Author Topic: Nursing in Somalia.....  (Read 119946 times)

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Offline Hana

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Nursing in Somalia.....
« on: February 15, 2007, 07:46:59 PM »
I always wanted to go there for work experience, or open a womens clinic anything to contribute to our homeland. I went to a few hospitals to visit while i went on holiday back in 2003. Hargeisa Hospital was better than i thought as they had experienced doctors from abroad who retired there. I asked a female nurse whats the most common emergency you get everyday. She said Diahorrea, suspected Malaria and dehydration. They lacked some of the medicine they needed to prescribe, or it was running out so they had to use it only within the hospital for serious patients.

I asked who pays your salary or is it voluntary? she said some staff are doing it voluntarily and some are being paid by government, paitents. Fair enough but mashallah to those who are doing voluntary work.

next stop was Burco. The hospital just recieved some donations from UK,USA which went to the mental ward. I saw new equipment such as beds, 2 new operating theatres, clinical equipment. Doctors there were well experienced in their late 40's-50's and some students from abroad for work experience. I watched a routine check of a 5 year old having stomach problems the problem was as the hospital was very full some medical examinations are dealt near the reception where there is no privacy, confidentiality.

I have been back since but from what i hear private clinics are more of an option than government ran hospitals, probably because of the holistic approach people prefer.

thats all for now salams

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2007, 09:54:17 PM »
Nothing better than to do good things for someone else everyday!!
Thanks to those doing voluntary jobs and those sending donations from abroad to promote the health services in our country!!
Really I would like to thank you Hana for the great idea of opening a women's clinic there!
By: Dr.Mahdi
"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Nimo

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 08:25:14 PM »
Hello every1...Hana what a good idea to open a women clinic in somalia. I'm a nurse currentlig in Hargeisa doing some volontery work and I can tell u this is the best i have ever done, cauze the one who needs our knowlege/ help most is our people. It gives me a great satisfaction and i'm sad cauze i'm leaving Hg soon to come back to europ...I've been here for 5 months and i can encourage every1 who can come to anywhere in somalia to do it, if not for our people so for getting rewards from God. Allah ayaa jizaai badan ugu badali qofkaas waayo akhirada ayaa ka muhimsan aduunkan. Our country needs us most and u can feel it and se it when u get here, how much u can do. that's what i can say for now.
Allow dalka noo hagaaji

Offline IsseGole

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2007, 09:28:26 PM »
Well said Nimo;
I congratulate that spirit in you and we would like to see many somalian people thinking that way and coming back to somalia to help their people.
I think our sisters like yourself can make the difference.
Thank you again for that spirit and the encouragement.
Ciise Dheere.
Towards a better healthy Somalia!!
Unless all parts of the society participate equally in the health process, nothing could be expected.

Offline Nimo

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2007, 11:22:16 PM »
Sc wr wbr all.
Thks Ciise Dheere, in la is dhiiri galiyo waa waajib ina wada saaran oo keeni karta in uu wadankeenuna hore ugu maro. And this website is making it possible Insha Allah so that we can share our experience and most of it encourage and help each other for the better world we all wish to be a part of.
Allow dalka noo hagaaji

Offline Nimo

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2007, 10:25:19 PM »
Sc wr wbr
As we all know our country needs us and being here is a god feeling but sad at the same time. If we (somalian) want to do something for the country it has to be giving our knowledge to the nye generation. Waxaan u jeeda as we know the money wich is collected in diaspora DON'T always reach to the people it's main to, the corruption is every where so my advice to all somalian that has any education to come and teach schools and universities. Waayo waxbarashada waa ta dhisi karta wadanka iyo dadkaba oo taas loogama baqayo in laga "dhaco" qofka lool. Qofka ayuunbay ku xidhantahay oo isaga ayaa gacanta ku haya knowledgekiisa, and by the way the money is spended very quickly toward knowledge.....How many times have we collected money and it's still not enough. They're so many people who're needy but they never received sad
take care every1 and each other.
Allow dalka noo hagaaji

Offline Hana

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 12:57:47 AM »
Woah nimo thats good u have gone bak home. Im still in my first year so inshallah when we are given the chance to go abroad in the 3rd year I'll go to burco. They usually recommend europe, america and australasia. At first i wanted canada or dubai but its too long way so i'll see inshallah.

