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Offline IsseGole

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Answer this!!
« on: February 19, 2007, 10:00:59 PM »
Salamu calaykum
This is a question; Do you think teaching medicine would be different if we were the dominators of the world? I mean if the world would have continued the period of Andalusia, as every body knows these days we as muslims were the heads of knowldge and civilization in the whole world, and there were universities and scientists in all muslim world while europe was sleeping in the dark ages and diseases.
Well you see my point, Do you think it would have been better or worse? do you think europians delayed the human development or they accelerated it when they overtook what we had? just what do you think?
Thanks for visiting and asnwering in advance!!
Ciise Dheere

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2007, 04:33:27 PM »
Good Question?!
First of all, I am sure 100% if we were the dominators of the world as you said! and we are the drivers of this knowledge and civilization train most of the diseases which are known today will no longer exists?!!
You ask me how?!
Because our great religion automatically bans the causes of this diseases in our shari'a as it's stated in our comprehensive Book of Medicine (Holy Kuran)
I will give you an example:
All the STDs will no longer exists as it's rate today!!
All the diseases transmitted OFR (oral faecal route)!!
All the psychological diseases will hardly known today!!
the list goes on!!
The causes of all those diseases are prevented and cured in our Prophetic Medicine!!
but the other question that needs to be answered is:
what our ancient muslims those who lived in andalus have done in medical history?
let me tell you their contributions for example:
They translated most of foreign sources into Arabic ( 7th and 8th centuries)
From (9th through the 13 centuries) was the stage of excellence in which the Islamic physicians were the leaders like (Ibn Al-Nafis, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) was known in the West as "the prince of physicians." and more known physician world wide in that golden centuries.
Who discovered the pulmonary circulation?!
Who had the ability to practice medicine and surgery as well?!
who named public health, preventive medicine as part of medicine? and listed the well known seven principles for the preservation of health!!
Who defined fever and claasified into the known types today like continuous, relapsing, and hectic!!
Who treated measles and smallpox?!!
I can't list all the discoveries here but try
To know more about discoveries by the hand of our great muslim physicians check this article
"Today's Western world might look very different without the legacy of Muslim scholars in Baghdad, Cairo, Cordoba, and elsewhere."
By: Dr.Mahdi
"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline IsseGole

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2007, 11:18:45 AM »
Thank you very much dr mahdi;
I was not expecting actually such an answer, it exceeded my expectations, so thank you
I hope students dont forget who they are and where they came from
the truth is that our religion is like a constitution of health, since it protects us from every harm, good for us if we stick to it.
thank you
Ciise Dheere
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Offline Ladan

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 06:27:06 PM »

Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa "Gaal dil gartiisana sii"

No one is denying the contributions of Muslim scientists and physicians to medicine but what many Muslims tend to ignore or purposefully forget is most of those Muslim scholars acquired some of those knowledge from Greek civilizations. Islamic civilization brought many things to science but Western civilization flourished more after them.
Would Medicine has been where it is today if Islamic civilization continued? I don't know and I would even go as far as say none of us would know but looking how most world's knowledge is, I would say Medicine and science would've died centuries ago.

Dr. Mahdi,
Just cause Islam bans or prohibits certain things does not equate to full prevention or eradications of diseases. Compare life expectancies of western world and Muslim world and see what you get. Besides Oral-fecal route diseases are almost unheard of Western world and you know why? its not because of Quran but their advancement of Science.

Offline IsseGole

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2007, 11:25:56 AM »
Hi all;
Dear Ladan, thank you for expressing your opinion, but I simply disagree with you.

Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa "Gaal dil gartiisana sii"

No one is denying the contributions of Muslim scientists and physicians to medicine but what many Muslims tend to ignore or purposefully forget is most of those Muslim scholars acquired some of those knowledge from Greek civilizations. Islamic civilization brought many things to science but Western civilization flourished more after them.
Would Medicine has been where it is today if Islamic civilization continued? I don't know and I would even go as far as say none of us would know but looking how most world's knowledge is, I would say Medicine and science would've died centuries ago.

Dr. Mahdi,
Just cause Islam bans or prohibits certain things does not equate to full prevention or eradications of diseases. Compare life expectancies of western world and Muslim world and see what you get. Besides Oral-fecal route diseases are almost unheard of Western world and you know why? its not because of Quran but their advancement of Science.

