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Medical Emergency Response Team - Paramedic / Nurse
« on: December 19, 2014, 05:49:27 PM »

Medical Emergency Response Team – Paramedic/Nurse
Hargeisa, Galkacyo, Garowe, Bossaso
6 (six) months
January 2015


CTG Global is a managed service company specializing in Recruitment, Management Consultancy, Human Resources support services and Monitoring & Evaluation in post disaster and post conflict countries around the world.

CTG Global provides services to humanitarian organizations, government, non-governmental organizations and corporates that enables public and private sectors to focus on their core business and the achievement of their objectives in hostile and threatening environments as we provide a safe and secure environment for them to do so and alleviate them of their risks, crisis and personnel management problems.


Under the administrative management of the Department of Safety and Security and technical management of our client’s Dispensary Physician, Medical Emergency Response Team members will provide a highly mobile rapid emergency medical response capacity capable of providing advanced life support intervention and evacuation to all UN staff and INGO staff whose organizations have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Safety and Security (DSS)


o Provide daily 24hrs emergency medical coverage for UN and INGO staff
o Support the development of the emergency medicine capacity of medical facilities within the humanitarian hubs of assignment
o Provide ongoing emergency first aid training to UN and INGO staff
o Assist with UN planning for response to a mass casualty incident and medical evacuation
o Develop emergency medical training initiatives within national medical facilities at the humanitarian hubs of assignment
o Perform medical briefing for incoming staff

Scope of work/expected output

o Provide 24/7 emergency medical intervention to all UN staff and to INGOs
o Conduct atleast two medical training sessions per month, per location. One monthly session will involve local capacity building for health institutions. One monthly session will be general first aid training for UN AND INGO staff
o Assist with mass casualty training/exercises at UN compounds at locations.
o Assist DSS Officers in drafting and updating mass casualty and medical evacuation plans.

Monitoring and Progress Controls

Paramedics/nurses will provide the secretary with a weekly and monthly morbidity report which will include the following information:
o Training Activities Conducted
o Upcoming Training Activities
o National Medical Capacity Building Projects
o Update on Equipment and Supplies
o Road Missions
o Medical Evacuations
o Patient Assessments Conducted (spread sheet format)

The secretary will compile the information from the four humanitarian hubs and send complete weekly and monthly morbidity reports to the members of the UN Somalia Medical Operational Coordination Group (membership of which presently includes the DSS Project Manager, Dispensary Physician and Operations Representatives)



· Professionally Licensed nurses/paramedics (authorizing body must be cited)

Work Experience

· At least 5 years of experience working in an emergency medical setting in an advanced life support (ALS) role. At least 2 years of experience working in local health care facilities in sub-Saharan Africa
· Basic understanding of adult learning concepts and the development and delivery of emergency medical training courses (including scenario based training)
· Ability to work unassisted in remote locations and perform the following interventions without supervision.

o Use basic airway adjuncts such as OPA, NPA
o Provide airway suctioning
o Perform emergency endotracheal intubation and manual (or mechanical) ventilation (IPPV and APPV)
o Perform pharmacologically assisted intubation
o Provide ongoing monitoring using ECG, SpO2 and End tidal CO2 monitoring equipment
o Pharmacologically treat medical emergencies – hypoglycaemia, anaphylaxis, continuous recurrent seizures, overdose of narcotic drugs, pulmonary oedema, conscious/altered conscious asthma
o Administer narcotic analgesia
o Manage chest pain of cardiac nature using appropriate pharmacological intervention
o Provide appropriate intervention (including pharmacological intervention) for unstable symptomatic patients the following dysrhythmias: ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, electromechanical dissociation, asystole, bradycardia, supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation/flutter with rapid ventricular response, premature ventricular complexes, accelerated idioventricular rhythms, bizarre/unknown rhythms.
o Provide appropriate intervention for patient with inadequate perfusion associated with cardiac chest pain
o Manage a casualty with hypoperfusion associated hypovolaemia/non-hypovolaemia causes
o Provide intravenous and intra-osseous infusion
o Emergency airway – needle crychothyrotomy
o Needle Chest decompression#
o Spinal immobilisation using C-collar, head blocks, spinal board
o Apply traction splint for lower limb closed fractures
o Use of asherman dressing (or similar) for open pneumothorax injury
o Appropriately manage Traumatic Brain Injury with evidence of raised intracranial pressure
o Appropriately manage casualty with large surface area burns for protracted period
o Appropriately manage causualities with traumatic injuries including fractures, blast injury, crush injury, drowning/near drowning, open abdominal injuries etc

· Fluency in oral and written English is required.

Interested candidates should submit their CV along with their application letter via e-mail to with reference to “BHJOB2678_693” in the subject line. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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