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Study Medicine in China
« on: September 07, 2007, 09:18:29 PM »
Members studying or working in China are requested to give any useful information to our members whom are willing to join them.
Any information you give here, will be helpful to your brother.

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Aaysh

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2007, 08:46:22 PM »
Ardeyda somaliyeed oo waxbarasho caafimad u aadi jirtay wadanka chinaha oo dhib ka soo waajahay dhinaca viisaha, taasoo sababtay ciyaaraha lagu qaban doono wadanka chinaha,

Offline Kahin

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2008, 12:42:20 PM »

            salaamu alaikum ,
walaal wixii akhbaar ah ee aad uga baahan tahey waxbarashadda shiinaha igala soo xidhiidh e-mailkan

Offline Kahin

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 02:28:20 PM »
Asalaamu Alaikum ,

walaalayaal marka hore salaan qaali ah ayaan u dirayaa iskudubaridayaasha websitkan ilaahey ajar ha ka siiyo .
intaa ka dib waxaan wargelinayaa dhamaan ardeydda soomaaliyeed ee xiisaynaysa in ay wax ka bartaan shiinaha in aan u heynno labo jaamacadood oo medicine ah tayadooduna ay sareyso wixii faahfahin ahna kala xidhiidh ,

Offline Fardo-laaye

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2009, 09:45:09 PM »
Jaamacada Jilin University, oo ah mid kamid ah 10ka jaamacadood ee igu sareeya dalka China, kana mid ah 30 ka jaamacadood ee ka sharciyaysan Xukuumada China in ay English wax ku baraan ardayda Ajaanibtah.

 JU (Jilin University) waxay ku taalaa magaala madaxda gobolka waqooyi bari ee CHAGCHUN, kana mid ah gobolada ugu nolosha jaban(maciishada), marka loo eego magaalooyinka kale.

  JU waa jaamacad kaalmaha 10 aad uga jirta boqolaalka jaamacadood ee ka jira dalka China, adigoo si fudud google u waydiinkara
"top ten universities in China" si aad kaalinta Jilin Universityay uga jirto u ogaato.

 waxaa xusid mudan in Koliyada caafimaadka maahne kuliyadaha kale ay ku baxaan luqada Chinese ka, balse caafimaadku uu ku baxo luqada Englishka.

 insha allaah dhawaan ayaan soo gelin doonaa Muuqaalo kamid ah magaalada iyo jaamacada lafteedaba.

 hadaba qofkii danaynaya macluumaadkaas kuwa ka siifaahfaahsan e-mailkaan hoos ku xusan hakala soo xiriiro.
 by: Dr.  Hudayfah & Dr. Maareye

 Thank you So Much

Offline Oshurie

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2009, 09:35:52 PM »
Asalaamu Alaikum ,

walaalayaal marka hore salaan qaali ah ayaan u dirayaa iskudubaridayaasha websitkan ilaahey ajar ha ka siiyo .
intaa ka dib waxaan wargelinayaa dhamaan ardeydda soomaaliyeed ee xiisaynaysa in ay wax ka bartaan shiinaha in aan u heynno labo jaamacadood oo medicine ah tayadooduna ay sareyso wixii faahfahin ahna kala xidhiidh ,
Maa shaa'allah, waxaan hamabalyeeynayaa walaalaha soomaaliyeed ee baranaya amd shaqadoodu tahay takhtarnimo. waxaan ilaaheey ka rajeeynayaa in loo wado noqdo wandankeena hooyo caafimaadka soomalidana heer sare la gaarsiiyo haddi alle idmo. mida kale waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aad warbixin buuxda na siisaan, sida lacagta sanadkii, sida lagu imaan karo, heerka waxbarasho, luqadda wadanka sidee tahay barashadeeda, kharashka maciishadda, buugaagta iyo wixii la mid ah. anigu markaan iska hadlo takhtar ma ahi, laakiinse waxaan u xiiseynayaa caruurteyda oon u doonayo in aan eego meelo kale haddii ay suurtoobi weyso meeshan oon joogo oo ah London. haddii alle idmo sannadka soo socda ayey dhameyn doonaan dugsiga sare, waayoo meeshan tartanku aad ayuu u badan yahay. waad mahadsan tihiin dhammaantiin.

Offline Hanna

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2009, 08:01:34 PM »
I didn't know there was that many Somalis in China :)

Does anyone know the number of Somali students there?!

