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Somalia Nutrition Assessment Consultancy
« on: January 16, 2015, 10:50:30 AM »
THET is leading a scoping assessment of the HRH Nutrition needs on behalf of UNICEF Somalia being undertaken between December 2014 and April 2015 in all 3 zones of Somalia (Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia).

Type and Duration of the contract: There will be one contract with an agency or consultancy for the entire field work covering all 5 locations to be undertaken by a team of two consultants, working intensively over a 4/5 week period. The consultancy size is a maximum of 52 days. This would be 26 calendar days per consultant working together, of which 23 days are expected to be together in the field (covering all 5 locations within the 23 days),plus 1 day induction and 2 days for additional report writing.

Timeline: February - early March 2015 for field work plus report writing in Mid-March

Location of field work: Hargeisa, Boroma, Garowe, Bosasso and Mogadishu

Costs: To be fully inclusive: i.e. to include all transport, security, insurance and accommodation as consultants will be undertaking this independently. THET will not accept any liability for the safety and security for the consultants undertaking this work.

Key accountability: THET Nutrition Advisor and THET Programme Manager

Key activities:

Induction (early February 2015)
Field work in 3 zones and 5 locations as mentioned above (February to early March)
Field work report written against the heading provided by THET, to be written as the field work is happening and to be delivered by mid-March 2015 (date TBA)
Assist in editing, writing and finalising the consultation draft of the final report (mid to late March 2015)
Key activities are detailed on page 7-8 in the detailed description of the scoping assessment.
Key deliverables: 3 and 4 abovePlease see the attached TOR for more details

Submission required: Please submit a short costed proposal outlining your approach for this consultancy plus the CVs of 2 people who would be available to undertake the work and make clear who the accountable organisation would be. In addition, please provide 2 references or testimonials and an example of previous work. Please submit these documents to by 15th January 2015

Download Full Document Here (305 KB)

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