Author Topic: The Future of Our Children Back Home  (Read 29971 times)

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Offline Jamiila RN

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The Future of Our Children Back Home
« on: February 06, 2008, 03:45:33 AM »
Salaam Calaykum , :D
                    This is my First time to Write over here . I would like
                     to introduse myself First . Am Somalilander lady
                     Peadiatric Nurse  at UAE .

                     Well as Peadiatric Nurse  I always think about the kids
                     in our country and the amount of abuse they are having
                     especially in the South becoz of the occupation of our
                      enemies . I would like to know what the Medical Staff
                      are doing to help them out !!!

                   The Hospitals in Somaliland are not in Great condition as well
                    Thats why I blv that we need to do a kind of conference
                     about all these things to orginise our efforts and help

                       What Do U think My PPl ???

Offline Diagnostic

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 01:05:28 AM »
Welcome sister!

The rates of child morbidity and mortality in Somalia remain among the highest in the world. A survey undertaken in 2000, the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) estimates the infant mortality rate (IMR) at 132 per 1000 and under five child mortality rate (U-5MR) at 224 per 1000.

Infectious diseases, notably respiratory infections and diarrhoeal diseases’ are the leading killers of infants and young children, accounting for more than half of all child deaths.

Neonatal tetanus and other birth-related problems also contribute to infant mortality, while measles and its related complications still result in widespread illness and many premature deaths when outbreaks occur.

Malaria continues to pose a serious problem. Only 15 per cent of children under five sleep under a bednet, while only 2 per cent of the bednets used are impregnated.

To reduce this mortality I think we should concentrate on these 2 main points:

A:Child immunization

The level of immunization is still low. The present global immunization coverage of about 30 per cent is far from sufficient to prevent a spread of disease. Only about 10 per cent of children under one have all eight recommended vaccinations.


Malnutrition is a chronic problem in Somalia, with 25 per cent of children underweight (moderate and severe). Poor availability and accessibility of food, mainly due to successive droughts and conflicts, quality of dietary intake, infant feeding practices and inadequate home management practices contribute to the poor nutritional status of children.

In diagnosis think of the easy first.
Martin H. Fischer

Offline Geeljire

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 04:41:49 AM »

                     Am Somalilander lady Peadiatric Nurse  at UAE .

                     Well as Peadiatric Nurse  I always think about the kids
                     in our country and the amount of abuse they are having
                     especially in the South becoz of the occupation of our
. I would like to know what the Medical Staff
                      are doing to help them out !!!

                   The Hospitals in Somaliland are not in Great condition as well
                    Thats why I blv that we need to do a kind of conference
                     about all these things to orginise our efforts and help

                     What Do U think My PPl ???

If you ask me, Somalis are immensely selfish people and I doubt many people would want to waste their lives to build a safe, stable and a happy country for their children to come.

You cannot grow until you unite, join the world global ecenomy, educate your kids and get these silly colonial , qabiilist and racist attitudes out of your population.

There is no realistic alternative. Right now Somalia is falling further and further behind.

If many posters on this board are a reflection of Somalia it has no hope.


Offline Jamiila RN

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 08:16:26 AM »
  Salaaam Calaykum all :D
                  Diagnostic I agree with u totally these 2 are the most important things
                  we need to focus on ;) but is there any Dynamic Plan we can work on?

                  I think that the Somali ppl who are working on fixing  are many but the
                  Problem is that they all work alone coz they might be afraid of the our
                  Somali ppl who likes to discourage any kind of achievements that might
                  happen !!! they worn on it from the  spot of being idea but we should
                   believe more  that the  Dream can be an idea and the idea can be Fact
                  It needs only  the believe and the Hard work.<----- its my time to Preach ;D

                   Seriously I do believe that we can do more than this!! we just need to learn
                  How to chare and work together. :)

                                 Thanks for the great informations walaaal


Offline Jamiila RN

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 08:29:35 AM »
:) Salaam Calaykum Geeljiire

             Thanks for the nice replay but  Nothing can hold u back if U want to achieve
              Somthing  for yrself thats what I blv in walaaal

             We are muslim we have to be optimistic toward the Future and we r the generation
              that have the most responsibility to work on our country.. its Yr Duty since Allaah
             Gave the opportunity to get the Education to work on the next generation and
              to achieve whatever u dreamt about in yr Country step by step. U should have
               clear vision and mission in Life to  work on that .. :)

                                              Cheer up brother

                                                              Thanks for the replay ;)

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2008, 03:56:38 AM »
Please let this forum be clean from hatred and tribalism...
We come here to meet and get benefit from each other & we should remember that this is just a professional forum.
This is question for all:
We all agree that every muslim is your brother, right
what about if this muslim speaks your language and share with you the same culture?

Pharmacist is highly-trained and skilled healthcare professional who perform various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for his patients.

Offline Geeljire

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2008, 02:14:19 PM »
  We are the generation that have the most responsibility to work on our country.

I agree.


Offline Jamiila RN

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2008, 12:42:51 AM »
Please let this forum be clean from hatred and tribalism...
We come here to meet and get benefit from each other & we should remember that this is just a professional forum.


 :o :o   Since Am the one who wrote this Subject so I assume that u r Pointing at Me with this sentence
           well my brother  who spoke about tribalism  over here  or is the Fact that I mentioned
           Somaliland had urge u to say this word because if its u r the one who carries it in you
           becoz simply when u  dont accept the other Part as being individual it means there is Somthing
           Wronge !!!!

          Geeljire thanks for the Replay walaal

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Re: The Future of Our Children Back Home
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 02:35:06 PM »
Sister, don't be so sensitive and don't understand me wrong
I was telling everyone to avoid hatred and tribalism & I was also assuring what my brother geeljire mentioned before......

Tribalism is back word thinking i hate it i can't stand it.

Pharmacist is highly-trained and skilled healthcare professional who perform various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for his patients.


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