Offline Abdiqani

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2009, 09:41:59 AM »
waxaan halkaan ka salamay dhamaan asxaabta sharafta leh ee ku xiran ama ka shaqeesa websitekaan ... Jazaka Allah...akhyarta sharafta leh waxan rabaa inaad ii sheegtaan jamacahadda ugu fiic fiican ee ku yaal china ama caasimadda Beijing ee bixiya Medicine oo English Medium ah????

Waa Bilaahi Towfeeq

Offline Roble

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2009, 07:29:12 PM »
The best university in Beijing is Beijing medical university,capital university, china medical university all of them
the top universities in china that is English media.if u want more information about them u can search from the

Offline Roble

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2009, 08:01:08 PM »
 Walaal hadaan warbixin kaa siiya wadankaan waxaa jooga soomaali badan oo wax ka bartaan
waxa ay barataana waxaa ugu badan medicalka xaga nolashana waa iska jabantahay inkastoo
ay magaalooyinka ku kala xirantahay xaga waxbarashadana lama mid ahan meesha aad joogta
inta waa mbbs halka wadamada yurub iyo america MD ka tahay qaabka wax barashada ay
jaamacadaha u bixiyaana waa as research ma ahan as clinical waa inta farqiyada kaliya u dhaxeeya
intaasna aradayga ayee ku xirantahay sida uu u dadaalo  waxaana sii dheer waqtiga oo yar 5years kaliya
waaye marka halka jaamacadaha badanaa ay yihiin 6years marka waa dareemi karata intaas waxaa macquul
maada 2year lagu barto waxaa ku baraneysaa 1year maadadii ay jaamacadahaas 1year ku bartaana 1 semister
luqada chineseka ku hadalka waa un leyska barankaraa waxa dhibadan waa qorista oo aad u dhibadan.
xaga buugaagta haduu qofka jooga magaalooyinka waaweyb sida beijing iyo shang hai waa la heli karaa laakiin meelaha
kale waa adagtahay sida lagu helaa, laakiin meesha aad joogta ayaadba ugu soo iibin kartaa.
  waa intaas warbixinteyda.

Offline duntech

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2009, 07:40:58 PM »
we can asssit you to get universities in china at good rates and even give you reference to your brothers already studying there.



Director/Student Placement Consultant.
9th Floor,Hazina Towers,PSC Wing Monrovia/University Way street
P. O. Box 55750- 00100. Nairobi- Kenya.
Tel. 020- 2533577 Cell Ph.+254 725-063286; +254 722\734-484974

Foreign Universities Liaison Office <>Distance Education Placements <>
Educational Consultation.
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Offline Alif

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2009, 02:07:25 PM »
Assala Mualaikum;

The best Medical School in China: English Medium

Fudan University
Zhejiang University
Wuhan University
Tianjin Medical University
Xian Jiao Tong University
Sichuan University
Huazhong University (HUST)
and China Medical University

Good Luck: 

Offline Alif

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2009, 07:50:51 AM »

Xi'an Jiaotong University

Location: Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R China
MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery) - English Medium Program
Duration: 5.5 years (Including 1 year Rotatory Internship)
Intake:   March / September, October

Why Xian Jiaotong University?

•   One of the oldest universities in China
•   One of the top 10 universities in China
•   The pioneer university in China for MBBS in English Medium

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

•   It started English medium program since 1995.
•   It has graduated 8 batches of MBBS already.
•   They have a Post graduate specialization in 14 areas all leading to PhD, and in English medium of attraction.
•   Tuition fee only RMB 30000 per year (Discounted, If you come to us) or USD 4300 per year


Xian Jiaotong University well recognized University in home and abroad.

University is listed in:
•   WHO
•   China Scholarship Council
•   China Medical Council
•   Australian Medical Council (AMC)
•   Medical Council of India
•   Under consideration from Sri Lankan Medical Council
•   Under provision by Medical council of Mauritius
•   Nepal medical council
•   ECFMG,
•   USA

Qualification for Application

Undergraduate: An applicant who is
Minimum a high secondary graduate with good health and without criminal record.

