may also be the culprit?
Does irritation of the gums during teething lead to diarrhea after the child put in his mouth dirty particles?
Is it a biological coincidence that teeth begin coming in after 6 months, the same time the immunity a baby receives from his mother starts to wear off?
Is this belived by somali parents ony? or is it worldwide?
What are the consequences of these belives?
If you belive this diarrhea is physiological, How to differentiate it from pathological diarrheas?

Have your say and proof it!

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Offline Zubeyda maalim

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Re: Discussion: Does Teething Cause Diarrhea?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 08:12:29 PM »
A/aleykum warax wbk...
 well with the little dental knowledge that i have learnt in the past 5 years..TEETHING DOES NOT CAUSE is always a complaint of mothers to say that the child is having diarrhea coz of teething.....Teething which is the process through which the teeth push through the gums concidentally takes place at a time when maternal defense that the child was born with has been exhausted and their own immune system is not strongly built as yet....irritation of the gums could be caused by teething..but severe systemic upsets.irritability,crying,loss of appatite etc.are unrelated to teething and a physician should be consulted...
fa innal faarij huwa Allahu

Offline Cathyv

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Re: Discussion: Does Teething Cause Diarrhea?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 02:32:38 PM »
When babys are teething they begins all manner of things are put into the mouth , thier immnue system is not strongly built.

Offline Drbotan

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Re: Discussion: Does Teething Cause Diarrhea?
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 10:01:03 PM »
first of all i thanks to allah that allow me to participate the discussion ofdoes teething cause diarrhea , after that iam greeting all the participaters in the greeting of islam (a salaamu calaykum wa raxmatulaahi wa barakaatu).

if i start for my point of view, teething occur normally after the child is 6 months and latter , that is not that teething cause the diarrhea but its the child recieved immunity from his mother , when the child delivered, and we know that the immunity wear off or go off at the time of 6 months and surrounding that areas , so the child get in a new phase , and his immunity is still underdeveloped . so any normal flora that stayed in the gasrtointestinal tract  get a chance to approach a new infection causing the diarrhea. so that it is "achange of one state into another"
so i concluded my idea and my little knowledge that the cause is normal flora esp eschericoli(E.coli ) one of the enterobacteriae that also causes the baby acute bacterial meningitis , are the cause behind this problem , and so many other microorganisms e.g fungi ( candidiasis) and etc



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