Author Topic: Dadaab needs doctors  (Read 8459 times)

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Dadaab needs doctors
« on: July 09, 2012, 11:05:30 AM »
Dadaab, the largest refugee camp complex in the world, is home to hundreds of thousands fleeing drought and unrest in Somalia. The European Union has given a US $ 11.1 million grant to improve maternal, newborn and child health services in Dadaab.

The grant will enable establishing 1-2 new health clinics in Dadaab. The clinics will be operated in close corporation with UNHCR and The Kenya Red Cross.

Working under the guidance and supervision of the Clinical Services Manager, the Medical Doctor is directly responsible for the provision of curative services to the beneficiaries in Dadaab Refugee Camps.

Key Responsibilities:

* Optimal quality of patient care
* In collaboration with ward nurses, ensure that patients in designated wards receive optimal care through appropriate investigations, management and follow up.
* Perform emergency and elective surgeries in the hospital theatre.
* Run special clinics as per agreed duty rosters with other medical officers.
* Develop or update relevant clinical protocols for use by nurses and refugee staff in the wards and clinics.
* Ensure implementation of universal precautions and infection prevention techniques in the wards and clinics.
* Assist in conducting the quality of care assessments.
* Assist in the training and mentoring of refugee clinical staff.
* Participate in continuous medical education (CME) sessions to build capacity of all staff and improve quality of healthcare services in the camp.

For futher information please visit


Im somali and suddenly proud of it!! (Never seen somali doctors...before) ;)

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