Offline IsseGole

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 10:04:05 AM »
Hi all,
That is right Nimo, teaching and giving knowledge is million times better than giving money and food, and no body needs explanation why is that.
Well, you are talking about visiting somalia and volunteering there, but I think I will be going back totally to somalia in about 1 and half years, to work there and help our people. I hope the situation will be better than it is now when I go back.
Thank you.
Ciise Dheere.
Towards a better healthy Somalia!!
Unless all parts of the society participate equally in the health process, nothing could be expected.

Offline Ebyan

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2007, 11:19:25 PM »
hi all.

well said nimo, wax la isa siiyo waxaa ugu wanaagsan cilmi, aqoontana waa nolosha furaheeda, I hope inuu dalkii sidan dhaamo, so we can go back  to home and help our ppl.. Aaamiin.

P.S. welcame back sis

Offline Sweet

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2007, 09:33:29 PM »
كله يهون والله في سبـــــــــــــــــــــــــــبيل رسم ابيتســـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــامه او ازله جزء بسيط من لالم وبمجرد ان يقول المريض جزاك الله خير ويعطيك العافيه

تكون اخذت اجرك والتعب من العمل الشاق راح جرب والله بتحس براحه والنعمه اللي انت عايش فيه بتعرفها قيمتها

Offline Peace

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2007, 11:55:55 AM »
i  love 2 help u ppl ,,,,n u know wt i 'll opein every thing gd for somali .....
p.s am nurs n i love 2 help u  8) 8) 8) 8)PEACE PPL

Offline drmaxamed

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Facts about hargeisa hospital and comments for nurses
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2007, 02:28:11 AM »
i am medical student in 5 yrs in hargeisa hospital but what really hana tell was true but fact is that hargeis hospital is one of best in somalia now but how nurses contribute development is onother issue , all nurses are in voluntary and skillfull thanks to them and they really participate hospitals development we need to have a common sense that allows somali to develop there mother land i am in hargiesa no one can die dehydration i disagree hana that some child coul come hospital simple dirhea then die lack of medicine be sure that hana its really out of fact

we can give rehydration and save lifes as we are profesionalls as our GOD helps to support these people but even though hospital has its all essential drugs ..............
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Offline Geeljire

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2007, 05:48:01 PM »
Hi every one,

This is really encouraging to see people who are concerned about Somalia. I do believe it's great that you want to go there to volunteer in the medical field. Specaily , somaliland is one of the most beautiful places in that part of the world and the people are so warm and friendly. The picture portrayed about Somaliland here in the diaspora and the reality are worlds apart. It's a beautiful, safe and welcoming country.

I do believe there is hope for Somalia, that's our only fuel for trying and asking these discussions. As Nimco and Dr.Ciise stated, that hope lies in education. More specifically hope lies in the opportunity for education.

Opportunities are continually increasing and the more people here are like you who are committed to sharing their knowledge the faster it will progress.

There is an old saying that says, "you can count the number of seeds in an apple, but you can't count the number of apples in a seed."

Great teachers have been planting and will continue to plant these seeds throughout Somalia, and there is no counting the number of brilliant students, teachers, and leaders that will be produced by it.

Somalia is a wellspring of willing minds begging to learn all they can. More and more are realizing their dreams, and those that do realize them will give extraordinary efforts in many different arenas to give aid to those who follow them. They will also set a precedent for their friends and family and especially their children to live up to.

We all have the potential to make contributions similar to this and empower our colleagues, brothers and sisters and enable them to shine and make a difference.

let's keep the discussion going!
Geeljire .

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2007, 03:20:29 AM »
Well said Geeljire & GOD bless our nurses
In Somalia, nurses are only those who are working voluntarily in medical field

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Offline Mutaweli

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2007, 01:20:25 AM »
Wallahi, this is a good encouragement, every Somali student should follow this ways to have some experience in you home country ,we have seen  some foreign student  going to practice in side our societies,  as somalian student we don’t want go back home for work experiences, and help our communities, because of gunman who controls all area of Somali,


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