Author Topic: Anatomy of the Breast  (Read 10454 times)

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Anatomy of the Breast
« on: December 15, 2007, 04:54:14 PM »
                                   Anatomy of the Breast
•Exists in both sex
•In the female they are undeveloped before puberty
•In the male they are rudimentary, but there may be slight increase in the size:-
A-at birth B-at puberty C-in response to liver disease D-and estrogenic therapy
                                                      Female breast:-
1-Shape:- varies in different individuals and in the same individual in different age, it may be:-
A-Conical     B-Hemispherical     C-Pendulous     D-or flat
2-Position:- it’s base extends from the 2nd  rib to the 6th  rib and from the sternum medially to the midaxillary line laterally.
•it’s superolateral part extends to the axial forming the Axial Tail
          The Nipple:-
It is conical projection from just below the center of the anterior surface of the Breast.
•it lies at the 4th  intercostal  space in mid calvicular line in Nulliparous female,
•the base of the nipple is encircled by a colored area of the skin called (The Areola) which is pink in colour it becomes Dark in the 2 month of the pregnancy.
                Structure of the Breast:-
     The breast consist of:-
1-Glandular tissues of tubulo alveolar type which contains (15-20 lobes)
2-Fibrous tissues which connecting to the lobes
3-Adipose tissues in the interval between the lobe.
•the glandular tissues consists of (15-20) lobes the lobes composed of lobules which consists of Alveoli the alveoli open in to small lactiferous duct .
        The Breast varies in it’s structure with age:-
1-At birth:- it consists of lactiferous duct (no alveoli present)in the female.
2-At puberty:- The ducts branch the enlargement due to deposition of fat and fibrous tissues
3-After puberty:- the duct develop branches and their ends form small spherical masses (Alveoli) which secrete the milk.
4-During the pregnancy:- true secreting alveoli appear
5-After parturition:- the milk secretion Commence, the alveoli distended and become lining by a single layer of glandular Epithelium.
          Blood Supply of the Breast:-
1-Lateral thoracic artery ------Axillary
2-Internal thoracic artery------Subclavian
3-Acromio thoracic artery
4-Intercostal artery  2nd —5th
          Follows arteries and end in the axillary and thoracic veins
                   Lymph Drainage:-
•Superficial lymphatic drain into subareolar plexus
•Deep lymphatic drain into sub mammary Plexus.
The two plexuses communication ¾ drain to axiallary lymph node.
 ¼ the rest drain to:-
1-Internal Thoracic lymph nodes
2-Media-stinal lymph nodes
3-Extra Peritoneal lymph nodes
     Cutaneous branches of the 4th ,5th ,6th   Thoracic Spinal sympathetic fibres  of the secretion  under control of Ovary and pituitary Gland.
•Ectodermal in origin started at (5th -6th ) weeks
•Developed from Mammary ridge (Milkline) which extend from the Axialla to Inguinal region.
•Inverted nipple

By: Munim

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