Author Topic: Nutritionist - International Medical Corps (IMC) Hiran, Bakool & Somaliland  (Read 12110 times)

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    • Somali Medical Association
International Medical Corps is a global humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Closing date: 24 Jun 2009
Location: Somalia
COUNTRY: Somalia
POSITION: Nutritionist
FIELD SITE: Somaliland, Hiran and Bakool


1. Oversee the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) program in Bakool region in line with international standards
2. Training of program staff in the management of CMAM program
3. Develop tool for monitoring and evaluation of the program
4. Over see the acquisition of appropriate nutrition education materials
5. Where feasible ensure the participation of programme staff, beneficiary communities and other stake holders in decision making, programme development and monitoring of activities.
6. Develop a strategy for adoption of locally available food for use in the nutrition program
7. Represent IMC in coordination meeting with other agencies


1. Nurse/Nutritionist or Nutritionist with a post-graduate nursing or primary health care or public health degree desirable.
2. Minimum of 3 years experience in an international setting including management of CMAM programs
3. Knowledge and experience with food security, nutritional surveillance and feeding programs.
4. Experience in training and supervision of national staff
5. Experience in SMART Methodology including designing a nutrition survey, training national staff for survey, conducting a survey, analyzing data and using ENA software to complete analysis and report.
6. Computer literate; proficient with using email, Windows 2000, Office 2000 including Access, and EPI Info, Nutra Survey.
7. Experience in design and delivery of training activities for technical health staff or community based health workers.


1. Previous work experience in Somalia will be essential
2. Strong commitment to capacity building, teamwork and collaboration with national staff.
3. Strong communication skills, both oral and written.
4. Ability to work in remote and insecure environment.
5. Cultural sensitivity.
6. Flexibility, creativity and ability to work with limited resources.
How to apply
To officially begin the application process, please visit our website at and complete the online employment application form found under the tab "Work with IMC”. Please reference ReliefWeb.

Reference Code: RW_7SANPJ-82

Source: ReliefWeb

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