Author Topic: Poem on FGM: Initiate them into the World of Love not Feminine Sorrows  (Read 10629 times)

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Offline Waxbaro!

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  • Aqoontu Waa Iftiin
By Dahabo Elmi Muse
Translated by Amina Haji Aden (Yaheen)

Pharaoh, who was cursed by God
Who did not hear the preaching of Moses
Who was led astray from the good word of Torah
Hell was his reward!
Drowning was his fate!
The style of their circumcision,
Butchering, bleeding, veins dripping with blood!
Cutting, sawing, and tailoring the flesh!
This loathsome act, never cited by the Prophet (PBUH)
Nor acknowledged by hadith
Nonexistent in Abu Hureyra,
No Moslem ever preached it!
Past or present, the Quran never preached it!
And if I may think of my wedding night,
Awaiting me were caresses
Sweet kisses, hugging, and love?
No. Never!
Awaiting me was pain, suffering and sadness
In my wedding bed there I lay groaning,
Curling like a wounded animal, victim of feminine pain,
At dawn ridicule awaits me,
My mother announces,
Yes, she is a virgin!
When fear gets hold of me
When anger seizes my body
When hate becomes my company or companion
I get feminine advice, "it is only feminine pain," they say,
And feminine pain perishes like all feminine things!
The journey continues, or the struggle continues as modern historians say!
As the good tie of marriage matures
As I submit and sorrow subsides
My belly becomes like a balloon
Aglimpse of happiness appears
Ahope, a new baby, a new life!
Ah, a new baby endangers my life
Ababy’ s birth is death and destruction for me!
It is what my grandmother called the three feminine sorrows
And if I recall my grandmother said,
The day of circumcision, the wedding night, and the birth
Of a baby are the three feminine sorrows,
As the birth bursts and I cry for help the battered flesh tears,
No mercy, push they say! It is only feminine pain and feminine pain
When the spouse decides to break the good tie,
When he concludes divorce and desertion,
I retire with my wounds,
And now hear my appeal!
Appeal for dreams broken
Appeal for my right to live as a whole
Appeal to you and all peace-loving people
Protect, support, and give a hand to innocent little girls, who do no harm, trusting and obedient to their parents, elders
And all they know are only smiles,
Initiate them to the world of love, not to the world of feminine sorrow!

Your posts reflects your personality, so be Wise and Polite!


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