Skeleton of the Body
The skeleton is formed by:-
A-Bones B-Cartilages
and it’s divided in to two parts:-
1-Axail Skeleton 2-Peripheral skeleton
The Axial Skeleton:-
-Lies along the longitudinal Axis of the body, it’s formed of by:-
1-Vertebrae 2-Skull 3-Ribs and 4-Sternum
The peripheral Skeleton:-
-It consists of:-
1-Pectoral (Shoulder) girdle 2-Pelvic girdle 3-Upper limb 4-Lower Limb
1-Pectoral (Shoulder) girdle:-
it connects the free Upper limbs to the axial skeleton and it consists of posterior element which called the scapula and anterior element which called the clavicle.
2-Pelvic girdle:-
it connects the free lower limbs to the axial skeleton and consists of three Bones:-
A-Pubic B-Ischium C- Ilium, they Unit to form the hip bone
3-Bones of the Upper limb:-
each side consists of:-
1-Humerus: in the Arm 2-Radius and Ulna: in the Forearm
3-Carpal: in the Wrist 4-Metacarpal and phalanges: in the hand
4-Bones of the Lower Limb:-
each side consists of:-
1-Femur: in the Thigh 2-Pattela, Tibia and Fibula: in the Leg
3-Tarsal, Metatarsal and Phalanges: in the Foot.
# both Girdle articulate with the distal freely moveable parts of limb by Ball & Socket Joints.
# the first segment each limb containing a single element Humerus for upper limb, and Femur for lower limbs.
# The Second segment of each limb containing two elements Radius & Ulna for the upper limb, Tibia & Fibula for lower limbs.
Classification of Bones.
Bones classified according to their shape in to (4) types:
1-long bone:-
vary in length from finger to thigh but tend to have enlarged upper & lower ends which called (Epiphysis) and shaft which called (Diaphysis).
2-Short bone:-
-Wrist and Foot
3-Flat bone:-
-Sternum and vault of the Skull
4-Irregular bone:-
-vertebral column.
Function of the Bones
It has Five basic functions:-
1-Shape and Support :- it gives shape and support to the body
2-Attachment of muscles :- provides point of attachment of Muscles (Movement)
3-Protection: - it protects the internal organs from the injury and traumas.
4-Storage: - bone store several minerals that can be distributed to many parts of the body.
5-Production :- bone product Blood cells.
Mahadsanidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Dhamaaaaaaaan.
By:- Abdulmunim Ahmed Mohamed (Munim)