Author Topic: Health Infrastructure Advisor - Hargeisa, Somaliland, Somalia (QUESTS-MIDA)  (Read 9370 times)

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    • Somali Medical Association
Title: Health Infrastructure Advisor
Duty Station: Hargeisa, Somaliland
Duration of Assignment: 12 months
Date Posted: 7 Apr 2011
Deadline Date: 28 Apr 2011
The MoHL plans to significantly improve the quality of health service by putting more effort on developing health infrastructure in the implementation of the National Reconstruction and Development Framework (RDP). The objective of the health infrastructure is to rehabilitate the existing facilities and construct, equip and make operational new ones in order to provide and maintain the improved network of health facilities, able to deliver the minimum package of Health care defined for each level thereby discouraging patients from by-passing lower level health services.
The need for the development arises from the fact a significant proportion of the basic health infrastructure is in state of disrepair. Poor infrastructure contributes to poor quality of service and affects the delivery of minimum essential health care package. There is also unequal distribution of physical infrastructure.
Background Information QUESTS_MIDA

The QUESTS-MIDA project is a UNDP-IOM joint initiative that aims to facilitate the transfer of skills, competencies and knowledge of qualified Somali expatriates to specific institutions within Somalia. The beneficiary institution will host the qualified Somali expatriate, and will be responsible to provide a safe and secure work environment. QUESTS-MIDA will monitor the expatriate while in assignment.  

Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991. However, Somaliland remains unrecognized by any other country or international Organization. It shares border line with Djibouti, Ethiopia, Puntland and the Gulf of Aden. The capital of Somaliland is Hargeisa.

Ministry of Health and Labour of Somaliland (MoHL)

The Ministry of Health is one of the oldest government ministries which existed since the reestablishment of Somaliland Republic. The Ministry comprises of two main Directorates;
1.    The Directorate General of Labour and
2.    The Directorate General of Health

The ministry is the highest responsible organ of health service delivery of the country. Its responsibilities comprise; policy-making, regulation, supervision, planning, management, budgeting and development.

The Ministry of Health and Labour is committed to providing effective health services in Somaliland.
Activities / Key Results Expected
?Assist in the setup of fully functioning Engineering Unit of the MoHL and maintenance workshops (national and regional) in the near future
?Assist in designs and supervision related to medical buildings/staff houses, utilities
?Provide technical advice on the proper use of medical equipment, ambulatory services, plant etc.
?Assist and provide technical advice in the procurement of medical equipment
?Provide technical support  in the standardization of infrastructure ( buildings, utilities, equipment, plant, etc) for health services
?Provide capacity building on care and handling of medical and other equipments
?Assist in the preparation of project proposals for funding health infrastructure components
Target Outputs (Measurable Results)
1.Standardization of infrastructure (buildings, utilities, equipment, plant etc. ) for health
2.Capacity building on care and handling of medical and other equipments
3.Project proposals for funding health infrastructure components
QUESTS-MIDA Requirements:
1.Transfer of skills: One of the main responsibilities of the qualified Somali expatriate, and one which he/she will be measured against, will be to ensure continuous and systematic transfer of knowledge and skills as related to the assignment. It will have to be agreed with the beneficiary institution which civil servants will have to benefit from this knowledge.
2.Work plan: A work plan will have to be developed with the Supervisor during the first week of assignment which will provide clear and time bound activities to successfully implement the outputs of the assignment. This work plan will be shared with the QUESTS-MIDA Project Assistant. This workplan can be revised during the mid-term review to reflect new developments or changes in strategy.
3.Mid Term Review: there will be a mid-term review of the assignment between the incumbent and the beneficiary institution to discuss progress of the assignment and feedback on performance.
4.Interim and Final Reports: A progress report will be submitted by the incumbent to the Supervisor and to the QUESTS-MIDA Project Assistant after 2 and 4 months respectively. Thereafter a final report will be provided at the end of assignment (based on a 6 months contract).
?Masters degree in Engineering from an internationally recognized university
?Working experience as engineer in health infrastructure for at least 8 years, preferably in Sub-saharan Africa
?Experience in contributing to health plans and standards
Under the direction of the SIDP and in consultation with the beneficiary institution, it has been determined that the salary level for this position be the following:
(This will be determined by QUESTS-MIDA based on qualifications (VI) and level of the assignment (X).
Security and Insurance Modalities:
Health insurance, including evacuation due to medical emergency, will be provided by the project. However, experts will be requested to provide a recent medical certificate stating that they are physically well and apt to work in a hardship area in Africa.
Please note that neither IOM nor UNDP,  according to the contract, will be responsible for the security of the qualified Somali expatriates. The host beneficiary institution will be responsible for the security of the individual.
Before leaving the country of residence and upon arrival in Nairobi or in Somalia, the qualified Somali expatriate will receive a pre-departure briefing including security advice and cultural background.
How to apply
All applicants must apply online through the QUESTS-MIDA website. To start the application process, the applicants are required to register an account with the QUESTS-MIDA website. Go to login and register as a user, then fill the form and create a password to enter in the applications section. Short-listed candidates will be informed of the status of their application. If you encounter any problems when applying, please send an email to

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