We are all sure that when Muslim societies some 500 years ago started declining and stopped creating and advancing their own civilization, but instead they were very busy in Adunyo and other silly things. When that happened, it was the beginning of the end for them.
When you say science and medicine would have died centuries ago, I would expect a western person to say such a thing but a somali muslim person, No. Sorry but it seems that you are some what pre-occupied by other ideas. What the Quran banned and prohipited was taking a good part in the control of diseases in the muslim civilizations. I wont go far for examples and evidences as I think it is unnecessary.
life expectancies of the west world and the lack of orofacial diseases there is not evidence of any thing. There is no one who doesn't know what the west did to our countries in the 19th century when they colonized all africa and the third world, ofcourse the west was never fair about any thing, now they use africa as a grave for their wastes, and they rob arab's patrol, they do every thing to make the world unstable, to make us die of hunger, poverty, disease, and ignorance. If they had the intention, they would have done something about it decades ago, but no, they want it this way. They may do some thing right but only for the sake of their own populations, and under the pressure of their societies, but because of us, it never happened.
I would never expect a somalian person and african person to not see it this way, it is bizarre.
The west advanced science and medicine, no body denies it, but I am saying that when we compare it with the bad things they did too, it is even.
This is not some kind of conspiracy theory, but the history teaches us lessons, and if we dont take advantage of it, then we are Magudbayaal.
Please dont accept every thing you are told by the television.
yours sincerely.
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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2007, 07:56:31 AM »
Sure, the answer is a big "YES" and I agree with Admin
The Muslim doctor shares with the Muslim patient the two main characteristics:
the faith in God and destiny, and the conviction that there is a cure for every disease.

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2007, 02:47:27 PM »
well,yup Muslims were the torchbearers when it comes to not only medicine but all science from geometry to oceanography to the water cycle.... and no book is a better equiped to answer all scientific questions that the Holy Quran...did u watch Dr.Zakir Naik having that famous argument with Dr. Campbell?? i think the title of that debate was QURAN AND THE BIBLE IN THE LIGHT OF SCIENCE....

Offline Sumayya

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2007, 01:34:24 PM »

Salaama Caleikum

It is true that you can find a lot of answers from the Holy Quran for example issues that speak about science and so on. I tried to watch sometimes Dr.Zakir Naik lectures but i have to say i dont get what  he is saying. I mean his english accent is very difficult to understand  :-\. I usually listen sheikhs like Yasir Qadhi, Siraj Wahhaj Khalid Yasin and so on. If you want to find out more about them go to

Offline XaajiMaxamed

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2008, 06:34:23 PM »
Asalaamu Alaikum

I think the field of Medicine would have seen a much greater advancement than now if the Muslim State was stable. Because, as you know, Islam teaches us to take into consideration the whole creation of Allaah not only ourselfves or one race for instance. While putting what is liked by Allah and what is pleasing to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala).

Yours in the Service of Al-Islaam,

Offline Mustafa

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Re: Answer this!!
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2008, 11:37:21 AM »
Salam all,

I agree that there is a serious question out there that has not been sufficiently addressed. Sure, Muslims have claimed several accolades as proof of their contribution to scientific prowess. But what contribution have We as muslims  made to civilization and science in the 20th - and now the 21st - century?
There is no doubt that our contribution in proportion to the world's population is highly questionable. I believe that much of the blame can be attributed to muslims' poor attitude towards science and the understanding of science, technology and the policies as well as allocation of resources to education and research by those in power.

I believe that the known era of the remarkable contributions by muslims was that of pre-renaissance. During that era, muslims contributed works to every scientific field, from mathematics to astronomy. The impact of science and technology on Islamic civilization has been the recognition of the contributions of muslim scientists in the pre-renaissance era, accelerating the renaissance by at least 100 years in Europe.

Today we face many obstacles in our struggle to return to that eminence. One such obstacle might be the fact that the languages of the muslim lands have not been modernized, causing a separation between those dialects and the scientific language of our times. For example, recently a forum member has asked about the translation of hormone in Somali language. Today Hormone in Arabic is simply Hormoon. A deplorable case for the Arab muslim thinkers in the field of the Arabic language which I personally see as an immense failure.

This was not the case in early Islamic civilization, with the rendering of scientific concepts and results in Arabic being very precise and forming the basis in translated works. The scientists of that period understood sciences, even when reading in languages other than Arabic, enough to render it in Arabic precisely.

Another obstacle that stands in our way is getting started on this path. Because there is either a lack of interest or finances going towards scientific research and study on the part of muslim countries. Many scholars are strapped with inadequate instruments by which to perform their various fields of research. In the end, this has caused some of the greatest muslim thinkers to migrate to western countries such as Dr. Ahmed Zewail, who won the 1999 Nobel Prize.

At the time that science and technology thrived among the muslims, they were inspired by the Islamic spirit in the quest for knowledge, and often were supported with appropriate resources in the Muslim lands. These two things have to happen again. Our dicatatorial states who claim to be helpful for their people should intense activity in science and technology.

We need a reawakening among the muslim thinkers. This can be achieved by being inpsired by the Quranic inspirtion ( Iqra'!!!! and many other verses as well as many authentic sayings of the Prohet Muhammed PBUH.)

It will take us what it took our  early Muslims . A quest for knowledge, knowing the knowledge as it exists regardless of its source and having the drive to discover and make a contribution to civilization.

Wa salam




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