Overview: Nuru International’s plan to address our partner communities’ healthcare needs is central to our overall, holistic solutions by equipping Community Health Workers to use tailored interpersonal communication, social marketing, and commodity sales for community and individual behavior change. The Healthcare Fellow will partner with the community to identify the community’s needs in prevention and treatment and then design sustainable healthcare system solutions to meet those needs.
Specific Responsibilities: • Train and mentor the Healthcare Program team (including Community Health Workers) • Empower local leaders in the Healthcare Program to continually take ownership of the program • Achieve pre-determined seasonal goals • Adapt and implement healthcare interventions within Nuru’s Community Healthcare Worker (CHW) framework to prevent and mitigate under 5 mortality • Refine CHW trainings and referral and case management systems • Work with the IGA manager to improve the commodity sales system • Develop behavior change communication campaigns • Help to develop new monitoring tools to evaluate impact of the Healthcare Program • Refine existing program metrics to improve accuracy in its reflection of the community poverty level and operational effectiveness • Manage program budget efficiently to meet pre-determined goals • Ensure the Healthcare Program is sustainable and scalable • Expand Healthcare Program coverage by scaling to new communities
Specific Skills and Attributes (additional to the General Requirements for the Nuru Fellows Program): • MPH preferred, or Bachelor of Science in Nursing with RN or NP certificate with equivalent experience • At least 1 – 2 years of experience creating and sustaining healthcare solutions for the poor • Solid quantitative skills and experience with Excel • Prior experience living and working in the developing world • Experience with behavior change communication programs • High commitment to organization’s mission and theory of change
• Strong work ethic • Strong leadership, management and team building experience • Ability to do crisis management and rapid, innovative problem solving in uncertain environments
Application Process: If you are interested in this position, please submit your resume/CV and cover letter to
jobs@nuruinternational.org. Please outline how your skills and experience meet the qualifications of the position, and include how you heard about this opportunity. Please check our Fellows Program Overview at
http://www.nuruinternational.org/fellows for more information.
Application Deadline: Please submit your application as soon as possible; we hire on a rolling basis. Deadline for all applications is November 15, 2011.