Author Topic: How to lose weight?  (Read 26551 times)

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Offline Watson36

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How to lose weight?
« on: August 11, 2011, 01:51:38 PM »
Hello friends...!
Any good exercise tips and good foods to help me lose weight...? If anyone have any tips related to exercise and dieting then please share with me... Thanks in advance..!

Offline Burhaninho

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2011, 02:43:05 AM »
The best and simplest advice i can give you is don't eat until you really feel very hungry and walk and exercise at any opportunity you get. Don't overeat, avoid curbs and take lots of water. Try to find 30 minutes to exercise everyday, not necessarily going to gym but using simple work out plans. Use this website to develop a simple according to your situation. Start small and then you will accomplish a lot.
I hope that information helps.

Offline Bravo

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2011, 03:41:14 AM »
Following are the best weight loss tips
1. Drinking more than 8 glass of water in a day
2. Early morning walk is good for loosing weight
3. Taking exercise for more than half an hour is effective like (Running, Stretching and jogging)
4. Eat balance diet and avoid eating heavy foods like junk food, fast food
5. Use more fruits in diet and drink shakes
6. Drink fresh juices like grape fruit and orange
7. Minimize the amount of other foods and focus more on fruits

Offline Ethen

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2011, 08:06:18 AM »
Hi Watson,
Some more tips to reduce weight are:
Break your meal in 5/6 small meals,
Drink 2 glass of water before every meal,
Prefer raw food over processed food,
Avoid beverages, soda and diet soda and grab fresh juices,
Drink green tea twice in a day,
Do start some exercise, sport or physical work.

Offline awatson

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 12:24:58 PM »
Start some exercise in the morning and in evening.
Avoid fast food and oily food.
Take balance diet and eat fruits.
And last but not the least thing, used Krill Oil it reduce your cholesterol level and make your body fit n slim.
Krill Doctor Professional is the next generation source of Omega-3 fatty acids. We are all well aware of the importance of including Omega 3 fatty acids into our diets.

Offline williams_John

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2011, 10:45:50 AM »
No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:

   - Trade your power mower for a push version.
    -Park your car at the back of the lot.
   - Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.
   - Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.
    -Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
   - Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
   - Take the stairs every chance you get.
    -Sign up for charity walks.
   - Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.

It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt

Offline Kazimierz

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2011, 02:07:17 PM »
Just in 30 minutes a person can easily burn 300 calories,
Walking, Sprinting and adding hills or an incline can burn 180 calories in 30 minutes,
Bicycling and Swimming of 30 minutes can burn 400 to 500 calories.....

Offline Dontae1

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2011, 09:19:45 AM »
Some people say that it is good for health but some people say that we should avoid it and should use vegetables .
 So share with me your ideas. Thanks

Offline Alaskanorth

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2011, 09:47:32 AM »
Thanks for sharing this beautiful tips to lose. Regular exercising and eating lots of vegetables in your regular diet is the best way to lose weight.

sad light box

Offline Alaskanorth

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2011, 12:28:15 PM »
Regular exercise would be helpful in weight loss. Running and swimming is the best exercise to gain healthy body. Eat healthy diet, green vegetables and drink lots of water which could be helpful.

Offline Horace

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2012, 02:06:33 PM »
Hi Watson,
As you have given lots of weight loss tips before and hope you have lost weight also. Some more tips to lose weight effectively.
Maintain a food diary and increase water intake. Watch your diet and look at portion size. Measure your progress and watch your weight. Practice yoga and do exercise, sport or some physical activity.

Offline Virginia

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2012, 12:43:00 PM »

Losing weight has always been mentally and emotionally draining, but with these tips, it will help reduce weight lot faster:

- Eat lots of fruit, preferably before your meals.
- Never drink cold water after eating.
- Tomatoes are known to work wonders.
-  Drinking honey and hot water daily helps to reduce weight faster.
- Drink plenty of green tea.
- Garlic also helps to shed some extra weight.

Offline Blacksubhash

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2012, 05:16:18 PM »
To loose weight everyone should wake up early in the morning
After brush drink water from copper container
do yoga practice like kapalbhati and differnt yogic asanas
regular walking practice for at least half hour.
before starting this regime calculate B M I and other parameters which are high risk tendency towards obesity
Diet should include fibres and salads but avoid fat,fried,sweet and bakery ,icecream products
don't follow fasting method which is hazardous in achieving the goal.
avoid stress,steroids sedentary life style.
take adequete sleep
consult proper clinician for proper assessment of your problem and follow up regularly and sincerly to loose your weight dilemma.

Offline Gavin

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2012, 02:46:48 PM »
Here are some tips for reducing the weight effectively.
Awake up in early morning and go for morning walk.
Do exercises daily.
Do cardio exercises such as running, swimming, jogging, and cycling.
Avoid more cholesterol and fast foods.
Drink more water and fresh fruit juices.
Eat more fresh fruits and raw vegetables.
Take green tea.

Offline Henrywronger

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Re: How to lose weight?
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2012, 02:47:12 AM »
One more way to competently lose heaviness naturally and quickly is to consume healthy nourishment. Eliminating junk nourishment from your diet can greatly minimize heaviness gain. And I am not just conversing about the fast nourishment bistros. Get rid of those bags of chips and frozen pizzas from your home.


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