Author Topic: Child to Child Activities Consultant - Hargeisa (UNICEF)  (Read 15778 times)

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Child to Child Activities Consultant - Hargeisa (UNICEF)
« on: July 27, 2009, 10:54:30 PM »
Closing date: 10 Aug 2009
Location: Somalia - Hargeisa, North West Zone

Qualified candidates are invited to apply for a Consultancy position to Support and Monitor Child to Child Activities to be based in Hargeisa. The successful candidate will be offered a Special Service Agreement (SSA) for 11months.

Purpose of the Post:

The purpose of this contract is to technically provide support to the Ministry of Education and the UNICEF partner in development of school clubs in Somaliland. Working with youth, trained in the Child-to-Child approach, special attention will be paid to following up the clubs: the ties with communities and local administrations, making them understand the value of child to child teaching, as well as the continuous introduction of topics, activities and IEC (Information Education Communication) material.

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

The consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks:
- Be the focal point in liaising with the Ministry of Education in developing a common approach on the establishing of school clubs in Somaliland
- Support the process in 30 existing clubs including children participation of school activities, international education events and establishing school clubs in the fifteen identified schools, based on the existing situation in the schools, in close collaboration with the UNICEF youth partner with a focus on sustainability of clubs and follow-up of the training in Child-to Child approach
- Assist the UNICEF youth partner in the establishing of clubs with a special focus on to following up the clubs: the ties with communities and local administrations
- Assist the UNICEF youth partner in the continuous introduction of youth activities
- Introduce topics on protection, health, hygiene and sanitation through school clubs
- Avail resources in terms of IEC materials according to needs and available resources
- Strengthen the capacity of the school clubs in organizing school club activities
- Support the UNICEF youth partner to facilitate the recruitment of the school club members and make sure that different ages, gender and integration of children from different cultural and economical backgrounds are reflected as well as children with special needs
- Assist the UNICEF youth partner in the support to clubs in organizing weekly activities including structuring of activities on specific days, specific time and consistent location
- Facilitate committee leaders to monitor students on maintenance of sanitation facilities
- Introduce and advocate Child to child approach to INGOs
- Facilitate Child to child steering committee.
- Assist /facilitate Child to child trainings activities

Qualifications and experience:

- University degree on social science or relevant field
- Two years on the job experience in the establishing of school clubs, community committees and youth networks. Extensive knowledge of participatory working methodologies is essential
- Knowledge of participatory facilitation skills required
- Good communication and report writing skills
How to apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications with updated UN Personal History Form (P11), updated CV, copies of academic certificates to the following addresses. UN staff are requested to provide last two Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs). Please quote the vacancy number in your application.

Human Resources Specialist
Vacancy Number 2009/043
P.O. Box 44145-00100
Nairobi, Kenya


Chief of Field Office
Vacancy Number 2009/043
Hargeisa, NWZ

Or email to:

Please note that documents submitted along with your applications will not be returned.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted

Reference Code: RW_7UCBMZ-74

Source: ReliefWeb

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