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Zendani and HIV??
« on: February 18, 2007, 09:38:00 PM »
Dear Dr Mahdi, thank you for the question, I was coming to that part.
2 months ago, we attended a lecture presented by Sh. Abdulmajid Al-Zendani himself, and some of our doctors at the university who worked with him in the great discovery, unknown so far, about the treatment of HIV/AIDS, it is not a vaccine but a treatment.
They presented the details of their study, I dont exactly remember of the numbers of the cases but at first they were about 20 but now they are more than 200 I think.
It was a big show in the world of HIV/AIDS that was unexpected specially from a country like YEMEN and specially from a man who is a pharmacist but not with that much access to science and laboratories.
In a major breakthrough in the world of medicine, head of the Yemeni Iman University Sheikh Abdul Majid Al Zendani said that he and his scientific team discovered an herbal drug which can cure AIDS. He added that around 15 HIV carriers were cured after they regularly took this medicine in a period ranging between three months and one year, pointing out that the tests conducted on the sample group after the treatment course proved that they became free from the virus. (qoute from
Mr Zendani, who was talking to us with a great triumph and sense of victory, said that this was with the help of Allah. He said that this medicine was mentioned in the Hadith alsharif 1400 years ago. and, as he seemed, was trying to get muslims some honor and sense of importance from participating in the world's accelerating movements in the world of medicine. He was right about that. the attendant at the hall was screeming with the world Allahu Akbar and was very glad to be there in this historical moment.
Unfotunately, The Sheikh, refused to publish or to give any details about the nature of the medicine unless he gets a patent from the world health quarters. He called out all pharmaceuticals and WHO in the world to see this and be sure by their selves, but apparently they are less concerned about this discovery, in an attempt to underestimate every thing related to our world and seemigly less interested in saving the world from this exterminating pandemic, HIV/AIDS.
The study, as the scientific teem (our doctors) mentioned, was fulfiling the criteria of studies. the percentage of improvement was far away from expectations, as nearly all patients got improved and was seen healthy and the serum PCR was almost negative in a few months, all that with the less compliance of some patients and the missing of appointments, as the medicine was not allowed to get out of the building that the research was taking place in.
The sheikh told us about the beginning of this. He said that a woman, western woman, was being told about islam and asked to be a muslim, when, she was discovered to be infected with the virus after being muslim. He, zendani, told that woman to take a drug, a syrup as was implied, and a month later she was reexamined to find the shocking news. she was perfectly healthy and negative serum was repeatedly being found.
Here, after that success, he told this about some doctors and one thing lead to another, till this study started and here we are today with a great hope and promise to find a way out of this pandemic.
The doctors in somehow explained the mechanism of action of this medicine. But, unfortunately, I can not remember it. Our fellow doctors in yemen who were present at the historical moment can tell us about it if they remember. Any way, hopefully and trustfully, we will see about that in the coming months.
When we thought about the Hadith he was talking about, we couldn't think of any one else but the Hadith about ALxabbatu alsowdaa', which is treatment for any disease except death. But no one knows for sure about that and the exact way he used it and the preparations he added. It is important to mention that this medicine is not recent and he used it for many years for different diseases and he, as we were told, found promising results from all.
That is, in brief, what I know about the HIV/AIDS treatment that the media was talking about as you heard all.
The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in yemen is now increasing due to many associated factors such as globalization, less public awareness, refugees from africa (mostly ethipian as was told by the center of HIV control and prevention in yemen), the late detection of the problem after infecting as many as possible, and many others. As countries like yemen, the community is very preservative regarding things like HIV and talking about it is dispised by many, this can be a difficult thing to pass in the presence of weak desire to control the problem. But still there is no reliable data about it, and any number you see in the internet or in the page of WHO can not be true, as the disease is less from what they say in some how and can be more. Still there is not sufficient treatment and ART available for patients, and like zero support of patients, who because of this may become violent and try to infect others.
Any question I am ready for, but I ask other medical students in yemen to finish what I forgot, and to reply on the subject as time and effort was lost in it, so it needs motivation and encouragement. thank you all.

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Re: Zendani and HIV??
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 06:21:01 PM »
Thanks Dr. Ciise Dheere for your reply About Zandani's discovery
We are waiting more events about that discovery
By: Dr.Mahdi
"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."