Do you have a hobby?
It is well known that people with hobbies other than their profession - medicine for example - do much better than people who are only dedicated for medicine.
For instance, hobbies have to be near the profession and helping it in some way. and they have to be allowed by our religion. Time is very important, so hobbies must be effectively time-consuming, I mean it has to be something that participates in our progression and development, and must not be something adored by other cultures and societies that are very different from us.
Let's say Sports, watching and cheering juventus, I dont like to call that a hobby. It is more of a dependance and negativism than a productive hoppy. so now you know my idea of hobbies.
I my self have a hobbie that is a little odd to many of you. it is poetry, arabian poetry and literature in general whether somali, arabic, english, or any thing. so you can see this place is not the perfect place for my hoppy, but it doesn't mean that it is over, hoppies are more than to be countable, others are in progress and many others are in regress.
So I want to hear about you, what is your hobbie?
Thank you
Ciise Dheere