Applicants must have passed

•   O-Level, Grade 11, SPM
•   Grade twelve (10+2)
•   FSc
•   A-level or equivalent
•   M.6 (Thailand)
•   STPM (Malaysia)
•   Australian Matriculation
•   Indian Pre-University
•   Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)
•   Australian University Foundation Programmes
•   Diploma in Science
•   Diploma in Microbiology
•   International Baccalaureate (IB)
•   American High School with Advanced Placement
•   Degree BSc (Hons)

o   Minimum 50 - 60 % score in science subjects (PCB): Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Among all the subjects, English Language is as a compulsory one and the level is good,

o   Age should be minimum 18 years old at the time of admission or will complete this age on 31st October of the year of his/her admission

      We have a programe that will take only 4 years to graduate + 1 year internship. The medical school is Xian Jiaotong University. However, you need to arrive by 15th August 09. You will be finishing your MBBS by the year 2014. (You will save one year cost)

It is same like other Universities 6 years course. But since 2008 was Olympic year and Chinese government has forbidden many students entering to China, University has decided not to teach Chinese Language, mathematics, and physics for  THAT one year if students could arrive to the University till august 15 2009 .
But if students are recruited after September 2009 then they need to study premedical CHINESE LANGUAGE, PHYSICS, and MATHEMATICS (STATICAL) TILL 2010 JULY.

Xian Jiaotong University

XJTU was founded in 1896 as Nanyang College in Shanghai, officially renamed as Jiaotong University in 1921, and was one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in China
Nanyang College 1896
Jiaotong University 1921
National Jiaotong University 1946
Xi’an Jiaotong University 1959

In 1956, at the decision of the state council to meet the strategy needs of national economy reconstruction, the main body of Jiaotong University was moved from Shanghai to Xi’an and was renamed Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1959

Academic Disciplines, Faculties and Students

Now , XJTU is a comprehensive university with 17 Academic Schools and 4 Teaching Hospitals
-1200 professors and associate professors
-16 Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering
-32,871 full – time students among which 12,735 are graduate students, including 8,857 for Master’s degrees and 3,878 PhD candidates.


75 Programs for Bachelor Degree
199 Programs for Master Degree
114 Programs for Doctor Degree

Over View of Xian Jiaotong University

-The earliest key universities included in the seventh Five Year Plan (1980-1985) and the Eighth Five Year Plan (1986-1990) of China.
-One of the first batch of key and internationally competitive universities supported by China’s Government such as “211 Project” and “985 Project”
- Energy and Power Engineering .. No.1 in China
  Management Science  ... No. 1 in China
  Business Administration .. No.1 in China
  Electrical Engineering .. No.2 in China
  Mechanical Engineering .. No. 3 in China

Active International Cooperation

-   In recent years, more than 2000 oversea scholars came to XJTU for academic exchanges, nearly 100 important international conferences have been held in the campus.
-   From 2005, 10 Nobel Prize winners visited XJTU and gave the lectures to the students, establishing the internationalization atmosphere.
-   Up till now, XJTU has establish 1 joint university, 6 joint programs and 18 joint institute to promote the teachers, students and clerks keep in touch with the advanced knowledge and mind.
-   XJTU has closely cooperative relations with about 150 distinguished overseas universities in 25 countries, including Oxford, Yale, Cambridge, Stanford, Keio University, Tohoku University, so on.
-   In recent years, XJTU strengthen the in-depth cooperation with the overseas universities, companies and funds, establish 35 joint-labs and research centers

Internationalization – for Students

-XJTU offer a range of high-quality courses taught by leading academics who are alos engaged in research at the leading edge of their fields, so it attract the overseas students from all over the world.

-Now XJTU has 800 international students from 30 countries, and also 180 students from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan.

Internationalization – strategy

-   Department of XJTU to distinguished one of universities of abroad
-   School of XJTU to distinguished one of universities of abroad
-   Excellent students of XJTU to excellent students
-   Supervisors of Universities of abroad

Policies:  “ 100 Overseas Teachers” Program

-   Accepting 100 foreign faculties form abroad per year, including 60% for science and engineering, 30 % for literature, 10% for students affairs administration;
-   In order to enhance the student’s capabilities for international exchange, to expand student’s international horizon and to promote teacher’s level.

Policies: Joint doctoral Program

-   Jointly supervising 75 PhD candidates of XJTU with universities of abroad per year for upcoming faculties of XJTU
-   Selecting 75 under graduate students for Master degree of XJTU to study for PhD program in universities of abroad per year.

   Policies: Overseas Scholarship Program

-   Inviting 10 outstanding lecturing professors or group per year from abroad for academic program

Contact Us:

Representative are welcome... 

