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Somaliland Medical Association Web Site
« on: July 02, 2009, 11:53:40 PM »
Somaliland Medical Association is non-political, non-governmental and not-profit making organization, formed by the provisional medical doctors in Somaliland.

SMA stands for the representation, protection, and upgrading of its members in one hand, and improving the quality of health care delivery on the other hand.

We believe that medical science is a noble profession and shall actively participate in all ways and within its jurisdiction to contribute positively in enhancing the quality of Health Services.

Somaliland Medical Association will Endeavour to create a professional environment in which Medical practitioners are expected to exploit their potentiality in providing health care. Moreover, we stand to reject and protest any un-ethical medical practice conducted by the either its members or non members medical professional in order to safe guard the rights of individual.

SMA is committed to provide permanent expertise and technical assistance to the health service providers.


To advance and maintain the honor, practice ethics, and interest of the medical profession in Somaliland.


Somaliland Medical Association is a professional non-governmental and developmental association, founded in March 2005. SMA works for improving and upgrading health services through health professional training, advocacy, and research in Somaliland.


1) Representation, Protection, and Assistance to individual members of the organization.
2) Provision of technical support and expertise to all concerned institutions.
3) Conduct operational research, surveys and as assessments in the field.
4) Implement health and nutrition service delivery to the vulnerable groups.
5) Establish resource centre and periodical medical journals to enhance acquisition of medical knowledge among the members and community at large (health education).


The organizational structure consists:

1) General Assembly.
2) Executive council: consisting Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and five members elected by the Assembly during their annual general meeting to run the organizational affairs in the period between the two general meetings (Two year).
3) General Secretary: selected by the chairperson (according to the internal organizational regulation) and approved by the executive members is responsible the management of the Association's head office.


SMA provides its individual and collective members for representation in the legal, regulatory, policy matters that affect professional practice. The activities, products and services of the Association will enable each individual member to practice successfully according to the set ethical standards in both public and private sectors.

1) Legal advice and ethics.
2) Professional development.
3) Private practice tariff and coding support.
4) Indemnity Medical protection & society.
5) Publication & facilitation.
6) Industrial relation

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Offline Yaxya

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Re: Somaliland Medical Association Web Site
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2009, 10:13:24 PM »
wow mashalaah congratulations my brothers in somaliland keep up this great job. :)     
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