Author Topic: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )  (Read 22333 times)

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Offline Abdulrazzak

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Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« on: December 29, 2011, 08:01:28 PM »
Transparent gel from the pulp of the meaty leaves of Aloe vera has been used topically for thousands of years to treat wounds, skin infections, burns, and numerous other dermatologic conditions. Dried latex from the inner lining of the leaf has traditionally been used as an oral laxative.

There is strong scientific evidence in support of the laxative properties of aloe latex, based on the well-established cathartic properties of anthroquinone glycosides (found in aloe latex). However, aloe's therapeutic value compared with other approaches to constipation remains unclear.

There is promising preliminary support from laboratory, animal, and human studies that topical aloe gel has immunomodulatory properties that may improve wound healing and skin inflammation

Constipation (laxative)

Dried latex from the inner lining of aloe leaves has been used traditionally as a laxative taken by mouth. Although few studies have been conducted to assess this effect of aloe in humans, the laxative properties of aloe components such as aloin are well supported by scientific evidence. A combination herbal remedy containing aloe was found to be an effective laxative, although it is not clear if this effect was due to aloe or to other ingredients in the product. Further study is needed to establish dosing and to compare the effectiveness and safety of aloe with other commonly used laxatives.   
Genital herpes

Limited evidence from human studies suggests that extract from Aloe vera in a hydrophilic cream may be an effective treatment of genital herpes in men (better than aloe gel or placebo). Additional research is needed in this area before a strong recommendation can be made.   
Psoriasis vulgaris

Early evidence suggests that an extract from aloe in a hydrophilic cream may be an effective treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. Additional research is needed in this area before a strong recommendation can be made.   
Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea, dandruff)

Early study of aloe lotion suggests effectiveness for treating seborrheic dermatitis when applied to the skin. Further study is needed in this area before a strong recommendation can be made.   
Cancer prevention

There is early evidence that oral aloe may reduce the risk of developing lung cancer. Further study is needed in this area to clarify if it is aloe itself or other factors that may cause this benefit.   
Canker sores (aphthous stomatitis)

There is weak evidence that treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers of the mouth with aloe gel may reduce pain and increase the amount of time between the appearance of new ulcers. Further study is needed before a firm recommendation can be made.   
Diabetes (type 2)

Study results are mixed. More research is needed to explore the effectiveness and safety of aloe in diabetics.   
Dry skin

Traditionally, aloe has been used as a moisturizer. Early low-quality studies suggest aloe may effectively reduce skin dryness. Higher quality studies are needed in this area.   
HIV infection

Without further human trials, the evidence cannot be considered convincing either in favor or against this use of aloe.   
Lichen planus

Limited study suggests that aloe may be a helpful, safe treatment for lichen planus, which is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the mouth. Additional study is needed.   
Skin burns

Early evidence suggests that aloe may aid healing of mild to moderate skin burns. Further study is needed in this area.   
Skin ulcers

Early studies suggest aloe may help heal skin ulcers. High-quality studies comparing aloe alone with placebo are needed.   
Ulcerative colitis (including inflammatory bowel disease)

There is limited but promising research of the use of oral aloe vera in ulcerative colitis (UC), compared to placebo. It is not clear how aloe vera compares to other treatments used for UC.   
Wound healing

Study results of aloe on wound healing are mixed with some studies reporting positive results and others showing no benefit or potential worsening of the condition. Further study is needed, since wound healing is a popular use of topical aloe.   

There is early evidence that oral aloe vera does not prevent or improve mucositis (mouth sores) associated with radiation therapy.   
Pressure ulcers

Early well-designed studies in humans found no benefit of topical acemannan hydrogel (a component of aloe gel) in the treatment of pressure ulcers.   
Radiation dermatitis

Reports in the 1930s of topical aloe's beneficial effects on skin after radiation exposure lead to widespread use in skin products. Currently, aloe gel is sometimes recommended for skin irritation caused by prolonged exposure to radiation, although scientific evidence suggests a lack of benefit in this area.   

Dr. Abdirizak H Mohamed

Offline Shikari43

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Re: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 09:03:27 AM »
For thousands of years, people have relied on the miraculous healing powers of the aloe vera plant to cure what ails them. Used as both a soothing balm and a beauty treatment, skin cream derived from aloe vera is remarkable in that it’s so effective and fast-acting.
How Aloe Vera Affects The Skin
The secret behind aloe vera’s numerous restorative properties and skin health benefits is complicated due to the molecular makeup of the plant itself. Aloe vera acne creams are derived from the more than 300 varieties of aloe found around the world. On average, aloe vera acne creams contain at least 70 key ingredients which repair acne-scarred skin and help to prevent outbreaks in the future. In a nutshell, aloe rejuvenates damaged skin and maintains overall skin health by giving it the nutrients it needs to stay vibrant.

Benefits of Using Aloe Cream
The benefits of aloe vera are most obvious when it’s used as a facial cream to touch up acne damage, remove blemishes, and reduce wrinkles. Aloe creams help the body build up collagen and elastin in the facial area. Proteins such as these are important contributing factors when it comes to maintaining a healthy and youthful-looking complexion. Aloe-based gels can also be used around the eyes to reduce crow’s feet. Lastly, aloe creams and gels can be used on the scalp to reduce dandruff and promote healthier hair.

Offline Abdulrazzak

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Re: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2012, 04:03:36 AM »
look links below  one of leading companies  Aloe  Vera  products
Dr. Abdirizak H Mohamed

Offline Abdulrazzak

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Dr. Abdirizak H Mohamed

Offline Horace

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Re: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2012, 01:59:39 PM »
Hi Abdul,
Great post on benefits of aloe vera and we must add aloe vera in our diet meals.
Aloe vera promotes energy, improves immune system and helps in weight loss. Aloe vera is great for mouth and gums.
Aloe vera lowers cholesterol level and prevent from stroke and cardiovascular disease. Aloe vera helps to cure asthma.

Offline Horace

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Re: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2012, 06:50:05 AM »
Hi Abdul,
Great post on benefits of aloe vera and we must add aloe vera in our diet meals.
Aloe vera promotes energy, improves immune system and helps in weight loss. Aloe vera is great for mouth and gums.
Aloe vera lowers cholesterol level and prevent from stroke and cardiovascular disease. Aloe vera helps to cure asthma.

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Re: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 09:17:06 PM »
I actually have aloe vera plants in my balcony, they are easy to grow and need water every two days.
The main reason I bought it because it really helps with keeping the hair smooth and shiny. It also helps with the growth!
A tip I learnt from indian co-workers and the spa
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Re: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2012, 06:27:29 AM »
I miss Aloe vera "Dacar",,Back home I used to eat it "literally" that made me feel good.....
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Offline Abdulrazzak

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Re: Health Benefit of Aloe Vera ( DACAR )
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2012, 10:37:43 AM »
its more benefits these days  in the market you will see  any kind of ALoe Vera  .... 
Dr. Abdirizak H Mohamed


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