To study Medicine/ Dentistry /Pharmacy/Engineering ...and many more... in Philippines... 100% english

Please visit   or


Cebu Doctors' University
University of Sancarlos

Offline Eman

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2009, 10:06:41 AM »

im just wondering what is the environment like ?this there a lot Somalians there or a strong Muslim community.

i really wanna get straight into med from high school as i live in Australia thats possible,however if i dont im considering doing med over in china for a year or two and then transferring back id like some advice if i should take that route or not.

Offline Qmbkhan

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Re: Study Medicine in China
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2010, 10:44:45 AM »
Dear Students,
Below is the list and web address of the Ministry of education china that can enroll foreign students for medical undergraduate course the other universities can not enroll students for English medium program, the students who get admission in non listed universities MOE that will suffer after graduation, MOE will not issue degree for him.
Note: Please do not apply for non authorized university of china it is totally loss of time and money.  Please read the Policies or Click the hyperlink Lit of Chinese ministry of education authorized medical universities.

Tuition fee of Beihua University is lowest in list of authorized universities.
MBBS in China (Beihua University)
Beihua University is authorized by Ministry of Education China “M.O.E” to enroll foreign students in English medium M.B.B.S program (Clinical Medicine).

No need for TOFEL or IELTS course and Entry test, just drop your documents and 100% confirm admission.

Admissions open for March and September 2010 session (limited seats)
Beihua is a Chinese Government university recognized by WHO and listed in International Medical Education Directory (IMED), one of the prestigious, top universities in China. Below is brief information about the bachelor degree programs offered by Beihua University and approximately expenditure, we have affiliation with many other Universities if you require information please do contact us or visit  &

Clinical Medicine MBBS (Bachelor degree)
 Criteria   FSc, A level’s or Equivalent (60% Pre Medical)
Duration   5 year  years + 1 year internship
Tuition Fees   20000 Yuan per year
Reg. Fee   400 Yuan per year
Administration fee   10000 Yuan 1st year only at the time of admission. Includes Ministry of Education China admission fee, pickup from Changchun airport to university, and other administrative charges.
University Hostel   Yuan 5600 per year per student (two students sharing). All rooms have a T.V. Telephone, heating and lighting, chair and study table, attached bathroom, bed clothing, cupboard etc.
RMB Check with your local currency.
 Note: For half year (First 6 months) tuition  10000 & Hostel fee 2800 RMB.
After 1st year the student can rent a private apartment, a 2 bed room apartment will cost around approximately $300 / 350 per year, per student, 4 students sharing.
All students must take into consideration the following expense:       Salient features of the Beihua University in Jilin City
      Founded: 1906
      Recognized by W.H.O. 1958
      PMDC(No objection certificate).
      Listed in International Medical Education Directory (IMED) Eligible for PLAB (UK) and USMLE( USA).
      Halal Food available.
      2000 professors and associate professors
      1.55 million Volumes in the library collection.
      More then 2000 international male and female students among more then 250 foreign medical students are studying from more then 12 countries i.e. USA, UK, UAE, Canada, Australia, Qatar, Saudi Arab, Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, Eritrea, Pakistan etc.
      Teaching hospital: 4 major hospitals with over 10000 beds.
      One of the prestigious and top ranking universities in China.
      The largest multidisciplinary university in the Jilin province.
      30,000 full-time students, including 3000 post-graduate and more than 2000 international students from over 30 countries.
      Established long term sister university" relationships over 21 universities and regions among which are USA, Japan, Korea, Great Britain, Russia, etc.
Food:   500 RMB per Month Approximately      
Pocket money   4000 RMB per year Approximately      
Air Ticket:   Consultant with your travel agent      
Books:   1000 per year Approximately      
•        How to apply for enrollment?
1. Academic certificates (FSc, A level or 12 grade high school and Matric) Photocopy,
2. Passport Photocopy      3. 6 Photograph passport size
Send us your above documents by e mail you can download application form from below web sites.
Application Processing Fee USD 500 and Registration Fee USD 60 (560US $) you can forward fee by western union or by bank draft. You can download relevant forms from below web site or

For further information please contact
International representative of Beihua university
Cosmos Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd,
2nd floor, Blue Plaza, Lane no 5, Peshawar Rd, near chairing cross, Rawalpindi Pakistan.
Tel: 0092 51 5462186, 5463186  Mobile: 0092 0333 5515937, 301 5335244 , 03005138732,
E Mail:


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